Relationship of acceleration of masses in pulley

In summary, Homework Equations: 1) Masses are connected by fixed and free pulleys. 2) The masses move with different accelerations. 3) The displacement of the masses can be found by solving equations.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the relationship of acceleration between the masses, m1, m2 and m3 where m1>m2>m3.

The question has a free pulley in the left attached to mass m1. then goes through a fixed pulley , through a free pulley that is attached to m2 and then through a fixed pulley, with the end of the string attached to mass m3.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

my professor came up with: a1-a2+2(a3)=0 while i came up with 2(a1)-2(a2)-a3=0
Physics news on
  • #2
Without a drawing it's difficult to "see" the setup.
What "goes" through a fixed pulley? Not the free pulley, I suppose.
Isn't the rope attached to a wall or ceiling on the left?
  • #3
heres the image


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  • #4
Are you allowed to use a Lagrangian? Or just N2L?
  • #5
(Also, that would be good info to put under relevant equations)
  • #6
I think m3 have the larger acceleration so your equation looks better to me.
However the signs do not look so good.
If both m1 and m2 move with the same acceleration (downwards for example) it would result that a3 is zero which is not what happens.
  • #7
m1 and m2 cannot both move downward. the only way m1 can move down is if m2 moves up, giving m1 the freedom to move down (it can't move down without taking the rope with it)
  • #8
Yes, they can. They both "take rope" from m3 which moves up.
It depends on the masses.
  • #9
Hmmm... somehow I neglected the fact that m1 and m2 were held up via pulleys attached to them... sorry about that.
  • #10
as per my prof's explanation, we are allowed to assume any sensible motion for the masses. so here, both equations assume m2 and m3 are moving up while m1 is moving down. The general method to solve these equations, as per my prof's suggestion, is to find the displacement. So, for the following question, 2(x2)=x1+x3, which when differentiated becomes 2(a2)=(a1)+(a3)


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  • #11
But this is a different problem. Are you done with the first one?
  • #12
im just saying they both are related in the way we solve them. This question's answer is certain but not the first one. I posted the question so that you get the idea of it.
  • #13
also, i recently found out that m1=16kg, m2=8kg, m3=2kg

FAQ: Relationship of acceleration of masses in pulley

1. What is the relationship between acceleration and masses in a pulley system?

The relationship between acceleration and masses in a pulley system is directly proportional. This means that as the mass of the objects on each side of the pulley increases, the acceleration of the system also increases.

2. How does the number of pulleys affect the acceleration of masses in a pulley system?

The number of pulleys in a system does not affect the acceleration of the masses. The acceleration is determined by the mass of the objects and the force applied to the system.

3. How does friction affect the acceleration of masses in a pulley system?

Friction can have a significant impact on the acceleration of masses in a pulley system. It can cause the system to slow down, as some of the applied force is used to overcome friction. This can result in a decrease in acceleration.

4. What is the difference between acceleration in a single pulley versus a multiple pulley system?

In a single pulley system, the acceleration of the objects will be equal to the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2). In a multiple pulley system, the acceleration can be greater than or less than 9.8 m/s^2, depending on the arrangement of the pulleys and the forces applied to the system.

5. How does the direction of the applied force affect the acceleration of masses in a pulley system?

The direction of the applied force will determine the direction of the acceleration in a pulley system. If the force is applied in the same direction as the motion of the objects, the acceleration will be positive. If the force is applied in the opposite direction, the acceleration will be negative.
