Relativistic Collission of Protons

In summary: I am sorry, but I am unable to provide the summary as it is incomplete. Please provide a complete conversation for me to summarize.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A proton with M0 and energy 200 MeV collides with another proton at rest. How much kinetic energy does either proton have in the inertial frame in which they collide with equal and opposite momentum

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Initially I figured I would need to solve for the velocity of the particle moving towards the rest particle. I use KE=1/2mv2 and get vim0 to be 0.65c

I also calculated my γ using my vi, and got 1.32

I understand that in all frames, the laws of physics hold, and as well that mass is going to be transferred from one particle to the other after the collision (energy). I am not sure how I should set up a diagram to have it make sense to me though - the wording of the problem is throwing me off a bit.

My mind tells me that if one proton a hits rest proton b, some energy from proton a will be transferred in the form of mass to proton b. Proton b will then start moving in the positive direction with momentum p. Proton a will bounce back with momentum -p, but the mass will be less and the velocity higher.

Am I on the right track at all? Or am I misinterpreting the question all together?

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  • #2
trevor51590 said:
Initially I figured I would need to solve for the velocity of the particle moving towards the rest particle. I use KE=1/2mv2 and get vim0 to be 0.65c

I also calculated my γ using my vi, and got 1.32

I understand that in all frames, the laws of physics hold, and as well that mass is going to be transferred from one particle to the other after the collision (energy). I am not sure how I should set up a diagram to have it make sense to me though - the wording of the problem is throwing me off a bit.

My mind tells me that if one proton a hits rest proton b, some energy from proton a will be transferred in the form of mass to proton b. Proton b will then start moving in the positive direction with momentum p. Proton a will bounce back with momentum -p, but the mass will be less and the velocity higher.

Am I on the right track at all? Or am I misinterpreting the question all together?

The problem wants you to do the calculation in the frame were the two protons have equal and opposite momenta. This is usually the center-of-momentum frame - which has some nice properties.

The numbers you are given are the "lab frame".

I'll give you some notes:

You don't transfer mass in collisions - you transfer momentum and energy. The "mass increase" idea comes from thinking the gamma in the momentum and energy formula is applied to the rest-mass when it is more usefully thought of as applying to the whole thing as the kinetic energy contribution.

It can be helpful to think in terms of energies instead of masses:
[itex]E_{tot}=E_0+E_K = \gamma E_0[/itex] where [itex]E_0=m_0c^2[/itex]

So: [itex]E_K=(\gamma -1)E_0[/itex]

Or - in terms of momentum:
[itex]E_{tot}^2 = (\gamma E_0)^2 + (pc)^2[/itex]

It can help to express speed as a proportion of c:
[itex]pc=\gamma E_0 \beta : \beta =v/c[/itex]
All right - that should get you started.Working out the relative speed to get gamma etc will get you there in the end, but you don't need to.
You need to decide if the 200MeV is kinetic or total energy.

From the energy relations you get gamma.
Then you need to make an equation that gives you kinetic energy in terms of momentum.
You know what the momentum of each proton has to be because of the reference frame.
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  • #3
I genuinely appreciate your help

After solving through, I got an Etot=1138 MeV, and a γ of 1.21

From there I solved for β using the E2tot equation and got 0.07c


Because v2=0, Vcm=0.035c


Look okay?

Thanks again!
  • #4
trevor51590 said:
I genuinely appreciate your help

Because v2=0, Vcm=0.035c


I realized this part is incorrect because it is not relativistic.


Would this be the formula to use? I know that the speed of light is invariant under a Lorentz translation, and that leads to conservation of momentum, I'm having a hard time putting it together though
  • #5
A competent teacher will not mark your answers, but your method and how you understand the subject. So there is no point commenting on your answers. That said, it's not like there is no information ... you speeds look awfully low.

the relativistic equations always work - even in the non-relativistic case.
the total energy minus rest-mass energy is the kinetic energy - this is correct. Try expressing your m in terms of E/c2 - for a proton that is 938.3MeV//c2 so E0 is easy from there.

This should also tell you that the 200MeV is kinetic energy.

(Represent the classical KE equation in terms of rest-mass-energy and beta, then find out the speed ... it is relativistic?)

The total energy must be 1138.3MeV =γE0 so:
γ = 1138.3/938.3 = 1.213 (4sig.fig.)

Note: I got an equation wrong. Under "In terms of momentum" the first term should not have a gamma.

[itex]E_{tot}^2 = E_0^2 + (pc)^2[/itex]

My apologies if this confused you. I do try hard to stop people from relying on me for answers though :) If I do this right, you no longer need me.

anyway - you can get beta from gamma, allowing you to get the speed the com frame is moving in the lab frame (the "stationary" proton frame). This gets you a new gamma, from which you get the momenta and kinetic energies in the com frame.

It can be tricky keeping all the equations in their right places. Lynchpin:[tex]E_{tot}=\gamma E_0=E_K+E_0=\sqrt{E_0^2 + (pc)^2}[/tex]

For instance - see if you can derive the following:

[tex]p = \sqrt{\gamma^2 - 1} \frac{E_0}{c}[/tex]

FAQ: Relativistic Collission of Protons

1. What is the definition of Relativistic Collision of Protons?

The Relativistic Collision of Protons refers to the collision of two protons moving at high speeds, close to the speed of light.

2. What are the key principles of Relativistic Collision of Protons?

The key principles of Relativistic Collision of Protons include the conservation of energy and momentum, as well as the effects of special relativity such as time dilation and length contraction.

3. How is Relativistic Collision of Protons different from classical collision?

Relativistic Collision of Protons takes into account the effects of special relativity, while classical collision only considers the laws of classical mechanics. This means that at high speeds, the mass, energy, and momentum of particles will change, and time and space will appear differently to observers.

4. What are some real-world applications of Relativistic Collision of Protons?

Relativistic Collision of Protons is important in particle physics research, such as in the study of subatomic particles and the creation of new particles in particle accelerators. It also has implications in cosmology, as it helps us understand the behavior of particles in the early universe.

5. What are the potential dangers of Relativistic Collision of Protons?

Relativistic Collision of Protons can produce high-energy radiation and create new particles, which can be dangerous to living organisms. This is why safety protocols are put in place in particle accelerators to protect researchers and the surrounding environment.

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