How Do You Determine Velocity and Trajectory Under Relativistic Force?

You have something that you call p_0, but it doesn't appear to be a 4-vector either.In summary, the conversation discussed a problem involving a mass being thrown from the origin with initial momentum in the y direction and being subject to a constant force in the x direction. The goal was to find the velocity and trajectory of the mass by integrating functions such as t/\sqrt{a + bt^2} and 1/\sqrt{a + bt^2}. The conversation also mentioned checking the expected motion in a constant field and provided a hint on using the Taylor expansion of certain functions. The individual summarizing the conversation expressed difficulty in finding the velocity and asked for suggestions on how to approach the problem.
  • #1
I've been having a lot of trouble with this problem. There's definitely something I'm missing and it most likely has to do with the force.

"A mass [tex]m[/tex] is thrown from the origin at [tex]t = 0[/tex] with initial three-momentum [tex]p_0[/tex] in the y direction. If it is subject to a constant force [tex]F_0[/tex] in the x direction, find its velocity [tex]v[/tex] as a function of [tex]t[/tex] and by integrating [tex]v[/tex], find its trajectory. You will need to integrate functions such as [tex]t/\sqrt{a + bt^2}[/tex] and [tex]1/\sqrt{a + bt^2}[/tex].

In addition, check that in the non-relativistic limit, ([tex]c \rightarrow \infty[/tex]), [tex]x(t)[/tex] is what you expect for motion in a constant field and check that [tex]y(t)[/tex] is what you expect for motion in a constant field when the force is orthogonal to the y direction.

HINT: You will need the Taylor expansion of the functions [tex]\sqrt{1 + x}[/tex] and [tex]\ln(1 + x)[/tex]."

The 2nd part seems easy, but I'm simply not sure how to find [tex]x(t)[/tex] or [tex]y(t)[/tex] in the first place.

My work so far:
[tex]\gamma = 1/\sqrt(1 - v^2/c^2)\\
\gamma_v_0 = 1/\sqrt(1 - {v_0}^2/c^2)[/tex]
[tex]p_0 = (0, p_0, 0) = m*\gamma_v0*(0, v_0, 0)[/tex]
[tex]F_0 = (F_0, 0, 0)[/tex]
[tex]F = dP/dt, \mbox{so } P - p_0 = F*t[/tex]
[tex]P = F_0*t + p_0 = m*\gamma*v[/tex]
[tex]v = (v_x, v_y, v_z), v_z = 0[/tex]
[tex]m*\gamma*v_x = F_0*t[/tex]
[tex]m*\gamma*v_y = p_0 = m*\gamma_v0*v_0[/tex]

I'm not exactly sure how to proceed from here since I can't really isolate [tex]v_x[/tex] or [tex]v_y[/tex] because the gamma term contains only the magnitude of [tex]v[/tex]. Should I use [tex]\|v\| = \sqrt{v_x^2 + v_y^2}[/tex] and then work through some really terrible algebra? Or is this even the right way to approach this problem?

Edit: I've actually done the terrible alegbra using [tex]\|v\| = \sqrt{v_x^2 + v_y^2}[/tex], but the equations I end up with are ridiculous. Can anyone suggest a different method?
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  • #2
The 4-momentum of the particle, which I'll call P, is supposed to be a 4-vector.

Write down the four components of P:

E (the energy)
Px (the momentum in the x direction)
Py (the momentum in the y direction)
Pz (the momentum in the z direction, which is very easy, it's zero)

You have something that you call P, but it doesn't appear to be a 4-vector.

FAQ: How Do You Determine Velocity and Trajectory Under Relativistic Force?

1. What is the difference between relativistic force and classical force?

Relativistic force takes into account the effects of special relativity, such as time dilation and length contraction, while classical force does not. Additionally, relativistic force includes the concept of momentum, while classical force does not.

2. How does relativistic force affect an object's momentum?

Relativistic force is directly proportional to an object's momentum. This means that as the force acting on an object increases, so does its momentum. This relationship is described by the famous equation F = dp/dt, where F is force, p is momentum, and t is time.

3. Can relativistic force change an object's mass?

No, relativistic force does not change an object's mass. However, it can change an object's momentum, which is related to its mass through the equation p = mv, where m is mass and v is velocity. As a result, an object's mass can appear to increase due to its increased momentum, but its actual mass remains constant.

4. How does relativistic force affect an object's acceleration?

Relativistic force is also directly proportional to an object's acceleration. This means that as the force acting on an object increases, so does its acceleration. However, as an object approaches the speed of light, its acceleration will decrease due to the effects of special relativity.

5. Can relativistic force be applied to all objects, regardless of their speed?

Yes, relativistic force can be applied to all objects, regardless of their speed. However, its effects become more noticeable as an object approaches the speed of light. At lower speeds, the effects of special relativity are negligible and classical force can be used instead.

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