Retake a C+ in upper level physics elective?

In summary, the speaker had medical problems last semester and received mostly B+/-'s in major courses, A-'s in non-major courses, and a C+ in a computational physics course. They were disappointed with their grade in the computational physics course and are considering retaking it next semester to improve their programming skills and potentially boost their GPA. They are seeking advice on the potential impact of retaking the course on their transcript and GPA. The person they are speaking to suggests considering the potential learning benefits of retaking the course rather than solely focusing on the grade.
  • #1
I had some medical problems last semester and ended up "bombing" all my classes; I got a smattering of B+/-'s in major courses, A-'s in non-major courses, and a C+ in a computational physics course. This last one especially distressed me because I was so excited to take the class, but things fell out of my control towards the end of the semester. I was considering going the computational physics route in grad school too, and my current research involves a lot of programming (so not only does the grade make me look bad, but I feel like I could have improved a lot as a programmer but never had the time to finish anything in the course).

I did work a lot for the class though, and feel like I have surveyed a good amount of the material (though I'm probably unable to implement anything). I'm leaning towards retaking the course next semester (with the intention of getting an A+/A), but I'm not sure if there's anything wrong with that route.

Other than things involving personal decisions (e.g. "Are you willing to spend more time of your life on this material next semester?," financial reasons, etc.) is there anything I should be aware of when choosing to retake a class like this? (An upper level major elective--so not required for graduation.)
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  • #2
How it affects your GPA and whether it will show on your transcript may vary between universities, so it's worth checking out. Also be warned that if it shows on your transcript but does not affect your GPA, some grad schools may recalculate your GPA when receiving your transcript by their standards (it's screwed over a few of my peers).
  • #3
@Dishsoap I already asked my advisors, both grades will remain on my transcript and both will affect my GPA.
  • #4
fluorescent125 said:
@Dishsoap I already asked my advisors, both grades will remain on my transcript and both will affect my GPA.

I don't see any reason to retake the course, you passed. If it's abnormal for you to receive C's, that will be reflected in your transcript and can reasonably be chalked up to one bad semester, which happens.
  • #5
I'd base the decision more on what you would expect to learn by retaking the course rather than your transcript. You probably have some local advisers familiar enough with the specific course, your current skills, and you aspirations to give you great advice. You'd probably benefit more from a retake if it was taught by a different prof assigning different homework and projects than your first attempt.

FAQ: Retake a C+ in upper level physics elective?

1. What is the benefit of retaking a C+ in an upper level physics elective?

Retaking a C+ in an upper level physics elective can help improve your understanding of the subject and improve your grade, which can positively impact your overall GPA. It also shows determination and dedication to improving your academic performance.

2. Can I retake a C+ for any upper level physics elective?

It depends on the policies of your university or institution. Some institutions may only allow retakes for core courses, while others may allow retakes for any course. It is best to consult with your academic advisor or check your institution's policies to determine if retaking a C+ is an option for your specific course.

3. Will the new grade completely replace the old C+ on my transcript?

Again, this depends on your institution's policies. Some institutions may completely replace the old grade with the new one, while others may average the two grades together. It is important to check with your institution to understand how retaking a course will affect your transcript.

4. How many times can I retake a C+ in an upper level physics elective?

Once again, this varies by institution. Some institutions may limit the number of times a student can retake a course, while others may allow multiple retakes. It is important to check with your academic advisor or institution to understand their policies on retaking courses.

5. Will retaking a C+ affect my financial aid or scholarships?

Retaking a course may potentially affect your financial aid or scholarships, as it may impact your academic standing and progress. It is important to check with your financial aid office or scholarship provider to understand how retaking a course may impact your funding.

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