Remainder of the product of the relatively prime numbers

In summary, the conversation is about finding a pattern for when the product of integers between 1 and m that are relatively prime to m is congruent to 1 or -1 modulo m. The conversation includes tables and observations made by the participants, but no clear pattern has been found. It is mentioned that this problem is a generalization of Wilson's Theorem.
  • #1
Hi all, I had a problem, pls help me.

Let [tex]b_1 < b_2 < \cdots < b_{\varphi(m)}[/tex] be the integers between 1 and m that are relatively prime to m (including 1), of course, [tex]\varphi(m)[/tex] is the number of integers between 1 and m that are relatively prime to m, and let [tex]B = b_1b_2b_3{\cdots}b_{\varphi(m)}[/tex] be their product.
Please find a pattern for when [tex]B\equiv1 ({\bmod}\ m)[/tex] and when [tex]B\equiv-1 ({\bmod}\ m)[/tex].

Thanks and Regards.
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Physics news on
  • #2
for(m=2,20,print(m" "ff(m)))
in Pari/gp gives
2 1
3 -1
4 -1
5 -1
6 -1
7 -1
8 1
9 -1
10 -1
11 -1
12 1
13 -1
14 -1
15 1
16 1
17 -1
18 -1
19 -1
20 1

Does that help?
  • #3
Thank you, I've gotten the similar table.
m	phi	rem
1	1	1
4	2	-1
6	2	-1
8	4	1
9	6	-1
10	4	-1
12	4	1
14	6	-1
15	8	1
16	8	1
18	6	-1
20	8	1
21	12	1
22	10	-1
24	8	1
25	20	-1
26	12	-1
27	18	-1
28	12	1
30	8	1
32	16	1
33	20	1
34	16	-1
35	24	1
36	12	1
38	18	-1
39	24	1
40	16	1
42	12	1
44	20	1
45	24	1
46	22	-1
48	16	1
49	42	-1
50	20	-1
51	32	1
52	24	1
54	18	-1
55	40	1
56	24	1
57	36	1
58	28	-1
60	16	1
62	30	-1
63	36	1
64	32	1
65	48	1
66	20	1
68	32	1
69	44	1
70	24	1
72	24	1
74	36	-1
75	40	1
76	36	1
77	60	1
78	24	1
80	32	1
81	54	-1
82	40	-1
84	24	1
85	64	1
86	42	-1
87	56	1
88	40	1
90	24	1
91	72	1
92	44	1
93	60	1
94	46	-1
95	72	1
96	32	1
98	42	-1
99	60	1
but I still can't find the ppattern, and I have only found that if 4 does not divide [tex]\phi(m)[/tex] then [tex]B{\equiv}-1[/tex], and if [tex]B{\equiv}1[/tex], there must be that 4 divides [tex]\phi(m)[/tex]
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  • #4

Related to Remainder of the product of the relatively prime numbers

1. What is the "remainder of the product of the relatively prime numbers"?

The remainder of the product of the relatively prime numbers refers to the result when the product of two numbers that are relatively prime (meaning they have no common factors other than 1) is divided by a third number. It is the leftover amount after dividing the product by the third number.

2. How do you find the remainder of the product of the relatively prime numbers?

To find the remainder of the product of the relatively prime numbers, you first need to multiply the two numbers together. Then, divide the product by the third number. The remainder is the leftover amount after the division is complete.

3. Why is the remainder of the product of the relatively prime numbers important?

The remainder of the product of the relatively prime numbers is important because it can give us information about the relationships between numbers. It can also be used in various mathematical calculations and proofs.

4. Can the remainder of the product of the relatively prime numbers be negative?

Yes, the remainder of the product of the relatively prime numbers can be negative. This can happen when the product of the two numbers is smaller than the third number, resulting in a negative remainder.

5. Is there a specific formula for finding the remainder of the product of the relatively prime numbers?

Yes, there is a formula for finding the remainder of the product of the relatively prime numbers. It is (a * b) % c, where a and b are the two relatively prime numbers and c is the third number. This formula works for both positive and negative numbers.
