Relativistic derivation of E=1/2MV^2 from QFT or Diriac or other

In summary: No, it doesn't. E=pc only holds for particles that have a non-zero momentum, and in the relativistic limit m approaches zero.
  • #1
It is easy to derive E=1/2mv^2 from the Schroedinger equation for the nonrelativistic one dimensional case where e^ipx-iEt/\hbar is the free traveling wave function:
i\hbar x -iE/\hbar x e^ipx-iEt/\hbar = - - \hbar^2/2m x p^2/2m x e^ipx-iEt/\hbar
which reduces to E=1/2mv^2

Where should I start to do the same thing for the relativistic, free one dimensional case? I would guess that it should reduce to E=mvc in this case if we are taking about photons.
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  • #3
PeterDonis said:
@PBTR3 please use the PF LaTeX feature when posting math, it makes it much easier to read. You can find help on it here: think you mean ##E = \frac{1}{2} m v^2##, correct?
  • #4
PBTR3 said:
It is easy to derive E=1/2mv^2 from the Schroedinger equation for the nonrelativistic one dimensional case where e^ipx-iEt/\hbar is the free traveling wave function:
i\hbar x -iE/\hbar x e^ipx-iEt/\hbar = - - \hbar^2/2m x p^2/2m x e^ipx-iEt/\hbar
which reduces to E=1/2mv^2

Where should I start to do the same thing for the relativistic, free one dimensional case? I would guess that it should reduce to E=mvc in this case if we are taking about photons.
  • #5
You're not going to find a relativistic derivation of ##E=mv^2/2## because that is a non-relativistic formula; it doesn't hold when relativistic effects are significant. The relationship you're looking for is ##E^2=(m_0c^2)^2+(pc)^2## - and that's not derived from relativistic quantum mechanics; it's the other way around.
  • #6
I agee but I should be able to show E=pc for a photon. I can use Lagrange's diff equation to recover F=ma for a nonrelativistic free particle. I can use Schoedinger's diff equation to recover E=1/2mv^2 for a nonrelativistic free particle. There should be a diff equation that recovers E=pc for a relativistic free photon or other massless particle?
  • #7
Light is already described as a wave in classical electromagnetism so the equation you are looking for is simply the classical electromagnetic wave equation.

However, there are a couple of issues: in relativistic quantum theory, single particle equations lead to problems like negative energies or even negative probabilities. Also the photon doesn't have a position operator which makes it difficult to introduce a wavefunction for it. These problems are solved by promoting the equations to field operator equations in quantum field theory.
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  • #8
Thanks. The photon should have an energy operator(Hamiltonian?) I need to learn how to use LaTex. It does not seem to work with Android or Linux. When I get that worked out I will resume this thread.
  • #9
PBTR3 said:
Thanks. The photon should have an energy operator(Hamiltonian?)
Yes, one can write down such an expression (see by Bialynicki-Birula). But it is rarely used because as I said, single particle equations are problematic in the relativistic domain.
  • #10
Start with the Klein-Gordon Hamiltonian,

H = \int d^d x \, \left[ \frac{1}{2} \Pi(x,t)^2 + \left( \nabla \phi(x,t) \right)^2 + \frac{1}{2}m^2 \phi(x,t)^2 \right],

where ##[\phi(x,t),\Pi(x',t)] = i \delta^d(x - x')##. Then expand the fields as

\phi(x,t) = \int \frac{d^d p}{(2 \pi)^d} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \sqrt{p^2 + m^2}}} \left( a(\mathbf{p},t) e^{i \mathbf{p} \cdot \mathbf{x}} + a^{\dagger}(\mathbf{p},t) e^{-i \mathbf{p} \cdot \mathbf{x}} \right),

\Pi(x,t) = - i\int \frac{d^d p}{(2 \pi)^d} \sqrt{\frac{\sqrt{p^2 + m^2}}{2}} \left( a(\mathbf{p},t) e^{i \mathbf{p} \cdot \mathbf{x}} - a^{\dagger}(\mathbf{p},t) e^{-i \mathbf{p} \cdot \mathbf{x}} \right),

where the operators in the expansion must now satisfy ##[a(\mathbf{p},t),a^{\dagger}(\mathbf{p}',t)] = (2 \pi)^d \delta^d(\mathbf{p} - \mathbf{p}')##. Plugging this into the Hamiltonian, you can find that (up to a constant)
H = \int \frac{d^d p}{(2 \pi)^d} \sqrt{p^2 + m^2} a^{\dagger}(\mathbf{p}) a(\mathbf{p}).
One can show that the spectrum of this theory is that of particles with momentum ##\mathbf{p}## and energy ##E(\mathbf{p}) = \sqrt{p^2 + m^2}##. In the limit ##m \gg p##, we have ##E(\mathbf{p}) \approx m + \frac{p^2}{2m}##, which is basically what you're asking for. (I'm using units where the speed of light is 1.)
  • #11

Great. Now I will spend some time (maybe weeks)going through your math (at 4AM?) in detail. This also implies that if m approaches zero and light is c that E=pc for a free, massless, relativistic particle, which is what I am trying to prove.

Related to Relativistic derivation of E=1/2MV^2 from QFT or Diriac or other

1. What is the significance of the relativistic derivation of E=1/2MV^2?

The relativistic derivation of E=1/2MV^2 is important because it provides a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the relationship between energy and mass in the context of special relativity. It takes into account the effects of high speeds and shows that the classical formula for kinetic energy, E=1/2MV^2, is only an approximation at low speeds.

2. How is the relativistic derivation of E=1/2MV^2 related to QFT?

The relativistic derivation of E=1/2MV^2 is closely related to quantum field theory (QFT) because it takes into account the principles of quantum mechanics and special relativity. QFT is a theoretical framework that combines these two theories to describe the behavior of particles and their interactions. The relativistic derivation of E=1/2MV^2 is a key result in QFT and is used to understand the energy-momentum relationship of particles.

3. Can E=1/2MV^2 be derived from Dirac's equation?

Yes, E=1/2MV^2 can be derived from Dirac's equation, which is a relativistic wave equation that describes the behavior of fermions. Dirac's equation includes special relativity and quantum mechanics, and it predicts the existence of antimatter. By solving Dirac's equation, one can derive the relativistic expression for kinetic energy, E=1/2MV^2.

4. Are there other theories besides QFT and Dirac's equation that can be used to derive E=1/2MV^2?

Yes, there are other theories that can be used to derive E=1/2MV^2, such as the Klein-Gordon equation and the Schrödinger equation. These equations are also fundamental in QFT and describe the behavior of particles in different ways. Each of these theories can be used to derive the relativistic expression for kinetic energy, E=1/2MV^2, and they all provide valuable insights into the relationship between energy and mass.

5. How does the relativistic derivation of E=1/2MV^2 differ from the classical formula?

The classical formula for kinetic energy, E=1/2MV^2, is a simplified version of the relativistic expression for kinetic energy. It is only accurate at low speeds and does not take into account the effects of special relativity. The relativistic derivation of E=1/2MV^2 includes the Lorentz factor, which accounts for the increase in mass and energy at high speeds. This makes it a more accurate and comprehensive formula for calculating kinetic energy in the context of special relativity.

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