Resistance and Temperature in conductors and semiconductors

In summary, when temperature increases, covalent bonds are broken in semiconductors, freeing electrons and increasing the number of free electrons exponentially. In conductors, the increase in temperature causes free electrons to collide with the lattice, losing energy and increasing resistance. However, in semiconductors, the decrease in resistance is due to the increase in the number of free electrons outweighing the decrease in relaxation time caused by increased collisions with the lattice.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Revered Members,
When we increase the temperature, resistance increases in conductors. But resistance decreases in semiconductors. Why?

Help in this regard will be highly appreciated.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Due to increase in temperature, covalent bonds gets broken and free electrons are generated in semiconductors.
In the case of conductors, when we increase the temperature free electrons collide with the lattice and for every collision they lose energy and resistance increases.
In semiconductors too, free electrons collide with the lattice, but their resistance, in contrary, decreases? Why?
Also, R = ml/ne2A[itex]\tau[/itex]
where m is the mass of electron, l is the length of the conductor, n is the number of free electrons per unit volume and e is 1.602*10-19 Coulomb, A is cross sectional area of conductor and [itex]\tau[/itex] is relaxation time.
In conductors, [itex]\tau[/itex], decreases when the temperature increases, so Resistance increases, I presume. But why [itex]\tau[/itex] decreases, when temperature increases.
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  • #2
logearav said:
Due to increase in temperature, covalent bonds gets broken and free electrons are generated in semiconductors.
In the case of conductors, when we increase the temperature free electrons collide with the lattice and for every collision they lose energy and resistance increases.
In semiconductors too, free electrons collide with the lattice, but their resistance, in contrary, decreases? Why?

You certainly learned that metals have free conduction electrons. All atoms share its outer electrons with the other atoms.

A semiconductor atom is covalently bound to its neighbours and there are no conduction electrons at zero K in the crystal. But the bond is not strong, the bonding energy is comparable with KBT . If the temperature increases, more and more electrons get loose from their parent atom and behave like the electrons of a metal. The number of free electrons grows about exponentially with the temperature.

logearav said:
Also, R = ml/ne2A[itex]\tau[/itex]
where m is the mass of electron, l is the length of the conductor, n is the number of free electrons per unit volume and e is 1.602*10-19 Coulomb, A is cross sectional area of conductor and [itex]\tau[/itex] is relaxation time.
In conductors, [itex]\tau[/itex], decreases when the temperature increases, so Resistance increases, I presume. But why [itex]\tau[/itex] decreases, when temperature increases.
Tau is related to the mean time between two subsequent collision of the electrons. During this collision, the electron loses its "drift" velocity, the velocity gained from the electric field. So the collisions act against the increase of velocity, like a viscous force.
When the temperature increases the electrons move with higher speeds, the ions vibrate with greater amplitude, so the probability for the electron to hit an ion gets higher. The collisions become more frequent, tau decreases.
τ decreases with temperature both in metals and semiconductors, but the number of free electrons in unit volume is independent of temperature in the metals and highly depends on the temperature in semiconductors. The resistance decreases with increasing n and this overcomes the increase of resistance because of decreasing tau.


FAQ: Resistance and Temperature in conductors and semiconductors

1. What is resistance and how does it relate to temperature in conductors and semiconductors?

Resistance is a measure of how difficult it is for electricity to flow through a material. In conductors, resistance increases as temperature increases, while in semiconductors, resistance decreases as temperature increases.

2. Why does resistance change with temperature in conductors and semiconductors?

In conductors, resistance increases with temperature because as the temperature increases, the atoms in the material vibrate more, making it harder for electrons to move through the material. In semiconductors, resistance decreases with temperature because as the temperature increases, more electrons are able to break free from their atoms and conduct electricity.

3. What is the mathematical relationship between resistance and temperature in conductors and semiconductors?

In conductors, the relationship between resistance and temperature is described by the equation R = R₀(1 + αΔT), where R₀ is the resistance at a reference temperature, α is the temperature coefficient of resistance, and ΔT is the change in temperature. In semiconductors, the relationship is described by the equation R = R₀eβ/ΔT, where R₀ is the resistance at a reference temperature, β is a constant, and ΔT is the change in temperature.

4. How does the band gap affect the resistance-temperature relationship in semiconductors?

The band gap, which is the energy difference between the valence band and the conduction band in a semiconductor, affects the resistance-temperature relationship because it determines the number of electrons that can move freely and conduct electricity. A larger band gap results in a lower temperature coefficient of resistance and a smaller change in resistance with temperature.

5. How does impurity doping affect the resistance-temperature relationship in semiconductors?

Impurity doping, which involves adding small amounts of impurities to a pure semiconductor material, can affect the resistance-temperature relationship by changing the number of free electrons or holes in the material. This can either increase or decrease the temperature coefficient of resistance and change the overall resistance-temperature relationship.
