Research Plan w/o giving away ideas

In summary, it seems like it's very important to have a believable plan, but it's also important to be specific about your ideas so that the search committee can see how you could achieve your goals.
  • #1
Can anyone offer advice on how to write a research plan for an academic position (in physics) that is competent and believable without giving away the farm and all your ideas?

It seems to me these two things are mutually exclusive. A committee will not be convinced without a believable plan, but it is hard to see how one can sound believable without detailing and being specific about your ideas. So what's to stop the search committee from: *snip*, "thanks for my next grant proposal."

I think anyone who is in the academic physics field knows that there are more than a few physicists out there who can, will, and have done this.

Obviously I don't yet have funding for my idea, or it would be a moot point. "Hmm, candidate already has grant, hired!" Note that I'm applying to undergrad-focused institutions. In today's market, I'm not even sure people without current grants in their own control are even considered.

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  • #2
This happens a lot more in the movies than in real life.

First, ideas by themselves are not all that valuable. Everyone has ideas - it's whether one can successfully implement them that matters.

Second, the people who review these proposals usually have ideas of their own they are trying to pursue.

Third, the funding agencies would surely notice Prof. Bigshot slamming a proposal one year and submitting it himself in the following year.
  • #3
Hey, thanks for your response. I agree with your points (1) and (2).

However, I can think of 4 friends/colleagues just off the top of my head who shared their ideas with the wrong people and had them stolen. So it does happen a lot more than you would think.

On point (3), I'm submitting an application to a search committee, not a funding agency. I'd have to simultaneously write a grant and submit that for funding, which I guess I could do. The issue, though, is that in a research plan you really need multiple avenues of science, so it would have to be multiple grants.

FAQ: Research Plan w/o giving away ideas

1. What is a research plan?

A research plan is a detailed outline of the steps and methods that will be used to conduct a research study. It includes the research question, objectives, methodology, data collection and analysis techniques, and a timeline for completion.

2. Why is a research plan important?

A research plan is important because it provides a roadmap for conducting a study and ensures that resources and time are used efficiently. It also helps to maintain focus and direction throughout the research process and increases the chances of obtaining meaningful and reliable results.

3. How do you create a research plan?

A research plan is created by first identifying a research question and setting clear objectives. Then, the researcher must determine the appropriate methodology and data collection techniques to address the research question. A timeline and budget should also be included in the plan. It is important to regularly review and adjust the plan as needed.

4. Can a research plan change during the course of a study?

Yes, a research plan can change during the course of a study. This may be due to unexpected challenges or new information that arises. It is important for researchers to be flexible and adaptable in their approach and to regularly review and modify the plan as needed.

5. How can I protect my research plan from being plagiarized?

To protect a research plan from being plagiarized, it is important to only share it with trusted individuals or organizations. It can also be helpful to include a confidentiality statement or copyright notice on the plan. Additionally, researchers can limit the amount of detail included in the plan and only disclose information that is necessary for collaboration or funding purposes.

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