Replacing column by equivalent force and couple

In summary, the problem is asking the individual to replace the horizontal force at point D with an equivalent force and moment at point C while maintaining equilibrium. This can be achieved by adding a 10kN force to the right and a 10kN force to the left at point C, while regarding the original force at D and the new force at C as a moment.
  • #1
wee VooDoo
The Problem
I've been given the beam shown below to carry out the Hardy Cross method (Moment Distribution) too. I have no problems with the method but I'm struggling with part b, which states "Replace column by an equivalent force and couple at point C"

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Excuse the crude photoshopping! The column is 1unit in length and infinitely stiff.

Part a of the question was work out stiffness and distribution factors which were easy.
But part b states "Replace column by an equivalent force and couple at point C" and I can't do the rest of the question without this. I've tried and failed many times.

I've tried replacing with what I think is right, and replacing by guessing but I don't think I understand what to do. I tried inserting a column straight underneath with the same length and the 10kN load acting to the left. But that would double the moment around C so I'm stumped.

Any help pointing me in the right direction is very appreciated. Feel stupid that I can do the hard bits but can't figure out the couple! lol
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  • #2
What the problem is asking you to do is replace the horizontal force at D with an equivalent force and moment at C such that equilibrium is maintained. In other words, the force at C will have the same direction and magnitude as the force at D. The moment acting at C due to the force at D should be easy to determine (not guess).
  • #3
Thanks SteamKing. I know it sounded stupid but I just could not figure it out for the life of me. Too much studying frying my head! Thanks again!
  • #4
another to look at it is: Add a 10 kN to the right at C, and another 10 kN force at C to the left. In other words nothing has changed. Now you can regard the rightwards force at D and the leftwards force at C as a moment (at C if you like, it doesn't matter where). The remainder is the rightwards force at C.
  • #5

Thank you for sharing your problem with me. From what I understand, you are having difficulty replacing the column in the beam with an equivalent force and couple at point C. This can be a challenging task, but I will try my best to guide you in the right direction.

Firstly, let's define what an equivalent force and couple mean. An equivalent force is a single force that has the same effect as a system of forces acting on a body. Similarly, an equivalent couple is a single couple that has the same effect as a system of couples acting on a body.

In this case, we want to replace the column at point C with an equivalent force and couple. To do this, we need to consider the forces and moments acting on the column.

At point C, there is a 10kN load acting downwards and a moment of 25kNm acting clockwise. To replace this with an equivalent force and couple, we need to find a force that has the same effect as the 10kN load and a couple that has the same effect as the 25kNm moment.

To find the equivalent force, we can use the principle of moments. We know that the moment of the 10kN load about point C is 10kN x 1m = 10kNm. Therefore, the equivalent force can be found by dividing this moment by the length of the column, which is 1m. This gives us an equivalent force of 10kN acting downwards at point C.

To find the equivalent couple, we can use the principle of moments again. We know that the moment of the 25kNm moment about point C is 25kNm. Therefore, the equivalent couple can be found by taking this moment and dividing it by the distance from point C to the end of the column, which is 0.5m. This gives us an equivalent couple of 50kNm acting clockwise at point C.

So, to summarize, the equivalent force and couple at point C are 10kN downwards and 50kNm clockwise, respectively. You can now use these equivalent forces and moments in your calculations for the Hardy Cross method.

I hope this helps you understand how to replace a column with an equivalent force and couple. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Best of luck with your calculations!


FAQ: Replacing column by equivalent force and couple

What is meant by "Replacing column by equivalent force and couple"?

The concept of "Replacing column by equivalent force and couple" refers to a method used in structural analysis to simplify a complex loading situation on a column into a single equivalent force and couple. This allows for easier calculation of the column's stability and load-bearing capacity.

Why is it necessary to replace a column by an equivalent force and couple?

Replacing a column by an equivalent force and couple is necessary because it allows for easier analysis and calculation of the column's stability and load-bearing capacity. It simplifies a complex loading situation into a single, more manageable force and couple.

What factors determine the equivalent force and couple for a column?

The equivalent force and couple for a column are determined by the type of loading, the location and magnitude of the applied forces, and the geometry and material properties of the column. These factors are used to calculate the equivalent force and couple using principles of statics and structural mechanics.

Are there any limitations to using the equivalent force and couple method?

While the equivalent force and couple method is a useful tool in structural analysis, it does have some limitations. It is most accurate for columns with simple geometries and uniform loading. It may not be as accurate for more complex loading situations or irregularly shaped columns.

How can the equivalent force and couple method be applied in real-world situations?

The equivalent force and couple method is commonly used in structural engineering for the design of buildings, bridges, and other structures. It allows for a simplified analysis of column stability and load-bearing capacity, making it a valuable tool for ensuring the safety and stability of structures in real-world situations.
