How Does Wind Affect an Airplane's Flight Path?

In summary, the given information states that an airplane is flying due west at a speed of 900 km/h and is facing winds of 300 km/h from the northeast. To determine the direction of the plane relative to the ground, draw a vector 300 units long pointing southwest and another vector 900 units long pointing west. The resultant ground speed can be measured in the westerly direction, and the direction the plane needs to fly to maintain its course can be determined from the second vector. To find the plane's ground speed, use the equation D=v/t and to calculate the flying time between two cities 500 km apart, use the equation a^2+b^2=c^2 and the given information about the plane's speed
  • #1

Homework Statement

An airplane maintains a heading due west at an air speed of 900km/h. it is flying through a hurricane with winds of 300km/h, from the northeast. which direction is the plane movie relative to the ground
b.what is the planes ground speed?
c. how long would it take the plane to fly from one city to another 500km away , along the path in a.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Physics news on
  • #2
Did you attempt the question? If you're stuck, remember to draw a diagram first.
  • #3
ideasrule said:
Did you attempt the question? If you're stuck, remember to draw a diagram first.

I drew it but i couldn't post it on the question. i have and arrow pointing west and an arrow pointing southwest

Can you give me step by step instructions on solving these problems?
  • #4
This is what you know:

The resultant direction is West.
The plane has a speed of 900 km/h.
The wind speed is 300 Km/h heading southwest.

So, you draw one vector 300 units long southwest.
At the end of this draw a vector 900 units long intercepting the horizontal line heading west.

Then you can measure the resultant ground speed in the westerly direction. The second line you drew gives the direction the plane has to try to fly to stay on course.

FAQ: How Does Wind Affect an Airplane's Flight Path?

What is relative motion of an airplane?

Relative motion of an airplane refers to the movement of the airplane in relation to another object or point of reference, such as the ground or other airplanes. It takes into account the speed and direction of the airplane, as well as the speed and direction of the other object or point of reference.

Why is understanding relative motion important in aviation?

Understanding relative motion is important in aviation because it allows pilots to accurately navigate and maintain safe distances from other aircraft and objects. It also plays a crucial role in air traffic control and flight planning.

How does wind affect relative motion of an airplane?

Wind can have a significant impact on the relative motion of an airplane. Depending on the direction and speed of the wind, it can either increase or decrease the ground speed of the airplane and alter its direction of flight. Pilots must take wind into account when calculating their relative motion in order to accurately reach their destination.

How is relative motion of an airplane measured?

Relative motion of an airplane is typically measured using instruments such as airspeed indicators, altimeters, and heading indicators. These instruments provide information on the airplane's speed, altitude, and direction of flight in relation to the surrounding air or ground.

Can relative motion cause turbulence?

Yes, relative motion can cause turbulence. When an airplane is flying through air that is moving at a different speed or direction, it can create pockets of turbulence, also known as air pockets. This can be uncomfortable for passengers, but it is a normal occurrence in flight and does not pose a significant safety risk. Pilots are trained to handle turbulence and will typically adjust the airplane's speed or altitude to avoid it.

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