Relativity problem - spaceship passing transmitting station

In summary, the signal is received after 3.1 microseconds when the clock on the nose of the spaceship has time dilation of 3.1 microseconds.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A spaceship of proper length Lp = 450 m moves past a transmitting station at a speed of 0.61c. (The transmitting station broadcasts signals at the speed of light) A clock is attached to the nose of the spaceship and a second clock is attached to the transmitting station. The instant that the nose of the spaceship passes the transmitter, clocks at the transmitter and in the nose of the spaceship are set to zero. The instant that the tail of the ship passes the transmitter a signal is sent and subsequently detected by the receiver in the nose of the ship.

When, according to the clocks attached to the nose of the spaceship, is the signal received?

Homework Equations

TIME DILATION: [tex]\Delta[/tex]t=[tex]\gamma[/tex]*[tex]\Delta[/tex]t(proper)
LENGTH CONTRACTION: L=L(proper)/[tex]\gamma[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

The question before the one included in part a asked when, according to the clock at the nose of the ship, was the signal sent? I got the answer for that by simply dividing the length of the spaceship [450m] by .61c [ 61% the speed of light]. This gave me 2.5 microseconds which is correct. However, when I tried to answer the question posed in part a, my answer is wrong. My method was to figure out the time dilation using the 2.5 microseconds and multiplying it by gamma. This gave me 3.1 microseconds. Am I correct in my logic in adding the 3.1 microsecond time dilation to the 2.5 microsecond proper time to get 5.6 microseconds for the time to receive the signal?

Any help is much appreciated.
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  • #2

Let's start from your first answer: according to the nose of the spaceship the transmitting station emits a signal after 2.5 microseconds.

I don't understand what you are doing from here; you apply the time dilation formula to this quantity; in what frame is 2.5 microseconds a proper time interval for something relevant?

Let's just think: from the perspective of the nose how fast does the signal the station emit appear to be travelling. How far, in the nose frame, is the transmitter from the nose? Using these two figures how much longer does it take for the signal to get to the nose?
  • #3

fantispug said:
Let's just think: from the perspective of the nose how fast does the signal the station emit appear to be travelling.

I am confused by what you said above because the problem states that the signal is traveling at the speed of light. Therefore, it should appear the same in all reference frames. Do I need to do some sort of velocity transformation using the equation:


However, it seems as though I would have to use some sort of time dilation formula because the next question asks the same thing but from the frame of the transmitter.
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  • #4

Okay, disregard my logic in the above post. Since posting I have thought about the problem and have come to the conclusion that it perhaps is just a problem of comparing the velocity of the transmission (c) to the velocity of the spaceship (.61c). I set up two equations with distance=velocity*time and set the equations equal to each other for equal distance. I worked through the algebra and got the answer 3.8 microseconds for the time when the signal is received. This answer seems reasonable compared to the answer of 2.5 microseconds for the time when the signal was sent. Is this logic correct and does it yield the correct answer?
  • #5

So it seems that all the formulas I have thought to have been correct are just overcomplicating the problem. It seems like it should just be a simple x=v*t problem but I do not know what x is. I really need help understanding this problem conceptually.

Related to Relativity problem - spaceship passing transmitting station

What is the relativity problem?

The relativity problem refers to the challenges and paradoxes that arise when trying to reconcile the principles of relativity with everyday experiences and observations.

What is the spaceship passing transmitting station scenario?

The spaceship passing transmitting station scenario is a thought experiment in which a spaceship passes by a stationary transmitting station at a high velocity. This scenario is often used to illustrate the effects of relativity on time and space.

Why does time dilation occur in this scenario?

Time dilation occurs in this scenario due to the relative motion between the spaceship and the transmitting station. According to the principles of relativity, time moves slower for an observer who is in motion compared to an observer who is stationary. As the spaceship moves at a high velocity, time on the spaceship will appear to pass slower compared to time on the transmitting station.

How does the spaceship's velocity affect the transmission of signals?

The spaceship's high velocity causes the transmission of signals to appear differently to observers on the spaceship and the transmitting station. Due to time dilation, the signals will appear to travel slower for the observers on the spaceship and faster for the observers on the transmitting station.

What is the resolution to the relativity problem in this scenario?

The resolution to the relativity problem in this scenario lies in understanding that the laws of physics are the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion. This means that while different observers may perceive time, space, and the transmission of signals differently, the underlying principles of relativity still hold true.

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