Renormalization Group:NiemeijerVan Leeuwen Method-Ising Square Lattice

In summary, the probability distribution for a Kadannof block with even sites, such as a square lattice, can be constructed using the general form of:P(s,s')=\frac{1}{I}\sum_{i=1}^{I}\delta_{s_i,s'_i}However, to obtain a normalized distribution, this formula needs to be multiplied by a factor of I.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Using the Niemeijer Van Leeuwen method calculate the critical temperature and all
the critical exponents of the Ising model in the square lattice, using the NiemeijerVan Leeuwen approximation to first order in cumulants with a 4-site Kadanoff block. In this case the
majority rule must be generalized to include the case of a tie, in which is assigned
equal probability to both block spin orientations.
Relevant Equations
Hello, I have to solve this problem. I will apply the Niemeijer Van Leeuwen method once I have the probability distribution
proper to the renormalization group ,P(s,s'). For example, in the case of a triangular lattice, this distribution is:


where I is the block index. However, it is very difficult for me to generalize the majority rule for a Kadannof block with even sites, like square lattice. It occurred to me generalize like this:

but this distribution is not normalized, that is, it does not satisfy:


Is anyone able to construct this probability distribution?
Thank you very much.
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  • #2
Yes, it is possible to construct the probability distribution for a Kadannof block with even sites such as a square lattice. The general form of the probability distribution can be written as:P(s,s')=\frac{1}{I}\sum_{i=1}^{I}\delta_{s_i,s'_i}where I is the number of blocks and $\delta_{s_i,s'_i}$ is the Kronecker delta function which is equal to 1 if $s_i = s'_i$ and 0 otherwise. To normalize this probability distribution, you need to make sure that\sum_{s,s'}P(s,s')=1This can be done by multiplying $P(s,s')$ by a factor of $I$. Thus, the normalized probability distribution for a Kadannof block with even sites such as a square lattice is given by:P(s,s')=I\sum_{i=1}^{I}\delta_{s_i,s'_i}

FAQ: Renormalization Group:NiemeijerVan Leeuwen Method-Ising Square Lattice

1. What is the Renormalization Group (RG) method?

The Renormalization Group method is a mathematical technique used to study the behavior of physical systems at different length scales. It involves systematically changing the scale at which a system is observed, and analyzing how the properties of the system change as a result. This method is particularly useful in understanding the behavior of complex systems, such as the Ising model on a square lattice.

2. How does the Niemeijer-Van Leeuwen (NL) method relate to the RG method?

The Niemeijer-Van Leeuwen method is a specific implementation of the RG method that was developed to study the Ising model on a square lattice. It involves a series of transformations that map the original lattice onto a smaller one, while preserving the thermodynamic properties of the system. This method is widely used in statistical physics to study critical phenomena.

3. What is the significance of the Ising model on a square lattice in statistical physics?

The Ising model on a square lattice is a simple mathematical model that has been extensively studied in statistical physics. It consists of a lattice of spins that can take on two values (up or down), and interactions between neighboring spins. This model has been used to understand phase transitions, critical phenomena, and other complex behaviors in a wide range of physical systems.

4. What are the main advantages of using the NL method in studying the Ising model?

The NL method is advantageous because it allows for the calculation of thermodynamic quantities, such as the critical exponents, in a relatively simple and efficient manner. It also provides a clear physical interpretation of the results, making it easier to understand the behavior of the system. Additionally, the NL method can be easily extended to study more complex systems beyond the Ising model.

5. Are there any limitations to the NL method in studying the Ising model?

While the NL method is a powerful tool in studying the Ising model, it does have some limitations. One major limitation is that it is primarily applicable to systems with short-range interactions. Additionally, the NL method may not be suitable for studying systems with long-range correlations or disorder. In these cases, other techniques, such as Monte Carlo simulations, may be more appropriate.
