Resultant Moment Couple Problem

In summary, the resultant of the loading system shown passes through a point on the y-axis at 44.73°.
  • #1
Determine the resultant R and the point on the y-axis through which the line of action of the resultant of the loading system shown passes

I have attached an image of the problem

In my attempt to solve the problem I went about the following steps:
1- I chose my axis to be right in the middle of the 2.4m length along the x axis
2 - Found the x and y components of the resultant force, as well as the magnitude of the resultant and its direction. Rounded off this equaled R = 755.43N and θ = 44.73°
3 - I got lost along this point now: I chose to find out the Resultant x moment and the resultant y moment excluding the moment of 800Nm already given.
4 - I then chose to find resultant moment of the problem by adding the resultant x with the resultant y and then finally adding the 800Nm moment
5 - I then got and answer of - 1340.64... Nm and now I needed to find its position along the y axis, correct? From here I do not know what to do.

Do we make this equation equal to a component of the resultant already worked out or just the resultant. The answer is meant to be 1.31m=y but I can't seem to get this answer.


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  • #2
Hi Rico.

I'm guessing here, but ... what do you find if you translate the line of action of that 755.43N force so that it produces the -1340Nm moment?
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  • #3
Hello NascentOxygen and thank you :)

I consulted several colleagues at my university today and Turns out you do this:

Find the Rx and Ry components of the resultant and then its magnitude. The position of the axis will not affect your final answer. The question asks for the distance along the y-axis for the action of the resultant. This is a distance along +j and needs to be multiplied by a force to equal the sum of all the moments on the object.

So our equation will be:

d-[itex]\hat{j}[/itex] x Rx[itex]\hat{i}[/itex] = ∑M

This gives us the distance along the y-axis because it is perpendicular to the Rx component.

Note that ∑M was taken about the lowest left point of the frame. Of course the position of the axis wouldn't actually affect the final result, I just saw it as being the easiest.

My Entire equation was then this (for anyone who is interested)

Angle of force
∴θ=26.565051177° -------> I called this equation A for accuracy

Resultant Force - Components, Magnitude, Direction
Rx = 600cosθ
∴Rx = 536.6563146... N -------> B
∴Rx ≈ 536.66 N

Rx = 800 - 600sinθ
∴Rx = 531.6718427... N -------> C
∴Rx ≈ 531.67 N

|R| = √ Rx2 + Rx2
∴|R| = 755.4303067... N
∴|R| ≈ 755.43 N

tanβ = [itex]\frac{Ry}{Rx}[/itex]
∴β = [itex]\frac{B}{C}[/itex]
∴β = 44.73267846... °
∴β ≈ 44.73°

∑MOR = MOF1 + MOF2 + MOF3

∴d[itex]\hat{j}[/itex] x Rx[itex]\hat{i}[/itex] = 2.4[itex]\hat{i}[/itex] x 600sinθ-[itex]\hat{j}[/itex] + 1.6[itex]\hat{j}[/itex] x 600cos[itex]\hat{i}[/itex] + 800

∴-dRx = -2.4(600sinθ) - 1.6(600cosθ) + 800

∴d = [itex]\frac{-2.4(600sinθ) - 1.6(600cosθ) + 800}{-600cosθ}[/itex]

∴d = 1.309288015... m
∴d ≈ 1.31 m

And there it is :) If it had asked for the position along the x-axis then I would've used the Ry component. :)

FAQ: Resultant Moment Couple Problem

1. What is a resultant moment couple problem?

A resultant moment couple problem is a situation where a system is subject to two equal and opposite forces that create a moment or turning effect. This results in a net moment or torque acting on the system, causing it to rotate.

2. How is the resultant moment calculated?

The resultant moment is calculated by multiplying the magnitude of one of the forces by the perpendicular distance between the two forces. This distance is known as the lever arm and is measured from the point of rotation to the line of action of the force.

3. What are some real-life examples of resultant moment couple problems?

One example is a door being opened or closed by pushing or pulling on the handle. The force applied creates a moment around the hinges, causing the door to rotate. Another example is a wrench being used to tighten a bolt, where the force applied creates a moment around the bolt, causing it to rotate.

4. How does the direction of the forces affect the resultant moment?

The direction of the forces will affect the direction of the resultant moment. If the two forces are parallel, the resultant moment will be zero. If the two forces are antiparallel (pointing in opposite directions), the resultant moment will be maximum.

5. How can resultant moment couple problems be solved?

To solve a resultant moment couple problem, the principles of equilibrium and the moment of a force must be applied. This involves analyzing the forces and moments acting on the system and setting them equal to zero to find the unknown variables. Calculations can be done using equations or graphical methods such as vector diagrams.
