Restrictions of denominators with negative exponents.

In summary, there are no restrictions on y = 1/x^(-2) except at x = 0 where it is undefined and has a hole in its graph. The function can be simplified to x^2 and it is generally recommended to convert the denominator to non-negative exponents before analyzing its domain. The rules for simplifying expressions with negative exponents should be thought about rather than applied mechanically. The function is defined everywhere except at x = 0 and the rules for negative exponents may cause restrictions in composite functions.
  • #1
what are the restrictions (if any) on y=1/x^(-2)?
is it equal to just x^2 so no restrictions or what
it is have hole at x=0?

or do you change too all positive exponents before looking at restrictions?

what exactly are the exponents rules that govern this stuff

so confused
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  • #2
The function is undefined at x = 0, so it has a hole in its graph there.

People apply the rules for simplifying expression mechanically without thinking, but what you are supposed to do is think about restrictions that would make the simplification invalid. You're supposed to say (1/x)^-2 = 1/ ((1/x)^2) PROVIDED 1/x is a real number to begin with. You make a mental note that the simplification is invalid if x = 0.

I really like it when manipulating symbols does away with having to do detailed thinking, but unfortunately, it never is able to completely do away with the need to think in words.
  • #3
Yes, [itex]\frac{1}{x^{-2}}=x^{2}[/itex]. By restrictions, do you mean domain restrictions? No it does not have a hole at x=0, since [itex]x^{2}[/itex] does not. In general it is a good idea to convert the denominator to non-negative exponents before analyzing where the equation is defined, but this is mostly because negative exponents in the denominator are stylistically confusing. If you didn't convert, the analysis would go something like...
[itex]\frac{1}{x^{-2}}[/itex] is defined everywhere that [itex]x^{-2}\neq 0[/itex], but [itex]x^{-2} = \frac{1}{x}[/itex] which is never equal to zero, so [itex]\frac{1}{x^{-2}}[/itex] is defined everywhere.

That's a fine analysis, but it is more work than just looking at [itex]x^{2}[/itex].
What sort of exponential rules are you wondering about? Those that govern negative exponents, or exponentials in general?
  • #4
I disagree. [itex]1/x^{-2}[/itex] is equal to [itex]x^2[/itex] for all x except 0, just as [itex](x^2- 4)/(x+ 2)= x- 2[/itex] for all x except 2.

The formula given, [itex]1/x^{-2}[/itex] is NOT defined at x= 0 because you cannot calculate [itex]x^{-2}[/itex] if x= 0.
  • #5
JThompson said:
Yes, [itex]\frac{1}{x^{-2}}=x^{2}[/itex]. By restrictions, do you mean domain restrictions? No it does not have a hole at x=0, since [itex]x^{2}[/itex] does not. In general it is a good idea to convert the denominator to non-negative exponents before analyzing where the equation is defined, but this is mostly because negative exponents in the denominator are stylistically confusing. If you didn't convert, the analysis would go something like...
[itex]\frac{1}{x^{-2}}[/itex] is defined everywhere that [itex]x^{-2}\neq 0[/itex], but [itex]x^{-2} = \frac{1}{x}[/itex] which is never equal to zero, so [itex]\frac{1}{x^{-2}}[/itex] is defined everywhere.

That's a fine analysis, but it is more work than just looking at [itex]x^{2}[/itex].
What sort of exponential rules are you wondering about? Those that govern negative exponents, or exponentials in general?

yeah the exponent rules that we learn in elementary rules (but those were for numbers, not functions), so i was wondering when you can use them and if they ever cause any restrictions.
  • #6
HallsofIvy said:
I disagree. [itex]1/x^{-2}[/itex] is equal to [itex]x^2[/itex] for all x except 0, just as [itex](x^2- 4)/(x+ 2)= x- 2[/itex] for all x except 2.

The formula given, [itex]1/x^{-2}[/itex] is NOT defined at x= 0 because you cannot calculate [itex]x^{-2}[/itex] if x= 0.

I was taught to remove negative exponents when determining the domain of a function, but it is entirely possible my teacher was incorrect.
If this were a composite function, say [itex]f(x)=x^{-1}[/itex] and [itex]g(x)=\frac{1}{x^2}[/itex], then the domain of [itex]g(f(x))=\frac{1}{(x^{-1})^{2}}[/itex] would definitely be [itex]x\neq 0[/itex], since the domain restriction on [itex]f(x)[/itex] is retained. But composite functions are a separate issue.

However I acknowledge that your experience with the subject is greater than mine, and so I defer to you.
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FAQ: Restrictions of denominators with negative exponents.

1. What are restrictions of denominators with negative exponents?

The restrictions of denominators with negative exponents refer to the limitations or conditions that must be followed when dealing with fractions or rational expressions that have negative exponents in the denominator.

2. Why are there restrictions for denominators with negative exponents?

There are restrictions for denominators with negative exponents because these expressions can result in undefined values or complex numbers, which may not make sense in certain contexts or applications. Therefore, it is important to follow these restrictions to ensure the validity of the expression.

3. What is the main restriction for denominators with negative exponents?

The main restriction for denominators with negative exponents is that the denominator cannot equal 0. This is because any number raised to a negative exponent will result in a fraction, and dividing by 0 is undefined.

4. Can negative exponents in the denominator be simplified?

Yes, negative exponents in the denominator can be simplified by moving them to the numerator and changing the sign of the exponent to positive. This is equivalent to taking the reciprocal of the fraction.

5. How do restrictions of denominators with negative exponents affect solving equations?

The restrictions of denominators with negative exponents must be considered when solving equations involving fractions or rational expressions. It is important to check for any values that would make the denominator 0, as these values would not be solutions to the equation.
