Removing negations using logical equivalences

  • Thread starter idlackage
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In summary, to remove negations from ¬∀x∃y : (P (x, y) --> (∃z : ¬Q(x, y, z))), we can use logical equivalences to rewrite the expression as ∃x∀y : (P (x, y) v (∀z : Q(x, y, z))).
  • #1

Homework Statement

Remove negations from this: ¬∀x∃y : (P (x, y) --> (∃z : ¬Q(x, y, z))) using logical equivalences.

Homework Equations

¬(∃x : P(x)) is equal to ∀x : ¬(P(x))
P --> Q is equal to ¬P v Q

The Attempt at a Solution

¬∀x∃y : (P (x, y) --> (∃z : ¬Q(x, y, z)))
≡ ¬∀x∃y : (¬P (x, y) v (∃z : ¬Q(x, y, z)))
≡ ∃x∀y : ¬ (¬P (x, y) v (∃z : ¬Q(x, y, z)))
≡ ∃x∀y : (P (x, y) v ¬(¬(∀z : Q(x, y, z))))
≡ ∃x∀y : (P (x, y) v (∀z : Q(x, y, z)))

I'm wondering if I've applied the logic right. I'm not sure if I can just shift the Not like that from line one to two (counting from the equivalency sign). On line two to line three, I'm assuming that (∃z : ¬Q(x, y, z)) would mean something like "There exists a person who doesn't like math", which would equal to ¬(∀z : Q(x, y, z)) or "Not everyone likes math". Then on line four the Not from the very outside cancels the Not in front of that ∀z. Am I doing this right? I feel like I'm missing something.

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  • #2

Your approach is generally correct, but there are a few small errors. Here is a slightly modified version of your solution:

¬∀x∃y : (P (x, y) --> (∃z : ¬Q(x, y, z)))
≡ ¬∃x∀y : (P (x, y) --> (∃z : ¬Q(x, y, z))) (using the fact that ¬(∃x : P(x)) is equal to ∀x : ¬(P(x)))
≡ ∃x∀y : ¬(P (x, y) --> (∃z : ¬Q(x, y, z))) (using the fact that P --> Q is equal to ¬P v Q)
≡ ∃x∀y : (P (x, y) v ¬(∃z : ¬Q(x, y, z))) (using the fact that ¬(P --> Q) is equal to P v ¬Q)
≡ ∃x∀y : (P (x, y) v (∀z : Q(x, y, z))) (using the fact that ¬(∃z : ¬Q(x, y, z)) is equal to ∀z : Q(x, y, z))

So the main error in your solution was on line 3, where you incorrectly applied the distributive property of negation. You can't just "shift the Not" from one part of the expression to another - you have to use the logical equivalences to rewrite the entire expression. Other than that, your logic is correct. Good job!

FAQ: Removing negations using logical equivalences

What is the purpose of removing negations using logical equivalences?

The purpose of removing negations using logical equivalences is to simplify logical expressions and make them easier to analyze and manipulate. By applying logical equivalences, we can transform complex expressions into simpler and equivalent forms, which can help us better understand the underlying logic.

What are some common logical equivalences used for removing negations?

Some common logical equivalences used for removing negations include De Morgan's laws, double negation, and the distributive property. These equivalences allow us to switch between different logical operators and eliminate negations to simplify the overall expression.

How do you apply De Morgan's laws to remove negations?

De Morgan's laws state that the negation of a conjunction (AND) or disjunction (OR) is equivalent to the disjunction or conjunction, respectively, of the negated terms. In other words, ¬(P ∧ Q) is equivalent to (¬P ∨ ¬Q) and ¬(P ∨ Q) is equivalent to (¬P ∧ ¬Q). To remove negations using De Morgan's laws, we simply apply these equivalences to the negated expressions within the original expression.

Can we always remove negations using logical equivalences?

No, there are some cases where removing negations using logical equivalences is not possible. For example, if a logical expression contains a negation within a quantifier, removing it may change the meaning of the expression. In these cases, we must be cautious and carefully analyze the implications of applying logical equivalences.

Why is removing negations using logical equivalences important in scientific research?

Removing negations using logical equivalences is important in scientific research because it allows us to simplify and manipulate logical expressions, making them easier to analyze and understand. This can be especially useful when working with complex mathematical or scientific models, where logical operations are frequently used to represent relationships between variables and data.
