Relationship of Gradients to Work, PE and KE

In summary, we discussed the relationship between work, potential energy, and kinetic energy in classical mechanics and how it relates to calculus. We explored how forces can be expressed as gradients and how this leads to the concept of total energy being constant along the trajectory of a particle. We also looked at the work-energy theorem and how it relates to the potential difference between the endpoints of a trajectory. Overall, a basic understanding of calculus, particularly vectors and derivatives, is necessary for understanding classical mechanics. However, more advanced concepts like double integrals and curl may also be encountered in undergraduate courses.
  • #1
I am having a hard time relating work, potential energy and kinetic energy with my knowledge of calculus. I have a feeling that it somehow relates to gradients, is that correct? If so; how would you relate gradients to those concepts? And why is it that now derivatives are being taken with respect to position as opposed to time? If position doesn't change with respect to time, couldn't I just specify that? I can do all the calculations because I have my notes with some equations, but I want to understand those concepts in a more general setting.

Also, how much calculus is needed to achieve an understanding of all of classical mechanics in a general fashion? I din't know any calculus when I first learned about velocity, acceleration, forces, etc (high school). And now I realize how much clearer your perspective of physics can be with an intuitive knowledge of calculus. But I've only been as far as gradients. Should I take a look at double integrals, curl, gradient fields and the like? Am I going to run into those later in my undergraduate classical mechanics course? Which, by the way, is completely based on calculus.

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  • #2
For classical mechanics the most important part of calculus are vectors and derivatives. Concerning vector analysis it's enough to know the gradient to begin with.

Suppose you consider a problem, where a point particle moves in some force field (e.g., a planet in the gravitational field of the sun). Then the force is a function of position of the particle, and you have to solve Newton's equation of motion, which is of the form
[tex]\frac{\mathrm{d}^2 \vec{x}}{\mathrm{d} t^2}=\vec{F}(\vec{x}).[/tex]
I also assumed that [itex]\vec{F}[/itex] doesn't depend explicitly on time.

Now many forces can be written as the gradient of a potential, i.e.,
[tex]\vec{F}(\vec{x})=-\vec{\nabla} V(\vec{x}).[/tex]
The gradient in Cartesian coordinates is given by the partial derivatives, i.e.,
\partial_x V \\ \partial_y V \\ \partial_z V
Consider [itex]\vec{x}(t)[/itex] to be a solution of Newton's equation of motion. The time derivative of the potential, when you plug in this solution reads (according to the chain rule for functions of more than one variable):
[tex]\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d} t} V[\vec{x}(t)]=\frac{\mathrm{d} \vec{x}}{\mathrm{d} t} \cdot \vec{\nabla} V[\vec{x}(t)]=-\vec{v}(t) \cdot \vec{F}[\vec{x}(t)].[/tex]
Here, I've used that [itex]\vec{v}=\mathrm{d} \vec{x}/\mathrm{d} t[/itex] is the velocity of the particle along its trajectory.

Now consider the following derivative
[tex]\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d} t} \vec{v}^2(t)=2 \vec{v} \cdot \frac{\mathrm{d} \vec{v}}{\mathrm{d} t}=2 \vec{v} \cdot \frac{\mathrm{d}^2 \vec{x}}{\mathrm{d} t^2}.[/tex]
Now, multiplying the equation of motion with [itex]\vec{v}[/itex] and using our two derivatives calculated above we find
[tex]\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d} t} \left (\frac{m}{2} \vec{v}^2 \right )=-\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d} t} V(\vec{x}).[/tex]
Bringing both sides of the equation together gives
[tex]\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d} t} \left (\frac{m}{2} \vec{v}^2 + \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d} t} V(\vec{x}) \right )=0[/tex]
along the trajectory of the particle.

This equation tells us that the quantity
[tex]E=\frac{m}{2} \vec{v}^2 +V(\vec{x})[/tex]
is constant along the trajectory of the particle. This quantity is called total energy, and the first term is the kinetic (because it contains the velocity) and the second term is the potential energy (because it derives from the scalar potential of the force).

Now, the work done on the particle when moving is defined by
[tex]W=\int_{t_1}^{t_2} \mathrm{d} t \; \vec{v}(t) \cdot \vec{F}[\vec{x}(t)].[/tex]
Comparing the integrand with the above derivative of the potential gives
[tex]W=-\int_{t_1}^{t_2} \mathrm{d t} \; \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d} t} V[\vec{x}(t)]=-\{V[\vec{x}(t_2)]-V[\vec{x}(t_1)] \}.[/tex]
Thus, for a force which is derivable as the gradient of a scalar potential, the work done is given by the potential difference between the endpoints of the trajectory (up to a sign).

I hope this helps to understand the interrelations between the various quantities related to energy.

FAQ: Relationship of Gradients to Work, PE and KE

1. What is the relationship between gradients and work?

The relationship between gradients and work is that gradients represent the rate of change in a physical quantity over a distance. In order to do work, an object must move through a distance, which means it is affected by a gradient. The steeper the gradient, the more work is required to move through that distance.

2. How do gradients relate to potential energy (PE)?

Gradients are directly related to potential energy. The steeper the gradient, the more potential energy an object has. For example, a ball at the top of a hill has a high gradient and thus a high potential energy. As the ball rolls down the hill, the gradient decreases and the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.

3. What is the connection between gradients and kinetic energy (KE)?

Gradients are indirectly related to kinetic energy. As an object moves through a distance, it is affected by a gradient. This gradient determines the amount of work required to move the object, and work is directly related to kinetic energy. Therefore, steeper gradients require more work and thus result in higher kinetic energy.

4. Can gradients be used to calculate work, PE, and KE?

Yes, gradients can be used to calculate work, PE, and KE. The formula for calculating work is W = Fd, where F is the force and d is the distance. Gradients represent the change in a physical quantity over a distance, so they can be used to calculate the distance an object moves. This distance can then be plugged into the work formula. Similarly, potential energy and kinetic energy formulas also involve distance and can be calculated using gradients.

5. How are gradients and work, PE, and KE applied in real-life situations?

Gradients and their relationship to work, PE, and KE are applied in numerous real-life situations. For example, engineers use gradients to design roller coasters and other amusement park rides that require a certain amount of work to move the carts through the ride. Gradients are also used in sports, such as cycling and skiing, to determine the amount of work required for an athlete to move through a certain distance. In physics and engineering, gradients are used to calculate the potential and kinetic energy of objects in motion.
