Relativity of simultaneity through lorentz transformation

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of simultaneity in different reference frames, and how Lorentz Transformation can be used to calculate the coordinates of events in different frames. The example given involves two events in the original frame that are simultaneous, but when transformed to a new frame with a relative velocity, they are no longer simultaneous. The concept of gamma and beta is explained, along with an example calculation. The conversation also mentions a widget that can be used for visualizing the transforms.
  • #1
Hello friend,

Can you give me an example that shows simultaneous events in one reference frame not simultaneous in other reference frame with the help of lorentz Transformation?
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  • #2
ash64449 said:
Hello friend,
Can you give me an example that shows simultaneous events in one reference frame not simultaneous in other reference frame with the help of lorentz Transformation?
Sure. I'll use the simplified LT where c=1, and where y and z are zero. First we calculate gamma as a function of the relative speed beta (the ratio of the speed to the speed of light) between the two frames:

γ = 1/√(1-β2)

Next we have the two equations for the distance, x', and time, t', coordinates in the new frame as a function of the distance, x, and time, t, in the original frame along with gamma and beta:

x' = γ(x-βt)
t' = γ(t-βx)

So let's say our two events are at t1=100, x1=100 and t2=100, x2=200. Note that these two events in our original frame are simultaneous because their time coordinates are the same (t1 = t2 = 100).

And let's say beta = 0.6.

Gamma is calculated as:

γ = 1/√(1-β2) = 1/√(1-0.62) = 1/√(1-0.36) = 1/√(0.64) = 1/0.8 = 1.25

Now we want to calculate the coordinates in the new frame for the first event:

x1' = γ(x1-βt1) = 1.25(100-0.6*100) = 1.25(100-60) = 1.25(40) = 50
t1' = γ(t1-βx1) = 1.25(100-0.6*100) = 1.25(100-60) = 1.25(40) = 50

Finally the coordinates in the new frame for the second event:

x2' = γ(x2-βt2) = 1.25(200-0.6*100) = 1.25(200-60) = 1.25(140) = 175
t2' = γ(t2-βx2) = 1.25(100-0.6*200) = 1.25(100-120) = 1.25(-20) = -25

Actually, I didn't really need to calculate the new distance coordinates because all you wanted was to show that the new time coordinates would not be the same (t1' = 50 ≠ t2' = -25) but it doesn't hurt to see both the new time and distance coordinates.
  • #3
thank you!
  • #4
ash64449 said:
thank you!
You're welcome.

And now that you are an expert on doing Lorentz Transforms, take a look at the diagrams I drew that I pointed you to on another thread and see if you can confirm that every event in the original frame transforms to the correct coordinates in the other diagrams. My second diagram is moving at -0.6 with respect to the first one and the third one is moving at 0.6c with respect to the first one.
  • #5
ash64449 said:
Can you give me an example that shows simultaneous events in one reference frame not simultaneous in other reference frame with the help of lorentz Transformation?
Here is a little widget I wrote. You specify the relative velocity and the x and t coordinates then it gives you the x' and t' coordinates along with the coordinate lines. Hopefully it helps you get a visual feel for how the transforms work. The relativity of simultaneity is demonstrated by the fact that the lines of constant t are not parallel to the lines of constant t'.

You may need to download the free player from Mathematica:

ghwellsjr, btw, I fixed the number formatting issue you pointed out.


  • BasicLTv1.1.cdf
    5.8 KB · Views: 396
  • #6
DaleSpam said:
ghwellsjr, btw, I fixed the number formatting issue you pointed out.
Got it. Problem fixed. Thanks.

FAQ: Relativity of simultaneity through lorentz transformation

1. What is the relativity of simultaneity?

The relativity of simultaneity is a concept in physics that refers to the idea that the order in which events occur can be different for different observers, depending on their relative motion. This concept was first introduced by Albert Einstein in his theory of special relativity.

2. How is the relativity of simultaneity related to Lorentz transformation?

Lorentz transformation is a mathematical tool used in special relativity to describe how measurements of time and space change for observers moving at different velocities. The relativity of simultaneity is a consequence of this transformation, as it shows that the time and space coordinates of events can be different for observers moving at different speeds.

3. Can the relativity of simultaneity be observed in everyday life?

Yes, the relativity of simultaneity can be observed in everyday life. For example, if two people are standing on a train platform and a train passes them at high speed, they may see the events on the train (such as a person jumping) happening at different times, depending on their relative motion to the train.

4. How does the relativity of simultaneity challenge our understanding of time?

The relativity of simultaneity challenges our understanding of time because it shows that time is not absolute and can be different for different observers. It also suggests that the concept of "now" is relative and can be different for different observers depending on their relative motion.

5. What are some practical applications of the relativity of simultaneity?

The relativity of simultaneity has practical applications in fields such as astrophysics, where it helps us understand how events in different parts of the universe may appear to happen at different times for different observers. It also has applications in GPS technology, where it is necessary to account for time dilation effects due to the relative motion of satellites and receivers on Earth.

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