Removing Files Starting with "-" in Linux

  • Thread starter karthik3k
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In summary, to remove files starting with "-" in Linux, use the "rm" command followed by the file name. If the file name begins with "-", add a "--" before the file name. Wildcards such as "*" can be used to remove multiple files, and the "ls" command can be used to double check the file name before removing it. If a system file is accidentally removed, it can cause issues and cannot be recovered. The "rm" command can also be used to remove directories starting with "-", but the "-r" option must be added to the command.
  • #1
LINUX rm command ?

How do i remove files starting with "-"


rm -file1.txt
cant find a option -file1.txt

Computer science news on
  • #2
rm -- -file1.txt or
rm -- -*.txt

use the man pages whenever you can't find an option. It is usually explained there. To see the man page for a command type man <command_name>, i.e. man rm
  • #3

FAQ: Removing Files Starting with "-" in Linux

How do I remove files starting with "-" in Linux?

In order to remove files starting with "-", you will need to use the "rm" command followed by the file name. If the file name begins with "-", you will need to add a "--" before the file name to indicate to the system that it is a file name and not a command option.

Can I use wildcards to remove multiple files starting with "-" in Linux?

Yes, you can use wildcards such as "*" to remove multiple files starting with "-". For example, if you want to remove all files starting with "-" in a specific directory, you can use the command "rm -- -*" to remove them all.

What happens if I accidentally remove a system file starting with "-" in Linux?

If you accidentally remove a system file starting with "-", it can potentially cause issues with your system. It is important to be cautious when using the "rm" command and double check the file name before removing it. You can also use the "ls" command to list all files in a directory before removing them to ensure you are only removing the intended files.

Is there a way to recover files that were removed starting with "-" in Linux?

Unfortunately, once a file is removed using the "rm" command, it cannot be recovered. It is important to always have backups of important files to prevent permanent data loss.

Can I use the "rm" command to remove directories starting with "-" in Linux?

Yes, you can use the "rm" command to remove directories starting with "-". However, you will need to add the "-r" option to the command to indicate that you want to remove a directory and all its contents recursively. For example, the command "rm -r -- -directory" will remove a directory called "directory" that starts with "-".
