Research Proposal For Senior thesis - GR Solar System Model

In summary, the author plans to model the solar system using general relativity and compare and contrast their results with observations. He plans to use schwartzchild and kerr solutions and will look into Fourier solutions. The author has taken a GR course and used a book by Freeman and Walker as his reference. The sun is a plasma and it is rotating.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hi All. On Tuesday I have to present my research proposal for my undergrad research. I intend to model our solar system using general relativity and compare and contrast my results with observations. Attached is my paper that I had to submit to my adviser. He suggested that I talk about some methods that have been used before in my presentation, so I intend to add some talk about the schwartzchild and kerr solutions, and the general ideas behind finding them. However, the methods that I plan to use will be slightly different.
I have a few questions:
1) Any advice/ criticism is welcome.
2) Are there other major discrepancies between Newtons gravity and GR that can be easily outlined to an audience not versed in Relativity? (most of the people present won't have much experience with sr/gr)
3) Are there other solutions that would be worth mentioning? I feel like Schwartzchild is the simplest non-trivial, but I might be overlooking something or just not aware of it.

4) Feasibility - this gets more into the gist of the project:
Pretty much, my plan is to write my stress tensor in it's static frame and then lorentz transform it to whichever frame I will use, most likely the frame in which the sun has no translational motion, but if memory serves, the sun is rotating, so I will likely have that in my stress tensor. So basically 0 + diag{M/V,0,0,0} for each object that I include, and then lorentz transform that to the frame mentioned earlier.

As for solving, I am drawn toward Fourier solutions. We rotate periodically, so at least for the spatial coordinates, I feel like Fourier solutions would look nice and make physical sense. What do you think? The other option is difference equations, which I would just do on my computer.

In my tensor construction, what do you think I need to include? Obviously the sun and the planets. Earth's moon will be in there as well. Should I include the other moons, or would they have a negligible effect? The asteroid belt? etc. My goal is to be as accurate as possible without going overboard. I will likely try a few different things, but I would like some educated opinions just as a starting point.

Again, my paper is attached (this is not my presentation, but my paper submitted to my adviser to approve me presenting).

Thanks in advance.


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  • #2
Have you taken a GR course? What book did you use? I am on my phone so I can't see your paper, but i would mention the freidman-walker metric for sure.

Also, the sun is a plasma, and it is rotating, but it isn't a homogenous rotation IE top rotates slower than the middle, something like that. I would not want to be in your shoes trying to model that in a stress energy tensor for that.
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  • #3
Thanks for the response. I already gave my presentation. It went well, and I got approved. I was probably just overthinking it a bit.

Related to Research Proposal For Senior thesis - GR Solar System Model

What is a research proposal for a senior thesis?

A research proposal for a senior thesis is a document that outlines the objective, methodology, and significance of a research project that a student plans to conduct as part of their undergraduate degree. It serves as a plan and justification for the research and is typically submitted to a faculty advisor for approval before beginning the project.

What should be included in a research proposal for a senior thesis?

A research proposal for a senior thesis should include a clear research question, a brief overview of the current literature on the topic, a detailed methodology, a timeline for completion, and a section explaining the significance of the research. It should also include a bibliography of relevant sources and any necessary research permits or approvals.

Why is a research proposal necessary for a senior thesis?

A research proposal is necessary for a senior thesis because it allows students to plan and organize their research project before beginning, ensuring that they have a clear and feasible plan. It also serves as a way to get feedback and approval from a faculty advisor, ensuring that the project meets academic standards and is relevant to the student's field of study.

How is a research proposal for a senior thesis different from other research proposals?

A research proposal for a senior thesis is similar to other research proposals in that it outlines a research question and methodology. However, it is typically more detailed and rigorous, as it is a major project that will be completed over the course of an entire academic year. It also often includes a section on the significance of the research, which may be more important for a senior thesis than other research projects.

What are some tips for writing a successful research proposal for a senior thesis?

Some tips for writing a successful research proposal for a senior thesis include starting early, being specific and detailed in your methodology, seeking feedback from your faculty advisor and others, and being realistic about the scope and timeline of your project. It is also important to thoroughly research and understand the topic and to clearly explain the significance of your research. Additionally, make sure to follow any specific guidelines provided by your institution or department.

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