Renormalization and scale dependence

In summary: Scale dependence is a manifestation of the low-energy theory being more coarse than the high-energy theory.
  • #1
Since Wilson work in the 70s, the renormalization technique in QFT is physically justified with the concept of scale dependence(scale anomaly) of the parameters.
This apparently is akin to a universal version of the characteristic length usually applied to specific physical systems to define their scale.

Can anybody explain how is this scale dependence introduced(independently of the specific procedure:perturbative cutoff, dimensional, lattice...)? Where does it come from?

Does the Haag's theorem imply that this scale dependence technique is not even related to the QFT lagrangian?
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  • #2
A circle seen from far away may look like a point, so a point is an effective theory of a circle. But if one looks under the microscope, one will see that it is a circle. So the theory one uses - point or circle - depends on how closely or finely one looks. Scale dependence in quantum field theory is an analgous idea. If we probe the system using low energies and long wavelengths, then we will be looking at the system more coarsely. If we probe the system using high energies and short wavelengths, then we will be looking at the system more finely. Just like the microscope, as we change how finely we look, the theory changes in a way which is manifest in the scale dependence.

Of course, one can get much more dramatic changes than scale dependence, like uncovering new degrees of freedom.

The basic idea is described by Kadanoff's block spin picture
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  • #3
This is actually a very deep question.

Murray Gell-Mann gave a talk on it - its actually tied up with beauty in physics and math:

Its this scale dependence that causes the same things to pop up over and over.

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  • #4
atyy said:
A circle seen from far away may look like a point, so a point is an effective theory of a circle. But if one looks under the microscope, one will see that it is a circle. So the theory one uses - point or circle - depends on how closely or finely one looks. Scale dependence in quantum field theory is an analgous idea. If we probe the system using low energies and long wavelengths, then we will be looking at the system more coarsely. If we probe the system using high energies and short wavelengths, then we will be looking at the system more finely. Just like the microscope, as we change how finely we look, the theory changes in a way which is manifest in the scale dependence.

Yes, this is the usual metaphor. It basically amounts to trivially admitting we are stuck with the coarse view of the point and the circle scapes us so far. IOW that we don't have the right picture that Gell-Mann refers to in the talk linked by Bill.

The problem I see with this metaphor is that people take it too literally in the sense that theyseem to infer from it that the only way to advance towards the true (not just effective) field theory is by smashing matter with ever higher energies.

bhobba said:
This is actually a very deep question.

Murray Gell-Mann gave a talk on it - its actually tied up with beauty in physics and math:

Its this scale dependence that causes the same things to pop up over and over.


I remember that talk, it just touches upon the scale dependence issue, it is more concerned with the highly related concept of universality(when he talks about the similarity of the onion layers) that can be found in the renormalization group both in high energy physics and in condensed matter physics, i.e.: sameness of critical exponents in Kadanoff's second order phase transitions terms.

Probably both the scaling and the approximate self-similarity are sides of the same coin.
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  • #5
TrickyDicky said:
Yes, this is the usual metaphor. It basically amounts to trivially admitting we are stuck with the coarse view of the point and the circle scapes us so far. IOW that we don't have the right picture that Gell-Mann refers to in the talk linked by Bill.

The problem I see with this metaphor is that people take it too literally in the sense that theyseem to infer from it that the only way to advance towards the true (not just effective) field theory is by smashing matter with ever higher energies.

I think there are two other ideas out there. The first is to look for deviations from the present theory at low energy (eg. the discussion between Gross and Strassler reported by Motl The second is still to smash things at higher energy, but to realize that it may be too expensive for us, but maybe we can use cosmological observations (eg. BICEP2, if it pans out).

Anyway, yes, I believe we agree on scaling. Scaling is just one a manifestation of different effective theories at different scales. Universality has to do with fixed points occurring as one performs scaling or renormalization flow.
  • #6
atyy said:
I think there are two other ideas out there. The first is to look for deviations from the present theory at low energy (eg. the discussion between Gross and Strassler reported by Motl
I would side with Strassler there.

Anyway, yes, I believe we agree on scaling. Scaling is just one a manifestation of different effective theories at different scales. Universality has to do with fixed points occurring as one performs scaling or renormalization flow.
I think it is interesting to contrast this scale dependence associated with quantum effects against the scale invariance of the classical theories. More commonly discussed in terms of(spontaneous) breaking of symmetries.
There is room to think that rather than symmetry beaking we might be facing the failure of approximate but not exact symmetries to account for the quantum effects.

FAQ: Renormalization and scale dependence

1. What is renormalization and why is it important in science?

Renormalization is a technique used in theoretical physics to account for the effects of scale dependence in physical phenomena. It is important because many physical systems exhibit scale dependence, meaning their properties change at different scales, and renormalization allows us to accurately describe and predict their behavior.

2. How does renormalization work?

Renormalization involves adjusting the parameters of a theory to account for the effects of scale dependence. This is typically done by introducing a cutoff scale, which separates the large-scale behavior of a system from the small-scale behavior. The parameters are then adjusted to match experimental data at the cutoff scale, and the theory is then extrapolated to larger or smaller scales.

3. What is the difference between perturbative and non-perturbative renormalization?

Perturbative renormalization involves calculating corrections to a theory using a series expansion, while non-perturbative renormalization involves solving the full equations of the theory. Perturbative methods are simpler and more commonly used, but they are limited to small perturbations and may not accurately describe strong interactions.

4. Can renormalization be applied to any physical system?

Renormalization can be applied to most physical systems, as long as they exhibit scale dependence. Some theories, such as those describing gravity, are non-renormalizable and cannot be fully renormalized. However, renormalization can still be used to make predictions in such theories.

5. What is the relationship between renormalization and the renormalization group?

The renormalization group is a mathematical framework used to study the behavior of physical theories under changes in scale. Renormalization is a practical application of the renormalization group, where we use the group's equations to adjust the parameters of a theory to account for scale dependence.
