Remembering Some Dreams and Not Others

  • Thread starter Anna Blanksch
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In summary, our state of consciousness plays a role in whether we remember our dreams or not. When we are in a state of unconsciousness, our subconscious takes over and can manipulate our thoughts and create dreams. The depth of our sleep and the timing of waking up can also affect our dream recall. Keeping a dream logbook and discussing recurring themes with someone close can help in understanding our dreams. However, most dreams are forgotten within five minutes of waking up.
  • #1
Anna Blanksch
Gold Member
How come some mornings we wake up and don't remember our dreams but other mornings we remember multiple dreams? The past five days I have woken up and remembered my dreams and I'm wondering if I should get a dream catcher... :) Thanks for your help!
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  • #2
I don't know any specific explanation, but I'll tell how I understood it.
We have three states of Consciousness the first one is Consciousness itself which comes into effect when we are awake. The second one is unconsciousness which will be alive when we are asleep.
But the third one is strange. It is subconsciousness and it takes over whenever one starts to dream. It is very powerful, capable of manipulating our thoughts, or even sum them up to give an arbitrary thought/feeling.
When go to sleep and still thinking about something then you are trying to go to unconsciousness state but not leaving the consciousness state. Which automatically leads you to subconsciousness state. Now here you can imagine things and mould them. Sometimes the subconsciousness itself gives you dreams that might come true (you know sometimes when you go to a place/enter a situation, you feel that you have come across it? Actully you have came across it, in one of your subconsciousness states. So sometimes with the help of subconsciousness you can actully predict things!)
There is one movie by chistophor Nolon, it is Inception. A nice movie.
  • #3
Anna Blanksch said:
How come some mornings we wake up and don't remember our dreams but other mornings we remember multiple dreams? The past five days I have woken up and remembered my dreams and I'm wondering if I should get a dream catcher... :) Thanks for your help!
I think it has to do with the sleep cycle and what happens immediately after a dream, or it may have to do with the depth of sleep around the dream. Most mornings, I don't remember dreaming or even if I dreamt. Some mornings, I'll wake up after the dream, and I'll have vivid memories.

I think we would need a sleep specialist or neuroscientist to explain why some dreams are remembers and others not.
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  • #4
I don't know why they are so elusive, perhaps it has to do with the various parts of the brain - cerebrum thalamus et al. Richard Restak's book "The Brain" goes into that.

Carl Jung's book "Man and his Symbols" speaks to his use of dreams in his psychology practice.
Jung has become the poster boy for a lot of "New Age" stuff much of which borders on silly,
but I found the first half of his book fascinating. The second half was written by somebody else and I didn't get much from it.

You might try starting a dream logbook. Keep it by your bedside and scribble something in it every time you wake up from a dream. It is important to do it immediately on awakening for most of them do disappear quickly for some reason.
Then look for repeating themes in them. Talk them over with somebody close.

old jim
  • #5
I think to remember a dream, you have to wake up before it's over. If you don't, you're unlikely to be aware of having dreamt at all.

Also, it has to have been so emotionally vivid that you review it right after waking up. If you don't you may remember you had a dream, but the content will slip away very quickly.
  • #6
Abhilash H N said:
There is one movie by chistophor Nolon, it is Inception. A nice movie.

Dreams are so interesting! I've been told I need to see Inception. I'll get on it!

jim hardy said:
You might try starting a dream logbook. Keep it by your bedside and scribble something in it every time you wake up from a dream. It is important to do it immediately on awakening for most of them do disappear quickly for some reason.
Then look for repeating themes in them. Talk them over with somebody close.

old jim

Keeping a dream logbook sounds like a great idea. I've tried to do it in the past but putting off writing a dream down for even an hour afterwards is tough-- it's crazy how quickly our memories of dreams fades! Is this because the dream isn't an actual, physical thing that has happened? We don't have our 5 senses activated to help us remember it better?
  • #7
I heard that you always dream, whether you remember it or not. But I've also heard of some drugs that will make you not dream. I've never dreamt when I've been unconscious during surgeries. If it was a matter of waking up at the right time, you'd think I would have woken up at the right time at least once. Of course I've only been put to sleep like 5 times.
  • #8
I often remember dreams when I over-sleep. Maybe, It is because when I am over-sleeping, my mind has already got its required share of rest and is now almost awake. We are better at remembering things that happen at wake-up and semi-wake-up state than while deep asleep. The sort of dreams I am talking about is in the borderline between actual dreams and daydreaming. But that's not a complete explanation since sometimes I even remember pure night-time dreams (when I am not oversleeping).
  • #9
A book I once read mentioned that after waking, you only have approximately five minutes of dream recall before most of it is forgotten.

With that said, if you come out of your dream state and into a higher level of sleep for an appreciable amount of time before actually waking, any dreams you may have had are then lost. Even though you may have had a number of dreams, you won't remember having any at all.
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Related to Remembering Some Dreams and Not Others

1. Why is it that I remember some dreams but not others?

There are a few factors that can contribute to why we remember some dreams and not others. One factor is the level of arousal during the dream - if we are more alert and have a higher level of brain activity, we are more likely to remember the dream. Another factor is the emotional intensity of the dream - dreams that evoke strong emotions are more likely to be remembered. Additionally, external stimuli such as noise or temperature changes can interrupt the dream and make it easier to recall.

2. Can I train myself to remember my dreams more often?

Yes, there are techniques that can help improve dream recall. Keeping a dream journal and writing down any dreams upon waking can help train the brain to remember dreams. Also, setting an intention before going to sleep to remember dreams can be effective. Additionally, getting enough sleep is important since dreams occur more frequently during REM sleep.

3. Is there a scientific explanation for why we dream?

The exact purpose of dreams is still a subject of debate in the scientific community. Some theories suggest that dreams serve to process emotions and memories, while others propose that they are simply a result of random brain activity. More research is needed to fully understand the function of dreams.

4. Why do some people remember dreams more vividly than others?

This can be due to individual differences in brain activity, sleep patterns, and lifestyle factors. For example, people who have a high level of creativity tend to remember dreams more vividly. Additionally, certain medications or substances can affect dream recall.

5. Can certain foods or activities affect dream recall?

Yes, certain foods and activities can impact dream recall. Consuming alcohol or caffeine before bed can disrupt sleep and make it more difficult to remember dreams. Additionally, activities such as meditation or mindfulness can improve dream recall by increasing self-awareness and attention to thoughts and emotions.

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