Relativistic kinetic energy and force.

In summary, the kinetic energy of an electron accelerating from rest in a uniform electric field is directly proportional to the distance 'd' from its point of origin. This relationship also holds when the electron is moving at relativistic velocities, with the formula for relativistic kinetic energy being proportional to gamma - 1. However, in special relativity, the force and acceleration cannot be written exactly like their classical counterparts by only replacing the mass with the relativistic mass. Energy conservation is still applicable in this scenario, with the total energy of the charge particle being dependent on the electrostatic potential and remaining constant regardless of the particle's velocity. Additionally, the rate of change of rapidity with respect to proper time is constant in this scenario, equivalent to the
  • #1
classically, an electron accelerating from rest in a uniform electric field will have a kinetic energy proportional to the distance 'd' from its point of origin.

will this continue to hold even when the electron is moving at relativistic velocity?

I understand that the formula for relativistic kinetic energy is


so basically kinetic energy is proportional to gamma - 1

so gamma(d) ≡ d + 1?
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  • #3
granpa, There are several ways of writing the force and acceleration, but one thing you can rely on, even in relativity, is energy conservation. The total energy of a charge particle in an E field is E = γmc2 + eΦ where Φ is the electrostatic potential, and the value of this will be the same both when the particle is at rest and when it is moving relativistically. (This ignores only the radiation it will emit.)
  • #4
Thank you. Thats was very helpful.

I've also been told that teh rate of change of rapidity with respect to proper time will be constant.
I guess that would be the proper acceleration.


gamma(x) = x + 1

a = dg(x)/dx = 1
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  • #5
if instead of a uniform electric field we use an inverse square law

F = 1/r^2

KE = integral F dr = 1/r

KE = gamma(r) - 1 = 1/r

gamma(r) = 1 + 1/r

FAQ: Relativistic kinetic energy and force.

1. What is relativistic kinetic energy?

Relativistic kinetic energy is the energy possessed by an object due to its motion, taking into account the effects of special relativity. It is given by the equation E = (γ - 1)mc², where γ is the Lorentz factor, m is the mass of the object, and c is the speed of light in a vacuum.

2. How does relativistic kinetic energy differ from classical kinetic energy?

Unlike classical kinetic energy, which only takes into account the mass and velocity of an object, relativistic kinetic energy also considers the effects of time dilation and length contraction as an object approaches the speed of light.

3. What is the relationship between relativistic kinetic energy and force?

In special relativity, force is defined as the rate of change of momentum. As an object's speed approaches the speed of light, its momentum and therefore its relativistic kinetic energy increase, leading to a larger force required to accelerate it further.

4. How does relativistic kinetic energy impact the behavior of particles at high speeds?

At high speeds, particles will exhibit a significant increase in their relativistic kinetic energy, causing them to behave differently than they would under classical physics. This can result in phenomena such as time dilation, length contraction, and relativistic mass increase.

5. Can relativistic kinetic energy be converted into other forms of energy?

Yes, relativistic kinetic energy can be converted into other forms of energy, such as potential energy or other forms of kinetic energy. This is the basis for Einstein's famous equation, E=mc², which shows the equivalence of mass and energy.

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