Relative Density of metal powder

In summary, if you want to measure the relative density of metal powder, you need to know the bulk density of the metal, mix it with the desired powder density, and then measure the results.
  • #1
How can I determine relative density of solids in powdered form? or in other word... How do you determine relative density of metal powder... Thank you..
Physics news on
  • #2
That depends on the powder,the shape of the individual particles and what you do with the powder. If you know the bulk density, multiply it with the density of your metal (as solid object).
  • #3
Thank you very much for the prompt reply mfb. To be more precise, in my experiment... I would like to determine the relative density of 57 micron (spherical shape) Stainless Steel 316L powder... After poured inside a container, the bulk density is around 3000 kg/m^3. Since the density of 316L powder is 8000 kg/m^3, so the relative density should be 3000/8000 which is 0.375… Is it correct? Regarding your comment, how the shape of individual particle and what I do with the powder will affect the result? Thank you again….
  • #4
That looks correct.

Imagine a powder consisting of small cubes of equal size: With good tools, you can arrange them one by one to fill the whole space with the cubes. But if you just fill some container, they will arrange somewhat randomly and have a lot of free space between them. If you then shake this container carefully, they tend to fill some of these spaces and get a higher density.
Now you have three different densities, depending on your handling of the powder.

With spheres, the highest possible density is ~75%.
With irregular shapes, it is often lower, as they can block each other in many ways.
  • #5
And a mixture of big and small spheres can be more dense than just big spheres. For a reliable answer I reckon you have to measure samples and keep checking that the mix is consistent between batches.
  • #6
Thank you very much mfb and sophiecentaur for the answers... I really appreciate them..

FAQ: Relative Density of metal powder

1. What is relative density and how is it measured?

Relative density, also known as specific gravity, is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference material. In the case of metal powder, the reference material is typically water. Relative density is measured by comparing the weight of a given volume of metal powder to the weight of the same volume of water. This ratio is then multiplied by the density of water (1 g/mL) to obtain the relative density of the metal powder.

2. How does the particle size affect the relative density of metal powder?

The particle size of metal powder can have a significant impact on its relative density. Generally, smaller particles tend to have higher relative density due to their increased surface area and packing efficiency. However, the shape of the particles can also play a role in relative density, as irregularly shaped particles may not pack together as tightly as spherical particles.

3. What factors can cause variations in the relative density of metal powder?

There are several factors that can cause variations in the relative density of metal powder. These include particle size, shape, and composition, as well as the method of production and handling of the powder. Additionally, the presence of impurities or air pockets within the powder can also affect its relative density.

4. How is relative density used in the manufacturing of metal components?

Relative density is an important factor in the manufacturing of metal components, as it can influence the strength, durability, and other properties of the final product. Manufacturers may use the relative density of metal powder to determine the appropriate amount of powder to use in a particular process, as well as to ensure consistency and quality control in their products.

5. Can relative density be used to identify different types of metal powder?

In some cases, yes, relative density can be used to identify different types of metal powder. However, it is not always a reliable method of identification, as other factors such as particle size and shape can also affect the relative density of a powder. Other techniques, such as X-ray diffraction or chemical analysis, may be necessary for accurate identification of metal powders.
