Resolving a unit vector from Cylindrical coordinates into Cartesian coordinates

In summary, the magnetic field at any point inside the cylinder is given by: B(x, y, z) = μ2 0 Jz (−yex + xey) .
  • #1

Homework Statement

Question 3

(a)A long metal cylinder of radius a has the z-axis as its axis of symmetry.The cylinder carries a steady current of uniform current density J = Jzez. Derive an expression for the magnetic field at distance r from the axis,where r<a. By resolving the cylindrical unit vector eφ along the x-and y-axes, show that the magnetic field at any point P inside the cylinder is

B(x, y, z)= μ2 0 Jz (−yex + xey) ,

where P has Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z), and(x2 + y2) <a2.(15 marks)

Homework Equations

eφ = -sin(theta) + cos (theta)

The Attempt at a Solution

I know that the above equation is relevant but I am not sure how that this resolves into

(−yex + xey).

I would have thought that the only way this works is if sin(90) = 1 and cos (0) = 1 then converting this back to cartesian components would give the required answer.
Physics news on
  • #2
Been a while, but does anyone have any further thoughts on this topic?
  • #3
Your equation of eΘ is wrong. It should contain the unit vectors in the x and y directions. Also, geometrically, what is sinΘ and cosΘ in terms of x and y?

  • #4
I am also trying to do this question. Just started this electromagnetism course and no sure where to stat with this question.
  • #5
I think I have the derivation part complete and I get

$$B[r] = \frac {\mu_{o} I r}{2\pi a^2}e_{\phi}$$

Then since $$J = \frac{I}{\pi a^2}e_z$$ that substitutes in with J over ez giving me Jz. So then I just need to resolve the r and ephi into cartesian coordinates?
Am I just substituting r for $${x^2 + y^2}^\frac{1}{2}$$ and then use a trigonometric equation for ephi... which I don't know.. I don't really know where to go from chestermillers response. Any tips please?
  • #6
Also I'm not sure this question was posted in the right forum, if so could it be moved to the appropriate forum please, introductory or calculus perhaps?

FAQ: Resolving a unit vector from Cylindrical coordinates into Cartesian coordinates

1. What are cylindrical coordinates?

Cylindrical coordinates are a type of coordinate system used in mathematics and physics to describe the position of a point in three-dimensional space. They consist of a distance from the origin (ρ), an angle from a reference direction in the xy-plane (φ), and a height above the xy-plane (z).

2. How do you convert a unit vector from cylindrical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates?

To convert a unit vector from cylindrical coordinates (ρ, φ, z) to Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z), you can use the following formulas:
x = ρ cos(φ)
y = ρ sin(φ)
z = z
These equations determine the x, y, and z components of the unit vector, which can then be combined to form the Cartesian coordinates.

3. What is the purpose of converting from cylindrical to Cartesian coordinates?

Converting from cylindrical to Cartesian coordinates allows us to describe the position of a point in a different coordinate system, which can be useful in various applications. For example, in physics, it can help us understand the motion of objects in three-dimensional space. In engineering, it can aid in designing and constructing structures or machines.

4. Can a unit vector in cylindrical coordinates ever have negative components?

Yes, a unit vector in cylindrical coordinates can have negative components. The ρ component can be negative if the point is located in the opposite direction of the reference direction in the xy-plane. The z component can also be negative if the point is below the xy-plane.

5. Is there a specific order in which the Cartesian coordinates should be written?

Yes, when converting from cylindrical to Cartesian coordinates, the x component should be written first, followed by the y component and then the z component. This convention is important for consistency and clarity when representing points in three-dimensional space.

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