Resistance of hollow copper cylinder

In summary, Homework Equations state that resistance is equal to the copper's resistivity multiplied by the length of the pipe. The Attempt at a Solution calculates the resistances of cylinders of different sizes, and finds that the resistances are not additive. The solution then calculates the resistance of a hollow cylinder by dividing the bottom surface area of a series of small cylinders connected in parallel by the length of the pipe.
  • #1

Homework Statement


We have a copper pipe, which has a outer diameter [itex]y = 4.1 mm[/itex] and inner diameter [itex]x = 4.0 mm [/itex]
Length of the pipe is [itex]L = 120m[/itex] and resistivity of copper is [itex]ρ = 1.7 * 10^{-8}\Omega[/itex]

Homework Equations

Resistance is [itex]R = ρ * \frac{L}{A}[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Now, I calculated the resistances for cylinders of diameter y and diameter x.
Then I subtracted the bigger from lower one and got:

[itex] R = 8*10^{-3} \Omega[/itex]

But does the shape of the object matter? Don't we need just the area of the bottom of hollow cylinder?

[itex]A = \pi * ( r_1^{2} - r_2^{2} )[/itex]

Using the area above, I get around [itex]R = 3.2 \Omega [/itex]

I converted diameters to radius and mm to metres.

P.S. In back of my book the answer is [itex]R=0,8 \Omega[/itex]
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  • #2
The answer in the book is correct. Most likely you are not using the correct units. Show the details of your calculation.
  • #3
I get 3.2 ohm when I calculate the resistance.

voko: did you use 4.1 mm and 4 mm as diameters or radii?
  • #4
Admittedly, I (ab)used the data as radii :)
  • #5
First option:

R = 1.7 * 10 ^{-8}\Omega m * \Big(\frac{120 m }{\pi * \big( \frac{0.004 m }{2} \big)^{2}} - \frac{120 m }{\pi * \big( \frac{0.0041 m }{2} \big)^{2}} \Big) = 7,822.. * 10^{-3} \Omega

Second option:
R = 1.7 * 10 ^{-8}\Omega m * \Big(\frac{120 m }{ \pi \big( (\frac{0.0041m}{2})^{2} - (\frac{0.0040m}{2})^{2}} \Big) = 3.20667 \Omega
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  • #6
Resistance is not additive. Think about total resistance of parallel conductors.
  • #7
Ye, that's why option 1 seemed pretty weird to me.

I don't see tho how option 2 is about additivity of resistance. As I just calculated the (bottom) surface area of the hollow sylinder and then proceed to calculate the resistance?
  • #8
Option 1 is the one one which assumes additivity of resistance. If you use resistance of parallel conductors instead, you should get the same as per option 2. I suggest that you do that symbolically.
  • #9

so we can divide the the bottom surface area to n amount of same size segments. Then they all have the same length L.

Now as they are parallel and each has resistance [itex]R_1[/itex] we get

[itex]R^{-1} = \big( \frac{n}{R_{1}}\big)[/itex]

Now each segment has surface area

[itex]A_1 = \frac{\phi}{360}\Big(\pi \big( (\frac{y}{2})^{2} - ( \frac{x}{2} ) ^{2} \big ) \Big) [/itex]

and then

[itex]R_1 = \frac{ρL}{\frac{\phi}{360}\Big(\pi \big( (\frac{y}{2})^{2} - ( \frac{x}{2} ) ^{2} \big ) \Big)}[/itex]

Then as [itex]\frac{\phi}{360} = \frac{1}{n}[/itex]

we get the

[itex]R = \frac{ρL}{\Big(\pi \big( (\frac{y}{2})^{2} - ( \frac{x}{2} ) ^{2} \big ) \Big)} [/itex]

  • #10
What you did is puzzling. But the result is correct.
  • #11
option 1 is wrong you can not subtract the resistances of the 2 full cylinders to get the resistance of the hollow cylinder because the resistance of the large cylinder is equivalent to the hollow and small cylinders connected in parallel and not series. 1/Ry=1/Rh+1/Rx, which is your option 2

FAQ: Resistance of hollow copper cylinder

1. What is the purpose of studying the resistance of a hollow copper cylinder?

The resistance of a hollow copper cylinder is an important factor in understanding the behavior of electricity and the properties of copper as a conductor. This information can be used in various applications, such as designing electrical circuits and determining the efficiency of copper-based systems.

2. How is the resistance of a hollow copper cylinder measured?

The resistance of a hollow copper cylinder is measured using a device called an ohmmeter. This device measures the electrical resistance of a material by passing a small amount of current through it and measuring the resulting voltage. The resistance is then calculated using Ohm's law (R = V/I), where R is resistance, V is voltage, and I is current.

3. What factors affect the resistance of a hollow copper cylinder?

The resistance of a hollow copper cylinder is affected by several factors, including the length and thickness of the cylinder, the temperature, and the conductivity of the material. Additionally, the presence of impurities or defects in the copper can also impact its resistance.

4. How does the resistance of a hollow copper cylinder change with temperature?

The resistance of a hollow copper cylinder increases as the temperature increases. This is because heat causes the copper atoms to vibrate more, impeding the flow of electrons and increasing the material's resistance. Conversely, as the temperature decreases, the resistance decreases as well.

5. Can the resistance of a hollow copper cylinder be reduced?

Yes, the resistance of a hollow copper cylinder can be reduced by increasing the diameter of the cylinder, using thicker copper walls, and minimizing the length of the cylinder. Additionally, using high-purity copper and keeping the temperature low can also help reduce the resistance. Other techniques, such as coating the copper with a conductive material, can also decrease its resistance.
