Respecting Time Symmetry when programming

In summary, has a lot of great information on programming simulations that are smooth and conserve energy. However, he does not seem to be very good at math and may not be able to preserve time symmetry.
  • #1
Where can I learn to break the habit of using time steps and instead use mathematical frameworks to preserve time symmetry when programming simulations?
I recently visited a site ( ). He's got a lot of STEM experience. He's written simulations and programs for a lot of things. What immediately sticks out to me is how smooth his simulations look. In particular, his physics simulation of a particle smashing into a wall of particles and how all the light refracts properly.
Where can I learn to program like that?
Technology news on
  • #2
Thanks for the link to those programs and animations. They were very interesting!

Can I ask what preserving time symmetry means here?
  • #3
Noether's Theorem and the Motion of Creation

Symmetry and conservation laws: Noether's contribution to physics - Uhlenbeck

These videos will be the best at explaining. But it's basically math that preserves the conservation of energy.
The conservation of energy isn't just a property of the universe. We can also simulate it.

So I think it's possible to do these things in a computer program with actual objects. I've got a "chaos theory". I just don't know if the math works and would respect time symmetry.

I need worm holes too. I'm not sure if they're possible mathematically.
  • #4
Do you have any programming experience?
  • #5
Yes, I do. 8 years.
I just don't know the concepts of math well enough. Damn shame, I know.
Frustrates the hell out of me because teachers didn't really get behind my unique projects.
I am sure there are a lot of people here with a burning resentment like that. Soul crushing.
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  • #6
Have you looked at some of the code snippets listed on the site?
  • #7
The systems with code snippets have no contrast between two different energies or particles. They're all just 1 definition for 1 particle or field or material. I'm also not good at math, and that's a language on top of programming. Calculus does a lot of tricks I just won't understand unless they are commented out.
'the one with balls uses a time step
  • #8
ScrollPortals said:
Yes, I do. 8 years.
I just don't know the concepts of math well enough. Damn shame, I know.
Frustrates the hell out of me because teachers didn't really get behind my unique projects.
I am sure there are a lot of people here with a burning resentment like that. Soul crushing.
Without knowing what your unique projects were, it's hard to sympathize.
ScrollPortals said:
But it's basically math that preserves the conservation of energy.
No. Conservation of energy is an attribute we observe. Mathematics has nothing to do with energy being conserved.

ScrollPortals said:
I just don't know if the math works and would respect time symmetry.
The phrase "time symmetry" is usually referred to as "cyclical" or "periodic." I don't know what you mean by "would respect time symmetry."

ScrollPortals said:
I need worm holes too. I'm not sure if they're possible mathematically.
You're putting much more faith in the "abilities" of mathematics than are warranted.
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  • #9
ScrollPortals said:
The systems with code snippets have no contrast between two different energies or particles. They're all just 1 definition for 1 particle or field or material. I'm also not good at math, and that's a language on top of programming. Calculus does a lot of tricks I just won't understand unless they are commented out.
'the one with balls uses a time step

I see. Well, I don't think I can help you. I'd be interested in learning more myself though.

FAQ: Respecting Time Symmetry when programming

1. What is time symmetry and why is it important in programming?

Time symmetry refers to the idea that the laws of physics should work the same way whether time is moving forward or backward. In programming, it means that the code should produce the same results regardless of the direction of time. This is important because it ensures the accuracy and consistency of the program's output.

2. How do you ensure time symmetry in programming?

To ensure time symmetry, it is important to use proper data types and algorithms that can handle both positive and negative values. It is also important to avoid relying on external factors such as the system clock, which can cause discrepancies when time is reversed.

3. Can time symmetry be violated in programming?

Yes, time symmetry can be violated in programming. This can happen if the code is not properly designed to handle negative values or if external factors are used to determine the program's behavior. Time symmetry can also be violated if the code relies on randomness or user input, which can be unpredictable when time is reversed.

4. What are the consequences of not respecting time symmetry in programming?

If time symmetry is not respected in programming, it can lead to inaccurate results and unexpected behavior. This can be problematic when working with sensitive data or critical systems. It can also make debugging and troubleshooting more difficult, as the code may behave differently when time is reversed.

5. How can time symmetry impact the efficiency of a program?

Respecting time symmetry can impact the efficiency of a program in a positive way. By ensuring that the code produces the same results regardless of the direction of time, it can help to avoid errors and reduce the need for additional code to handle different scenarios. This can ultimately result in a more streamlined and efficient program.

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