Relationship between volumetric flow rate and pressure

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of a pressure fed system for a liquid rocket engine and the challenges in determining the flow rate with known pressure and pipe dimensions. The formula Q = v*A is mentioned, but it is not applicable in this scenario. The conversation suggests using the equation Q = Cd * A * sqrt(2 dP / rho) for flow through a nozzle or orifice, but it may not be useful for piping loss. The importance of knowing both the inlet pressure and discharge point backpressure is emphasized, and a reference for piping loss analysis is recommended.
  • #1
Roy S Ramirez
Hello everybody,

This is my first post. I've been working on a liquid rocket engine for a while, but I have never gotten to work on its feed system (fluid mechanics), until recently. We are using a very simple pressure fed system, and its main goal is to deliver the propellants at a specific flow and pressure to the engine. I know that Q = v*A, but this doesn't help me that much since I can't "set" the velocity of the pressurized propellants. Nevertheless, I do know their pressures and the cross sectional area of the pipes. I tried to derivate that formula to come up with another one that includes pressure, but even though the units are correct, I don't think it is correct. This is the other formula I know: Q = Cd * A * sqrt(2 dP / rho), where Cd is the discharge coefficient, dP the pressure drop, and rho, the fluid density. Sadly, dP is not very useful here neither.

So in summary, my question is: if I have a pipe of x diameter coming out from a tank with a pressure of y (assuming I know the physical properties of this fluid), what would it be its resulting flow, and how can I change it?
Roy S. Ramirez
Engineering news on
  • #2
The last equation you gave is for flow through a nozzle or orifice, it does not apply for a piping loss. Regardless of that, you must know the pipe inlet pressure and discharge point backpressure to determine the flow with all piping loss analyses as well. The basic starting point for general piping systems if the backpressure at the piping discharge point is not known is to assume atmospheric pressure; although, if you are designing piping for a rocket motor fuel line then that will not get you very far because your backpressure is going to be determined by either the fuel discharge nozzle or the engine chamber operating pressure.
  • #3
Roy, for a basic reference on piping loss analysis I recommend that, if possible, you locate a copy of the "Standard Handbook For Mechanical Engineers" by Baumeister & Marks which has a section covering this type of analysis including a sample calculation.
  • #4
JBA said:
Roy, for a basic reference on piping loss analysis I recommend that, if possible, you locate a copy of the "Standard Handbook For Mechanical Engineers" by Baumeister & Marks which has a section covering this type of analysis including a sample calculation.
Thank you very much JBA!

FAQ: Relationship between volumetric flow rate and pressure

1. What is the relationship between volumetric flow rate and pressure?

The relationship between volumetric flow rate and pressure is known as the Bernoulli's principle. According to this principle, as the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure decreases and vice versa.

2. How does increasing the flow rate affect the pressure?

Increasing the flow rate of a fluid will result in a decrease in pressure. This is because, as the fluid moves faster, the pressure decreases due to the Bernoulli's principle.

3. Can pressure affect the volumetric flow rate?

Yes, pressure can affect the volumetric flow rate. An increase in pressure will result in a decrease in flow rate, while a decrease in pressure will result in an increase in flow rate. This is due to the inverse relationship between pressure and flow rate according to Bernoulli's principle.

4. How is the relationship between volumetric flow rate and pressure used in real-life applications?

The relationship between volumetric flow rate and pressure is used in various real-life applications, such as in pipes and pumps. In pipes, the pressure is used to control the flow rate of water or other fluids. In pumps, the pressure is used to increase the flow rate of fluids.

5. Is the relationship between volumetric flow rate and pressure always true?

The relationship between volumetric flow rate and pressure is a fundamental principle of fluid mechanics and is generally true. However, there may be some exceptions in certain situations, such as in compressible fluids or when there are external forces acting on the fluid.

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