Renormalization in Background Independent Theories

In summary, there is a current focus on new approaches to renormalization due to the inability to define scale without a background metric. Perimeter is hosting a workshop on this topic, with talks available online from speakers such as Wieland, Bahr, Bonzom, Guifre Vidal, Dittrich, and Zapata. Additionally, there are now 16 talks online, including those from Etera Livine, Marc Geiller, Sylvain Carrozza, and Jeff Hnybida.
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It's non-trivial since if you do not have a background metric you cannot define the scale, with respect to which couplings are supposed to run. So new approaches to renormalization have appeared. Perimeter has a workshop on this and a number of Monday 28 Sep talks are on line

Talks by:
Guifre Vidal

As of now also a couple of the 29 Sep talks are also online.
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  • #2
There are now 16 talks online in this series. In addition to the speakers mentioned in the previous post there are talks by:
Etera Livine
Marc Geiller
Sylvain Carrozza
Jeff Hnybida
and several others whose work I'm familiar with.
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FAQ: Renormalization in Background Independent Theories

1. What is renormalization in background independent theories?

Renormalization is a mathematical technique used in theoretical physics to account for the effects of quantum fluctuations on physical systems. In background independent theories, it is used to remove or "renormalize" infinities that arise in calculations, making the theory well-defined and consistent.

2. Why is renormalization necessary in background independent theories?

In quantum field theories, calculations often result in infinities due to the infinite number of possible quantum fluctuations. Renormalization is necessary in order to remove these infinities and make the theory physically meaningful and predictive.

3. How does renormalization work in background independent theories?

Renormalization involves changing the parameters of a theory to absorb infinities that arise in calculations. This is done through a series of mathematical operations, such as subtracting infinities or introducing new terms in the theory.

4. What are the challenges of renormalization in background independent theories?

One of the main challenges of renormalization in background independent theories is that it is a non-perturbative technique, meaning that it cannot be applied in a straightforward manner. This makes it difficult to calculate and apply in practice.

5. What are some applications of renormalization in background independent theories?

Renormalization has been successfully applied in a variety of theoretical models, including quantum gravity, string theory, and loop quantum gravity. It has also been used to study the behavior of quantum fields in curved spacetime, such as in black holes and cosmological models.

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