Relativistic de Broglie Wavelength

In summary: Hans.In summary, there is a relativistic formulation of the de Broglie wave length equation where the relativistic expression of momentum is used instead of the non-relativistic one. This leads to an equation that satisfies the relativistic energy-momentum invariant but causes some issues when the particle velocity approaches zero. The phase velocity of a particle is not measurable and there is no self-adjoint operator for it. However, there are ways to indirectly measure the phase velocity, which can be seen in simulations in a document by Hans. The general rule that the wavefront of matter waves is always at 90 degrees angles with the physical speed implies a super-luminal phase velocity of c^2/v.
  • #1
Is there a relativistic formulation of the de Broglie wave length equation?
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  • #2
What do you mean...?U mean if one can use in

[tex] \lambda_{pilot wave}=\frac{h}{p_{particle}} [/tex]

the relativistic expression of momentum

[tex] p=\gamma m v [/tex]

,or something totally different...?

  • #3
It's the same basic equation as the non-relativistic one:

[tex]\lambda = \frac {h}{p}[/tex]

Simply use the relativistic momentum

[tex]p = \frac {mv} {\sqrt {1 - v^2 / c^2}} [/tex]

instead of the non-relativistic [itex]p = mv[/itex].

[added] Argh, I've got to learn to type faster! :eek:
  • #4
dextercioby said:
What do you mean...?U mean if one can use in

[tex] \lambda_{pilot wave}=\frac{h}{p_{particle}} [/tex]

the relativistic expression of momentum

[tex] p=\gamma m v [/tex]

,or something totally different...?

if you use the relativistic invariant

[tex] E^{2}=p^{2}c^{2}+m^{2}c^{4} [/tex]

Are there equations representing the wave form of energy and momentum that satisfy this equation for a massive particle.
  • #5
De Broglie's relations

[tex] E_{particle}=\hbar \omega_{pilotwave} [/tex] (1)

[tex] \vec{p}_{particle}=\hbar \vec{k}_{pilotwave} [/tex] (2)

allow us to pass from

[tex] e^{\frac{1}{i\hbar}p^{\mu}x_{\mu}} [/tex] (3) (typical for a particle,see QM)


[tex] e^{-ik^{\mu}x_{\mu} [/tex] (4) (typical for a wave)

and therefore describing particles and de Broglie waves unitarily.

  • #6
If we define relativistic momentum as [tex]\gamma mv[/tex] and apply that to the relativistic energy-momentum invariant equation we get [tex]E^2=h^2f^2 \bigg(\frac{c^2}{v^2}\bigg)[/tex]. When [tex]v[/tex] goes to 0 this should reduce to the rest energy but we get an infinity here.
  • #7
If we define relativistic momentum as

[tex]\gamma mv=\frac{h}{\lambda}[/tex]

and apply that to the relativistic energy-momentum invariant equation we get

[tex]E^2=h^2f^2 \bigg(\frac{c^2}{v^2}\bigg) + m^2c^4[/tex].

When v -> 0 this should reduce to the rest energy but we get an infinity in the second term.
  • #8
metrictensor said:
[tex]E^2=h^2f^2 \bigg(\frac{c^2}{v^2}\bigg) + m^2c^4[/tex].

When v -> 0 this should reduce to the rest energy but we get an infinity in the second term.

You got that equation using [itex]v = f \lambda[/itex], right? In that equation, [itex]v[/itex] is the phase velocity of a wave, [itex]v_{phase}[/itex], which is not equal to the particle velocity, [itex]v_{particle}[/itex].

[tex]v_{phase} = \frac {\omega}{k} = \frac {E}{p} = \frac {\gamma mc^2} {\gamma mv_{particle}} = \frac {c}{v_{particle}} [/tex]

So [itex]v_{phase}[/itex] goes to infinity as [itex]v_{particle}[/itex] goes to zero, and your equation above goes to [itex]E = m c^2[/itex] as expected.

To get a realistic wave function for a particle, we have to add (actually, integrate) a bunch of waves with different frequencies and wavelengths to form a wave packet. The group velocity of the packet is

[tex]v_{group} = \frac {d \omega} {dk}[/tex]

which does turn out to equal [itex]v_{particle}[/itex].
  • #9
jtbell said:
You got that equation using [itex]v = f \lambda[/itex], right? In that equation, [itex]v[/itex] is the phase velocity of a wave, [itex]v_{phase}[/itex], which is not equal to the particle velocity, [itex]v_{particle}[/itex].

[tex]v_{phase} = \frac {\omega}{k} = \frac {E}{p} = \frac {\gamma mc^2} {\gamma mv_{particle}} = \frac {c}{v_{particle}} [/tex]

So [itex]v_{phase}[/itex] goes to infinity as [itex]v_{particle}[/itex] goes to zero, and your equation above goes to [itex]E = m c^2[/itex] as expected.

To get a realistic wave function for a particle, we have to add (actually, integrate) a bunch of waves with different frequencies and wavelengths to form a wave packet. The group velocity of the packet is

[tex]v_{group} = \frac {d \omega} {dk}[/tex]

which does turn out to equal [itex]v_{particle}[/itex].

Very interesting and helpful. I textbooks the velocity in

[tex]\lambda = \frac{h}{mv}[/tex]

is the particle velocity. There was an exercise that if we define velocity as

[tex]v=\lambda f[/tex]

and make the substitution into the momentum equation there are some contradictions. According to what you say this is an incorrect step because the two velocities represent different things.
  • #10
The problem as I see it with defining the relativistic wave momentum as

[tex]\gamma mv = \frac{h}{\lambda}[/tex]

is that the right hand side has no term like [tex]\gamma[/tex] that enforces the postulates of SR. If we define a "rest wavelength" [tex]\lambda_0[/tex] then we could express the momentum as

[tex]p=\gamma \frac{h}{\lambda_0}[/tex]
  • #11
jtbell said:
You got that equation using [itex]v = f \lambda[/itex], right? In that equation, [itex]v[/itex] is the phase velocity of a wave, [itex]v_{phase}[/itex], which is not equal to the particle velocity, [itex]v_{particle}[/itex].

[tex]v_{phase} = \frac {\omega}{k} = \frac {E}{p} = \frac {\gamma mc^2} {\gamma mv_{particle}} = \frac {c}{v_{particle}} [/tex]

So [itex]v_{phase}[/itex] goes to infinity as [itex]v_{particle}[/itex] goes to zero, and your equation above goes to [itex]E = m c^2[/itex] as expected.

To get a realistic wave function for a particle, we have to add (actually, integrate) a bunch of waves with different frequencies and wavelengths to form a wave packet. The group velocity of the packet is

[tex]v_{group} = \frac {d \omega} {dk}[/tex]

which does turn out to equal [itex]v_{particle}[/itex].
Comparing this with the non-relativistic phase velocity:
[tex]E={p^2\over 2m}[/tex]
[tex]v_{ph} = {\omega\over k}={E\over p}={p\over 2m} = {1\over2} v_{particle}[/tex]
[tex]v_{gr} = {d\omega\over dk}={p\over m}=v_{particle}[/tex]

The relativistic phase velocity does not converge to the non-relativistic one even then the velocity is very slow(compared to the spped of light, of course), not quite like other examples showing relativistic mechanics converging to the Newtonian mechanics. This is because in non-relativistic case the rest mass is not considered in the Energy term. So, if you can find a method for measuring the phase velocity of a particle, it would be another criterion for the validity of relativistic theory. Or, is there one?
  • #12
You simply can't measure the phase velocity of a particle. IIRC, it's [itex] \frac{c^{2}}{v} [/itex] ,therefore hyperluminal, so it can't be measured.

  • #13
dextercioby said:
You simply can't measure the phase velocity of a particle. IIRC, it's [itex] \frac{c^{2}}{v} [/itex] ,therefore hyperluminal, so it can't be measured.


There's also no self-adjoint operator for phase velocity, if I'm not mistaken, hence no observable.
  • #14
mingshey said:
So, if you can find a method for measuring the phase velocity of a particle, it would be another criterion for the validity of relativistic theory. Or, is there one?

There are many ways to measure the phase velocity although indirect.

I wrote another section (6) to this document here:

"The Relativistic kinematics of the wave packet"

which shows how the general rule that the wavefront of matter waves
is always at 90 degrees angles with the physical speed implies a super-
luminal (non-physical) phase velocity of [itex]c^2/v[/itex].

I've included a number of computer simulation images to illustrate things.

Regards, Hans
  • #15
jtbell said:
It's the same basic equation as the non-relativistic one:

[tex]\lambda = \frac {h}{p}[/tex]

Simply use the relativistic momentum

[tex]p = \frac {mv} {\sqrt {1 - v^2 / c^2}} [/tex]

instead of the non-relativistic [itex]p = mv[/itex].

[added] Argh, I've got to learn to type faster! :eek:

With this result, so if the particle move extremely fast (close to speed of light), what's the result of de Broglie wavelength? zero?

What I confuse is if the momentum in relativistic limit change to [tex]p = \gamma mv [/tex], so do we need to apply the length contraction rule to wavelength? Why if not?
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  • #16
KFC said:
With this result, so if the particle move extremely fast (close to speed of light), what's the result of de Broglie wavelength? zero?

What I confuse is if the momentum in relativistic limit change to [tex]p = \gamma mv [/tex], so do we need to apply the length contraction rule to wavelength? Why if not?

With "length contraction rule to wavelength" you mean the relativistic doppler effect right?
  • #17

FAQ: Relativistic de Broglie Wavelength

1. What is the Relativistic de Broglie Wavelength?

The Relativistic de Broglie Wavelength is a concept in physics that describes the wavelength of a particle with relativistic speeds. It is derived from the de Broglie wavelength, which is the wavelength of a particle with non-relativistic speeds, and takes into account the effects of special relativity.

2. How is the Relativistic de Broglie Wavelength calculated?

The formula for calculating the Relativistic de Broglie Wavelength is λ = h/p, where λ is the wavelength, h is the Planck's constant, and p is the momentum of the particle. In the case of relativistic speeds, the momentum is given by p = γmv, where γ is the Lorentz factor, m is the mass of the particle, and v is its velocity.

3. What is the significance of the Relativistic de Broglie Wavelength?

The Relativistic de Broglie Wavelength is significant because it shows the wave-like nature of matter, even at high speeds. It also helps in understanding the behavior of particles at the quantum level and has important implications in fields such as particle physics and quantum mechanics.

4. How does the Relativistic de Broglie Wavelength relate to the Uncertainty Principle?

The Uncertainty Principle states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty. The Relativistic de Broglie Wavelength is related to this principle because it represents the uncertainty in the momentum of a particle due to its wave-like nature. The smaller the wavelength, the more uncertain the momentum becomes.

5. Can the Relativistic de Broglie Wavelength be observed in real-life scenarios?

Yes, the Relativistic de Broglie Wavelength has been observed in various experiments with particles, such as electrons and protons, traveling at high speeds. It has also been observed in phenomena such as electron diffraction and particle accelerators. However, the effects of the Relativistic de Broglie Wavelength are typically only significant at very small scales and high speeds.
