Reservations about a certain reaction.

  • Thread starter jfhorns7853
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In summary, reservations about a certain reaction refer to doubts or concerns that a scientist may have about its validity, accuracy, or potential consequences. Several factors, such as lack of evidence and potential safety hazards, can contribute to these reservations. They can be addressed by conducting further research, consulting with other experts, and carefully considering the risks and benefits. It is common for scientists to have reservations about reactions as it is a critical part of the scientific process. When faced with reservations, scientists should communicate and discuss their concerns with others and carefully evaluate the available evidence before proceeding.
  • #1
So basically I have some doubts about a chemical reaction.
NaClO + CH3COOH + Fe [tex]\Rightarrow[/tex] Fe2O3 + Cl2 + H2O
Not balanced. Also, I know that the acetic acid is there only to make the solution acidic, just bear with me.

I don't believe this to be true because I don't see a precipitate of ferric oxide. However, ferric chloride would make sense, and the red-ox reactions for THAT make sense.
2Fe + 3ClO- + 6H+ [tex]\rightarrow[/tex] 2Fe3+ +3Cl- + 3H2O
Maybe I'm just wrong? haha Anybody want to help?
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  • #2

Thank you for sharing your doubts about the chemical reaction in question. It is always important to question and verify information, especially when it comes to chemical reactions.

Firstly, you are correct in noticing that the given reaction is not balanced. In order for a chemical reaction to accurately represent what is happening, it must be balanced, meaning that the number of each type of atom on the reactant side must be equal to the number on the product side.

Secondly, your observation about the lack of a precipitate of ferric oxide is also valid. In order for a precipitate to form, there must be a reaction that results in the formation of an insoluble solid. In this case, the reaction as written does not produce ferric oxide as a solid product.

However, as you have suggested, the formation of ferric chloride does make sense in this situation. This is because when iron reacts with chlorine, it forms different oxidation states of iron, including Fe3+. In addition, the presence of acetic acid would indeed make the solution acidic, which can affect the redox reactions involved.

In conclusion, it appears that the given reaction is not entirely accurate and may need to be revised. Your proposed reaction involving ferric chloride and the redox reactions for that do seem to make more sense. Keep questioning and investigating, as it is through this process that we can better understand and improve our understanding of chemical reactions. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Related to Reservations about a certain reaction.

1. What are reservations about a certain reaction?

Reservations about a certain reaction refer to doubts or concerns that a scientist may have about the validity, accuracy, or potential consequences of a proposed reaction.

2. What factors may contribute to reservations about a certain reaction?

There are several factors that may contribute to reservations about a certain reaction, such as lack of supporting evidence, conflicting results from previous studies, potential safety hazards, or ethical concerns.

3. How can reservations about a certain reaction be addressed?

Reservations about a certain reaction can be addressed by conducting further research and experiments to gather more evidence, consulting with other experts in the field, and carefully considering the potential risks and benefits of the reaction.

4. Is it common for scientists to have reservations about reactions?

Yes, it is common for scientists to have reservations about reactions. It is a critical part of the scientific process to question and critically evaluate proposed reactions to ensure their validity and potential impact.

5. What should scientists do when they have reservations about a certain reaction?

When scientists have reservations about a certain reaction, it is important to communicate and discuss their concerns with other researchers and experts in the field. They should also carefully consider the available evidence and potential consequences before moving forward with the reaction.

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