Request for Hints to solve a Non-Linear PDE

In summary, the conversation discusses the search for an analytical solution to a non-linear PDE, with the possibility of using numerical methods as well. The original equation has been simplified and the speaker is trying to find an analytical solution that matches the numerical results. The Heat Integral method has been attempted but was not accurate enough.
  • #1
Dear Friends,
Would you please provide me with some hints to find the analytical solution of the non-linear PDE given below:


BC's and IC's are:
Uz(0,t)=A*H(t); "H" is the heaviside function and H(0)=0

where A, B, and C are constant.

Many Thanks,
Physics news on
  • #2
Hi !

Since there is no answer yet to the question, I dare give my opinion on the subject.
The analytical solutions of most of the non-linear PDE are not known. The solutions of only a few of them can be formally expressed (generally in case of school problems). In practice, numerical methods are used to treat the problems involving PDE in physics or industry.
I think that the mohammad449's non-linear PDE should be treated with a numerical software.
Nevertheless, I hope that someone will give a more theoretical answer.
  • #3
Thanks so much Dear JJacquelin!

Actually, the original equation has been simplified to the given form. I have the numerical results of the original complicated equation.
Currently, I am trying to find an analytical solution to match the numerical one. I tried the Heat Integral method (to get an approximation) but the resulting solution was not accurate enough, it just works in some specific conditions.

Related to Request for Hints to solve a Non-Linear PDE

1. What is a non-linear partial differential equation (PDE)?

A non-linear PDE is a mathematical equation that involves multiple variables and their partial derivatives, where the coefficients of these derivatives are not constant. This means that the equation cannot be simplified into a linear form, and its solution is often more complex and difficult to obtain.

2. How do I solve a non-linear PDE?

Solving a non-linear PDE involves using various mathematical techniques such as separation of variables, substitution, or numerical methods. These methods can help to transform the equation into a simpler form that can be solved analytically or numerically.

3. What are some common techniques for solving non-linear PDEs?

Some of the common techniques for solving non-linear PDEs include the method of characteristics, the Laplace transform method, and the perturbation method. These techniques can help to reduce the complexity of the equation and find a solution in terms of the given variables.

4. What are the real-world applications of non-linear PDEs?

Non-linear PDEs have many applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. They can be used to model various physical phenomena, such as heat transfer, fluid dynamics, and wave propagation. They are also used in financial mathematics to model complex systems and predict market trends.

5. Can I use software or programming to solve non-linear PDEs?

Yes, there are various software and programming languages that can be used to solve non-linear PDEs, such as MATLAB, Python, and Mathematica. These programs have built-in functions and libraries that can handle complex equations and provide solutions in a faster and more accurate manner.

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