Relativistic addition of velocities problem

In summary, the conversation discusses determining the relative speed of a truck approaching a car on a two-lane highway, given the speed of light in a vacuum and the speeds of both vehicles relative to the ground. The attempt at a solution involves using the relativistic formula for adding velocities and clarifying the use of units. It is determined that the truck is traveling at 49 m/s relative to the car and that the relativistic formula should be used even for small speeds.
  • #1

Homework Statement

You are driving down a two-lane highway and a truck in the opposite lane travels toward you. Suppose the speed of light in a vacuum is 65 m/s. Determine the speed of the truck relative to you when

a - your speed is 25 m/s and the truck's speed is 35 m/s and

b - your speed is 5 m/s and the truck's speed is 55 m/s

The speeds given are relative to the ground

Homework Equations

V(ab) = Vac + Vcb / 1 + (Vac*Vcb/c^2)

The Attempt at a Solution

The velocity of the car (me) relative to the ground is Vac or 25 or 0.25c
Velocity of truck in opposite direction is Vcb or -35 or -0.35c

Plugging into relativistic addition of velocities:

0.25c - 0.35c / 1 - (0.0.875)= -0.12c
Given that c = 65 for this problem, Vab = (-0.12)(65) = -7.1 m/s

I'm pretty sure that answer is wrong, because it makes no sense that the truck would be traveling at 7m/s relative to the car but I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong here.

And for part B, I'm a little unclear on how "close" to the speed of light the velocities have to be in order to use the relativistic equation. Is 5 m/s far enough from the given speed of light (65 m/s) that I should use the "original recipe" addition of velocities to find the velocity of the truck? How would I know this?

Any help is greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
123456 said:
The velocity of the car (me) relative to the ground is Vac or 25 or 0.25c
Va/c = 25 m/s (not 0.25c); (Va/c is the speed of you "a" relative to the ground "c").

Velocity of truck in opposite direction is Vcb or -35 or -0.35c
Careful, Vc/b is the velocity of the ground with respect to the truck ("b"), thus Vc/b = + 35 m/s.

The speed of light is 65 m/s. Va/c = 25 m/s ≠ .25c
  • #3
Oh! So, Vac = 25/65 = 0.38c and Vcb = 35/65 = 0.58c

So, plugging in:

0.38c+0.54c / 1 + (0.38c)(0.54c)/c^2
= 0.71c, so truck is traveling 49m/s relative to the car? That makes more sense, because it would seem to be traveling faster than it actually is when viewed from the car's frame. Is that right?

For Part B, can I use the relativistic equation or is 5 m/s not close enough to the speed of light?
  • #4
123456 said:
Oh! So, Vac = 25/65 = 0.38c and Vcb = 35/65 = 0.58c

So, plugging in:

0.38c+0.54c / 1 + (0.38c)(0.54c)/c^2
= 0.71c, so truck is traveling 49m/s relative to the car? That makes more sense, because it would seem to be traveling faster than it actually is when viewed from the car's frame. Is that right?
Yes. The speed of the truck in the frame of the car is greater than the speed of the truck in the frame of the Earth (since the car is also moving with respect to the earth).

For Part B, can I use the relativistic equation or is 5 m/s not close enough to the speed of light?
Unless both speeds are much smaller than the speed of light, it's best to use the relativistic formula. (For small speeds, the relativistic formula gives almost the same results as the galilean formula.)
  • #5
OK, I think I understand a little more. Thanks so much for helping me!

FAQ: Relativistic addition of velocities problem

What is the relativistic addition of velocities problem?

The relativistic addition of velocities problem is a concept in physics that deals with how velocities combine in the theory of relativity. It is also known as the Einstein velocity addition formula.

How is the relativistic addition of velocities calculated?

The relativistic addition of velocities can be calculated using the Einstein velocity addition formula: V = (u + v)/(1 + uv/c^2), where V is the resulting velocity, u is the velocity of one object, v is the velocity of another object, and c is the speed of light.

Why is the relativistic addition of velocities important?

The relativistic addition of velocities is important because it is a fundamental concept in the theory of relativity, which is a cornerstone of modern physics. It allows us to accurately calculate how velocities combine in scenarios involving high speeds and helps us understand the behavior of objects in extreme conditions.

What are some real-world applications of the relativistic addition of velocities?

The relativistic addition of velocities has many practical applications, such as in particle accelerators, space travel, and GPS systems. It is also important in understanding the behavior of particles at high energies, such as in nuclear reactions or cosmic rays.

How does the relativistic addition of velocities differ from the classical addition of velocities?

The relativistic addition of velocities differs from the classical addition of velocities in that it takes into account the effects of time dilation and length contraction that occur at high speeds. The classical addition of velocities assumes that time and space are constant, while the relativistic addition of velocities accounts for the fact that they are relative to the observer's frame of reference.

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