Renormalization of a non-local QFT

In summary, the conversation discusses a model described by a non-local QFT for a complex scalar field in a measure space. The Feynman rules for the vertex and free propagator have been calculated, but there are issues with divergences in loop diagrams due to factors of ##\delta(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{x})##. Various methods of regularization have been attempted, including a modified zeta regularization technique, which has provided finite results for dimensions greater than zero. However, there is still uncertainty about the correctness of this approach.
  • #1
Hi guys. I'm working on a model described by a non-local QFT. I think I got the Feynman rules right, but I get divergences from ##\delta(0)##-like factors.

Homework Statement

It's a QFT for a complex scalar field ##\psi(x)=\psi(\mathbf{x},t)## with action $$S= \int dx \dot{\bar{\psi}}\dot{\psi}-m^2\bar{\psi}\psi -\int dx dy \bar{\psi}(x)\psi(y) \Omega(x,y) \bar{\psi}(x)\psi(y)$$

where ##\Omega## is a known, positive function. The space-time of the theory is of the form ##X \times \mathbb{R}##, where ##X## is a measure space. There is no a priori differentiable structure on ##X##, therefore I can't use spatial derivatives of momentum space in this model (maybe just formally), just time derivatives. The problem is to renormalize the theory because loop diagrams are "divergent" in the sense that they are proportional to factors of the form ##\delta(\mathbb{x},\mathbf{x})##, whatever those mean in a general measure space setting.

Homework Equations

It's not clear to me whether the Delta function ##\delta(x,y)## makes sense. Maybe just as a Dirac measure, not even as a distribution (there's no topology on ##X##, unless you can build one from the measure). Formally one has the free propagator $$\Delta(x,y)=\int \frac{d\omega}{2 \pi}\frac{i\delta(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y})}{\omega^2-m^2}e^{-i\omega(t-t')}$$

The Feynman rules for the vertex is, according to my calculations, given by ##\int dz dw \Omega(z,w)##, where one specifies a vertex with two points ##z,w## and joins each one to two lines. This causes loop factors of the form ##\delta(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{x})## which don't really make sense in the general case. In case ##X## is discrete it should be the Kronecker delta so it's just 1. In case ##X=\mathbb{R}^n## it should be the usual Dirac delta, so that's problematic to regularize.

The Attempt at a Solution

The only cause for divergences is in those factors, and they are in front of every diagram with a loop. This means that if I place a formal cutoff ##\Lambda##, pretending to work in ##d##-dimensional momentum space and write ##\int d^d p \sim \Lambda^d##, subtracting the "divergences" with counterterms cancels every loop diagram, leaving me with tree diagrams that are zero because of the delta functions in the propagators. The only non-zero amplitudes in the theory are diagrams with loops, and my interpretation is that "physical" particles are ##\bar{\psi}\psi## pairs.

Knowing that this form of the propagator can be traced back to the absence of spatial derivatives, I tried to add a formal laplacian term in the action, with a parameter ##\epsilon## in front. Pretending again to be in ##d## dimensions, the basic loop integral evaluates to ##\sim (m^2/\epsilon)^{d/2}## which is again an overall divergent factor. Straight dimensional regularization of ##\int d^d p## gives zero.

I tried to modify the kinetic Lagrangian in a way that could extract a sensible finite part from ##\delta(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{x})##, without success. I tried to treat delta functions and propagators as distributions, as measures, as operators, but in those formalisms it's difficult to define loops. I read something about casual perturbation theory and the R- and W-operations, and applying that scheme to the "squared delta" in this case just gives me an arbitrary constant. I'm supposed to fix it with some renormalization condition, but I don't know what I should do.
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  • #2
I'm sorry you are not generating any responses at the moment. Is there any additional information you can share with us? Any new findings?
  • #3
Thanks for responding. I actually used a modified Zeta Regularization technique. First of all I imposed that space must be a [itex]d[/itex]-dimensional subspace of [itex]\mathbb{R}^n[/itex]. Then I defined the [itex]\delta[/itex] distribution via the usual "Fourier transform of 1", but integrating in [itex]d[/itex] dimensions, even though the integrand if a function on [itex]\mathbb{R}^n[/itex] (with dimensional regularization). I checked that the resulting distribution acts as a Dirac delta: [tex]\int d^d x \delta(x,y)f(y)=f(x)[/tex] for sufficiently nice functions [itex]f[/itex]. Then, to regularize the divergent integral for [itex]\delta(x,x)[/itex] I used a zeta regularization recursive formula for polynomial integrals, studied by Garcia, Elizalde and others. It's the second formula in this paragraph

and it gives finite results for [itex]d>0[/itex]. In the zero dimensional case I impose the distribution to be the Kronecker delta, so that everything is consistent. Isn't it? I don't really know. The thing is that the only regularization method that gives finite, non zero results in this case seems to be this one.

Related to Renormalization of a non-local QFT

1. What is renormalization in quantum field theory?

Renormalization is a process used in quantum field theory (QFT) to eliminate infinities that arise in calculations of physical quantities. These infinities are typically due to the mathematical idealization of point particles in QFT, and renormalization allows for finite, physically meaningful results to be obtained.

2. What is a non-local QFT?

A non-local QFT is a type of quantum field theory in which the interactions between particles are not confined to a specific point in space and time. This means that particles can interact over a distance, rather than only at the same point in space and time. Non-local QFTs are often used in models of gravity and other theories beyond the Standard Model of particle physics.

3. Why is renormalization necessary in non-local QFTs?

Renormalization is necessary in non-local QFTs because these theories typically involve infinite sums of terms that are not well-defined mathematically. These infinities must be removed in order to obtain meaningful predictions and calculations from the theory.

4. What is the process of renormalization in a non-local QFT?

The process of renormalization in a non-local QFT involves introducing new parameters, known as counterterms, to cancel out the infinities that arise in calculations. These counterterms are chosen in such a way that physical quantities, such as particle masses and interaction strengths, remain finite and meaningful.

5. What are the challenges in renormalization of non-local QFTs?

One of the main challenges in renormalization of non-local QFTs is that the counterterms introduced can affect the behavior of the theory at high energies, which can make it difficult to make predictions for high-energy phenomena. Additionally, the process of renormalization can be very complex and require advanced mathematical techniques, making it challenging to fully understand and apply in some cases.

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