Research group on Twistor in USA.

In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of studying Twistor Theory in the USA and UK. The individual seeking advice is currently studying mathematics in the Middle East and is limited to choosing a university in the USA for their Master's degree. They mention their interest in studying with twistor specialists, particularly in the UK, and ask for recommendations for universities in the USA with strong programs in twistor theory. The conversation also touches on the use of twistors as a tool in various areas of physics, and the potential for studying related fields before focusing on twistor theory. Various universities and professors are mentioned as potential options for studying twistor theory in the USA.
  • #1
Empty Set
Hello ladies and gentelmen.

I am currently studying mathematics in middle-east, I want to study Twistor Theory in master. the problem is most of twistor specialists in UK(including Roger Penrose) and my scholarship allow me to choose only university in USA . I did quick search here are professors or schools that I found interested in twistor:

Oxford University (the only university that has group on twistor

2-Dr Maciej Dunajski
University of Cambridge
Theoretical High Energy Particle Physics Group(Centre for Mathematical Sciences)

3-Stephen Huggett, Reader in Mathematical Physics, University of Plymouth

-Christian Saemann Department of Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University

4-Bill Spence, current: Head of School of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary, University of London

5-Gabriele Travaglini School of Physics and Astronomy Queen Mary, University of London

5-Mr Moritz F. Högner, Moritz is a member of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics High Energy Physics research group. His current research interests are self-duality, twistor theory and integrability.

Edward Witten(who combined twistor and string theory) : But seems near to impossible to be your advisor ("" )

So, Which school do you suggest to study twistor in usa?
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  • #2

Twistor theory seems like an awfully narrow target. Perhaps, you should be open to studying related areas, and then doing twistor theory later, if you want. You could maybe look into Penn State. Penrose visits there sometimes and there are some very good quantum gravity people there.
  • #3

homeomorphic said:
Twistor theory seems like an awfully narrow target. Perhaps, you should be open to studying related areas, and then doing twistor theory later, if you want.

That seems reasonable advice.

You could maybe look into Penn State. Penrose visits there sometimes and there are some very good quantum gravity people there.

Indeed :bugeye:,I didn't expect they have that excellent staff (Ashtekar for example), Thank you so much.

Do you know any other hidden university who has really good staff in general relativity and differential geometry?
  • #4

What do you mean by "twistor theory"? Like, what are some relevant papers?

I'm not sure about the first people you mention, but twistors in the way Witten used them aren't a theory, they are a now commonly used tool, like spinors or vectors. In that sense, anyone working on scattering amplitudes, and many people working on Yang-Mills or AdS/CFT use them.

Besides well known groups at say Princeton, UCLA, Brown, your best bet is to look at people who cited Witten's paper: .

Look at the more frequent authors and those are people working with twistors.
  • #5

negru said:
What do you mean by "twistor theory"? Like, what are some relevant papers?

I'm not sure about the first people you mention, but twistors in the way Witten used them aren't a theory, they are a now commonly used tool, like spinors or vectors. In that sense, anyone working on scattering amplitudes, and many people working on Yang-Mills or AdS/CFT use them.
The topic got off a track a little bit.
I mean the original twistor program, which is aim to unify Gravity with quantum, not using it as tool to calculate, the problem is as far as I know who works in Twistor program only in UK espically Twistor Group in Oxford(most of twistor discoveries done by them).

Besides well known groups at say Princeton, UCLA, Brown, your best bet is to look at people who cited Witten's paper: .

Look at the more frequent authors and those are people working with twistors.

helpful advice , thank you.

Related to Research group on Twistor in USA.

1. What is the Twistor Research Group in the USA?

The Twistor Research Group in the USA is a collaborative group of scientists and researchers who study the mathematical and physical properties of twistors, which are geometric objects that have applications in theoretical physics and other fields.

2. Who can join the Twistor Research Group in the USA?

The Twistor Research Group in the USA is open to anyone with a background or interest in twistors, including scientists, mathematicians, and graduate students. Membership may vary depending on the specific research projects and collaborations.

3. What kind of research is conducted by the Twistor Research Group in the USA?

The Twistor Research Group in the USA focuses on a wide range of research topics related to twistors, including their mathematical properties, applications in physics and geometry, and connections to other areas of mathematics such as algebraic geometry and representation theory.

4. How can I stay updated on the work of the Twistor Research Group in the USA?

The Twistor Research Group in the USA may have a website or social media presence where they share updates on their research and publications. You can also reach out to individual members of the group or attend conferences and workshops where they present their work.

5. Are there any opportunities for collaboration with the Twistor Research Group in the USA?

Yes, the Twistor Research Group in the USA welcomes collaborations with other researchers and institutions. You can reach out to them directly to inquire about potential collaborations or attend conferences and workshops where they may be seeking collaborators.

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