Relative strength of E and B fields in EM radiation

In summary: On the other hand, the Lorentz force formula makes it clear, why magnetic forces are often smaller than electric, because you have a factor ##\vec{v}/c## for the magnetic part. For slowly moving charges, thus you have small forces although the magnetic and electric field are of the same magnitude.The situation in the SI is somehow a bit like measuring distances in different units, depending on their direction, as in the US, where they measure distances on the road in miles but heights of bridges or mountains in feet.The electric and magnetic fields of an electromagnetic wave contain equal energy. The numerical value of the electric and magnetic fields depend on the units used, so it doesn't make sense to
  • #1
I think the equation for the relationship of the E (electrical) and B (magnetic) fields in electromagnetic (EM) radiation is E=Bc, where c is the speed of light.

I think this is correct, but what does it tell us? On it's face, it looks as though the B field (of a photon, say) is 1/300,000,000th the strength of the E field. Is this not correct?

Why, then, do we see these diagrams of the EM propagation of say, light, where the proportion of the E and B field appear to be equal?


According to that equation, the size of the B field would be almost negligible. So why am I seeing blue lines on this diagram?

I've heard it both ways, though: 1) that the B field is, indeed, much smaller than than the E field in EM radiation, and 2) that they are actually the exact same in field strength. I can spend some valuable time searching for the references but it's going to cost you if you make me do that o_O

I think the counter-argument is that you can just set the speed of light to 1 and then the equation just becomes E=B? Its that simple? And perhaps this is the case because EM radiation is relativistic, and always travels at c so therefore we should set c to one here? Or is this bad logic?

In any case, what is the answer? Are the strengths of the E and B fields identical in a traveling EM wave or is the E field much stronger than the B field?
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  • #2
No, that's not correct. The magnetic and electric fields of an electromagnetic wave contain equal energy. The numerical value of the electric and magnetic fields depend on the units used, so it doesn't make sense to compare them in the way you are doing. In Gaussian cgs units, the electric and magnetic fields have the same units and can be compared. For a plane wave in vacuum, they are equal.
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  • #3
DiracPool said:
I think this is correct, but what does it tell us? On it's face, it looks as though the B field (of a photon, say) is 1/300,000,000th the strength of the E field. Is this not correct?
This is comparing apples and oranges. Would you say that 1 m was some fraction of 1 kg? If you were plotting m on one axis and kg on another, would you feel compelled to scale them in any particular way?
  • #4
Indeed, it's a drawback of the use of SI units in (theoretical) electromagnetics. You can not directly compare the field components althrough they belong together in one field, the electromagnetic field. That's why in theoretical physics one usually prefers Gaussian units (which is a mixture of electrostatic and magnetostatic units) or rationalized Gaussian units (also known as Heaviside-Lorentz units), which are used in high-energy physics and relativistic quantum field theory.

The situation in the SI is somehow a bit like measuring distances in different units, depending on their direction, as in the US, where they measure distances on the road in miles but heights of bridges or mountains in feet.

In the more natural Gaussian-type units the electric and magnetic field components are measured in the same units, and the (non-covariant) Lorentz force on a point charge reads
$$\vec{F}=q \left(\vec{E} + \frac{\vec{v}}{c} \times \vec{B} \right).$$
If you have, e.g., a plane-wave field, you have ##\vec{E}^2-\vec{B}^2=0## in these units, i.e., the magnitude of the electric and the magnetic component of the field is the same, and this is so in any inertial reference frame, because ##\vec{E}^2-\vec{B}^2## turns out to be a Lorentz invariant.

On the other hand, the Lorentz force formula makes it clear, why magnetic forces are often smaller than electric, because you have a factor ##\vec{v}/c## for the magnetic part. For slowly moving charges, thus you have small forces although the magnetic and electric field are of the same magnitude.

The systems of units agree in "mechanical" quantities like energy density as already stated in #2. The energy density of the em. field is
$$\mathcal{E}=\frac{1}{2}(\vec{E}^2 + \vec{B}^2) \quad \text{(Heaviside-Lorentz units)}$$
$$\mathcal{E}=\frac{1}{2} \left (\epsilon_0 \vec{E}^2 + \frac{1}{\mu_0} \vec{B}^2 \right) \quad \text{(SI units)}.$$
These conversion factors ##\epsilon_0## and ##\mu_0## make the comparison of the field components difficult. So it's indeed easier to compare the energy densities of the electric and magnetic field to get that kind of intuition about the field components' magnitude.
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Likes DiracPool and Dale

Related to Relative strength of E and B fields in EM radiation

1. What is the difference between the strength of the E field and the B field in EM radiation?

The strength of the E field and the B field in EM radiation refers to the magnitude of the electric and magnetic fields, respectively. These fields are perpendicular to each other and both contribute to the overall intensity of the radiation. However, the strength of the E field is typically larger than the strength of the B field.

2. What causes the difference in strength between the E field and the B field in EM radiation?

This difference in strength is due to the nature of the electric and magnetic fields. The E field is produced by the presence of electric charges, while the B field is produced by the movement of these charges. Since most EM radiation is produced by accelerating charges, the E field is typically stronger.

3. How does the relative strength of the E and B fields affect the properties of EM radiation?

The relative strength of the E and B fields affects the polarization, propagation, and interaction of EM radiation with matter. For example, the polarization of EM radiation is determined by the orientation of the E field, while the propagation of EM radiation is determined by the relative strength of the E and B fields.

4. Can the strength of the E and B fields in EM radiation be changed?

Yes, the strength of the E and B fields in EM radiation can be changed through various means. For example, the strength of the E field can be altered by changing the charge distribution or by applying an external electric field. Likewise, the strength of the B field can be changed by altering the current flow or by applying an external magnetic field.

5. How is the relative strength of the E and B fields measured in EM radiation?

The relative strength of the E and B fields in EM radiation is measured using a device called a spectrometer, which separates the electric and magnetic components of the radiation and measures their respective strengths. Additionally, the relative strength can also be calculated using mathematical formulas that take into account the properties of the radiation source and the medium it is traveling through.

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