Retracted autism study an elaborate fraud - BMJ

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  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary, The British medical journal BMJ has reported that a now-retracted study that linked autism to childhood vaccines was an "elaborate fraud" that has done long-lasting damage to public health. The study's author, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, misrepresented or altered the medical histories of all 12 of the patients whose cases formed the basis of the 1998 study, and there was "no doubt" Wakefield was responsible. The study was formally retracted in 2008 or 2009, and all of the other researchers withdrew from the bogus study in 2004.
  • #36

cobalt124 said:
It would seem that by default they were respected and trusted, possibly within some "old boys network" or some such like. This suggestion is possibly reinforced by seeing how much effort it took to expose them.

Just had a skim through the GMC report, the nearest thing to a positive outcome in this whole affair that we have (the fact that it had to be done in the first place is hardly positive). On my skimming of it, the report doesn't seem to miss a thing, and of the 143 pages, the vast majority deals with what happened to the twelve children, rather than highlighting the odious acts of the perpetrators, which we knew anyway. It seems that aspect of the affair (the victims viewpoint) is underepresented in this case.

I agree Cobalt.

I had wondered if this regard of the GMC report was again, an aspect of the "old boys network". And that is why it remained limited to the 3 and really only dealt with the ethical and COI problems, rather than uh...fraud! Or the degree to which others went to resist looking into that.
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  • #37

bobze said:
I agree Cobalt.

I had wondered if this regard of the GMC report was again, an aspect of the "old boys network". And that is why it remained limited to the 3 and really only dealt with the ethical and COI problems, rather than uh...fraud! Or the degree to which others went to resist looking into that.

I agree with you and Cobalt; it's terrifying how far that "old boy/girl network" really extends beyond medicine. It's just not a comfortable life to be someone who as a matter of process, has to entertain the notion that your friend or colleague is not just wrong, but lying for profit.

AFAIK the only cure for this kind of network, is just more transparency.

I would just note, that as many studies are done each year, it is RARE for one to have such an immense impact. Some are certainly biased, even many, but this is to bias, as car-theft is to premeditated murder. I hope that people in the position to peer review their friends realize that one price of their profession is the need to be dispassionate at times.
  • #38

bobze said:
I had wondered if this regard of the GMC report was again, an aspect of the "old boys network". And that is why it remained limited to the 3 and really only dealt with the ethical and COI problems, rather than uh...fraud! Or the degree to which others went to resist looking into that.

I was happy the report concentrated on the childrens' experiences, I hadn't thought of it like that. Hmmm.
  • #39

Wakefield says he's a patsy, and a few other things

there's also 2 more of them at yt. I'm sure something will be made of acceptable sources, but if you want to build more of a case against wakefield, I'm sure you'll find some ammo.
  • #40

Proton Soup said:
Wakefield says he's a patsy, and a few other things

there's also 2 more of them at yt. I'm sure something will be made of acceptable sources, but if you want to build more of a case against wakefield, I'm sure you'll find some ammo.

I'd hate this guy he wasn't such a pathetic human being; really, the people who bought the type of line this guy seems to sell under the NAME of peer review should be tried and hanged.
  • #41

That is a desperate man going to a desperate place for publicity IMO. A quick Google failed to display the replicating studies as claimed. Do they exist? And he's plugging a book. Grrrrrrrrrr!


"In October 2005, the Cochrane Library published a review of 31 scientific studies, which found no credible evidence of an involvement of MMR with either autism or Crohn's disease. The review also stated "Measles, mumps and rubella are three very dangerous infectious diseases which cause a heavy disease, disability and death burden in the developing world ... [T]he impact of mass immunisation on the elimination of the diseases has been demonstrated worldwide." However the authors of the report also stated that "the design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate."

(Bold mine) If this is true it could only have helped Wakefields cause.
  • #42

On the bright side, can you imagine how angry the parents who DO believe that this was a fraud are now? If I were Wakefield, I'd be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life.
  • #43

Yep, I know what he looks like now!
  • #44

unfortunately nothing will convince the true believers

there is an autism support group in my city that invited Wakefield to speak to them just a couple of weeks ago

there is a good interview with Brian Deer here

the other point about Wakefield is that children in his study were subjected to invasive and potentially dangerous medical procedures including colonoscopies as far as the small intestine (which means inserting a tube all the way around the large bowel into the small bowel), lumbar punctures, brain scanners and they drank radioactive fluids
  • #45

True Believers... *spit*

I understand the mechanism, and I still can't stand them... even when it's not their fault. Wakefield... I truly hope that he spontaneously combusts.

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