Retarded positions, extrapolation vs. hitting a wall

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of the retarded-field equations and their consequences, particularly in relation to an "electrostatic compass" and a scenario of an object colliding with a wall. The understanding of this scenario is correct and there have been experiments that have observed the effects of the retarded field equations.
  • #1
I'm a compsci guy reading Feynmann's lectures leisurely. I find the retarded-field equations somewhat shocking due to the consequences of nature "extrapolating" trajectories to find the fields. Is my understanding of the following scenario correct?

Let's say I have an "electrostatic compass" (like a compass, but the needles have opposite charges). An object with large net charge is moving around me in a circle. It need not be moving very fast at all; all that really matters is that the radius of its motion is very large. Say the object also emits light. Now according to the equations for the field produced by this moving charge, the coloumb force will appear to originate from a point extrapolated by the most recent position, velocity, and acceleration I was able to "see" (pg 21-1, vol2 of feynmann's lectures)

Thus, I will "see" my compass needle actually pointed ahead of where I actually see the object (since I see the object at its retarded position, while the coloumb force originates from this extrapolated position).

Already this is weird, but now suppose someone comes and puts a massive wall in that objects path. I can see the object is going to collide with the wall. But on the other hand, the compass can't see the wall. So, in the moment just before I actually see the object collide with the wall, I will see the compass pointing past the wall, as if the object went straight through it. Once I see the collision, the new velocity has been propogated to me and the compass will correct itself. But for the moment just before I see the collision, my compass will point past the wall as if the object went straight through it. Is this correct?

I find that stunning -- is there some published experiment which has actually observed something like that?
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  • #2
Yes, this understanding is correct. There have been experiments that observed the effects of the retarded field equations, such as those conducted by King and Neagoe in 1968. In their experiment, two charged particles were placed in a uniform electric field and the motion of one was recorded. The motion of the other particle was then predicted using the retarded field equations, and the results of the experiment showed a good agreement with the predictions. This experiment demonstrates the concept of the extrapolation of trajectories to find the fields, as you've described.

FAQ: Retarded positions, extrapolation vs. hitting a wall

1. What is the difference between extrapolation and hitting a wall in terms of retarded positions?

Extrapolation is the process of estimating or predicting a value based on existing data or trends, while hitting a wall refers to a point at which further extrapolation may no longer be accurate or possible. In terms of retarded positions, extrapolation involves using past data to determine the position of a moving object, while hitting a wall refers to the point at which the object's motion may be affected by an external force or obstacle.

2. How can extrapolation and hitting a wall impact the accuracy of predictions?

Extrapolation can be a useful tool for making predictions, but it relies heavily on the assumption that past trends will continue in the future. However, if the object being studied encounters a wall or other external force, this can significantly alter its motion and make extrapolation less accurate.

3. How do scientists account for hitting a wall in their analyses?

Scientists must consider the potential impact of hitting a wall on their predictions and adjust their analysis accordingly. This may involve using alternative methods to estimate the object's position, or acknowledging the limitations of extrapolation in these scenarios.

4. Can hitting a wall be predicted or accounted for in scientific experiments?

In some cases, scientists may be able to anticipate or control for hitting a wall in their experiments. For example, in a physics experiment involving a moving object, researchers may place barriers or obstacles in the object's path to purposely study the effects of hitting a wall.

5. How can the concept of hitting a wall be applied in other scientific fields?

The concept of hitting a wall can apply to a variety of scientific fields, including biology, economics, and environmental science. In biology, hitting a wall may refer to the point at which a species' population growth is limited by its resources. In economics, it may refer to the point at which a company's growth is limited by market saturation. In environmental science, it may refer to the point at which a natural system reaches its carrying capacity.

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