Reverse FFT of a ratio of two FFTs

In summary: It’s a really great reference and has lots of example code. I have the 1st edition in Fortran, and I see the 3rd edition is now available in C++ and Fortran.
  • #1
Dear all,
I don't know if this is the correct place for this question, but I did a little search on the forum and I saw that most FFT related questions have been posted here.
My question is this: I need to deconvolve two real signals (in my case they are two probability density functions), so I go in Fourier space, I divide them and then I go back to real space.
Now, before apply FFT I need to sample the signals, i.e. I have to define a sampling interval and frequency. Now, if the sampling interval is on the positive axis (the signal s is sampled at discrete time points s[t], t>=0) then everything is fine, but if the sampling interval includes negative points, then when I perform the inverse FFT on the FFTs of the two signals, the final signal results swapped, i.e. the
signal corresponding to the negative sampling points is put to the right, after the positive sampling points.
Can you please help me understand why this happens? Notice that if I perform iFFT(FFT(s)), where iFFT is the inverse FFT and s is my sampled signal, everything is fine even when the sampling interval comprises negative time points (i.e. s[t], t<0).

Here you can see an example of the code (R language):

#Define sampling interval
fs <- 0.05
n0 <- -30
nMax <- 100
mids <- seq(0, (N-1))*fs+n0

#Sample two continuous probability density functions (fO and fB) that must be deconvolved
fO = density(rnorm(1000000, 40, 6), bw=1.5, from=n0, to=nMax, n=N)
fB = hist(rnorm(1000000, 14, 2), breaks=c((mids-fs/2), (tail(mids,1)+fs/2)), plot=F)$density

#Perform the FFT
fO.fft <- fft(fO$y)
fB.fft <- fft(fB)

#Divide the FFTs (deconvolution) and go back to real space
fT <- abs(fft(fO.fft/(fs*fB.fft), inverse=T))/length(fO$x)

#Plot the results to check the deconvolution
plot(fO$x, fB, type='l', col=1)  #First signal
lines(fO, type='l', col=2) #Second signal
shift <- which(mids==min(abs(mids)))  #Now I need to swap the deconvolved signal... why?
fT.shifted <- c(tail(fT, shift), fT[shift : length(fT)-shift]) #Swapped deconvolved signal
lines(mids, abs(fT.shifted), type='l', col=3)
lines(mids, dnorm(mids, 26, sqrt(36-4)), col=4) #Theoretical deconvolved signal
legend(x='topright', legend=c('B', 'O', 'Estimated T', 'True T'), col=1:4, lwd=1)
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  • #2
I don't know R, but it probably treats the distributions as periodic (at least the underlying mathematics does that), having an entry at position x or at x+N is the same for the algorithm.

I moved the thread to the programming section.
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Likes Jarvis323
  • #3
Note: I've been taught multiple ways to define the Fourier transform, with factors of ##2\pi## in different places. This post uses ##F(u)=\int f(x)e^{-i2\pi ux}dx##. Depending on your convention, you may find stray factors of ##2\pi## popping up below.

Your problem is a consequence of the combination of your FFT algorithm assuming that the first point of your input array lies at x=0 and the implicit periodicity that mfb mentioned.

It's fairly easy to show that, if the Fourier transform of ##f(x)## is ##F(u)##, then the Fourier transform of ##f(x+a)## is ##e^{i2\pi au}F(u)##. Trivially, then, the inverse Fourier transform of ##e^{i2\pi au}F(u)## returns ##f(x+a)##.

If you take two functions, ##f(x+a)## and ##g(x+a)##, Fourier transform them and divide them, the complex exponential cancels out leaving just ##F(u)/G(u)##. When you inverse Fourier transform you get back ##f(x)## with ##g(x)## deconvolved out - in other words, the answer you want offset by ##a## compared to what you were expecting. So actually your negative time points have dropped off the beginning of your array. Fortunately, discrete Fourier transforms assume that their input is periodic - so the negative time points of the next iteration have appeared at the end of your array (if that makes sense).

Assuming you had ##n## negative time points, all you need to do is chop off the last ##n## points (or is it the last ##n+1##? Not sure where the zero goes any more - experiment with something you know the answer to!) of the final array and stick them on again at the beginning as, I think, you have realized. This was usually called a block-swapping operation back when I last did it (10+ years ago, so beware of language drift).
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Likes eoghan and Jarvis323
  • #4
Alternatively, multiply the fft ratio by the factor ##e^{i 2 \pi a u}## (up to factors of ##\pm 2 \pi##).
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Likes Jarvis323
  • #5
Thank you all for your helpful replies!
  • #6
Just a practical comment: deconvolution using the FFT is prone to numerical instability if the input data contains noise. Solutions that look good on paper sometimes don’t work terribly well in a real-life digital computer.

There is a fantastic book that I’d highly recommend: Numerical Recipes - The Art of Scientific Computing by Press, Teukolsky, Vettering and Flannery.

Quoting directly from the section on deconvolution: “The process is generally quite sensitive to noise in the input data and the accuracy to which the response function is known. Perfectly reasonable attempts at deconvolution can sometimes produce nonsense for these reasons.” (Page 542, Second Edition, C-language version.)

The book goes on to discuss solutions to these problems and also presents alternative algorithms.
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Likes Fooality and mfb

Related to Reverse FFT of a ratio of two FFTs

1. What is a reverse FFT?

A reverse FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) is a mathematical algorithm that converts frequency domain data into its corresponding time domain representation. It is the inverse process of a forward FFT, which converts time domain data into its frequency domain representation.

2. What does a ratio of two FFTs represent?

A ratio of two FFTs (Fast Fourier Transforms) represents the relationship between the frequency components of two different signals. It can be used to analyze the similarities and differences between the signals in the frequency domain.

3. Why would someone use a reverse FFT of a ratio of two FFTs?

A reverse FFT of a ratio of two FFTs is commonly used in signal processing and analysis to extract specific frequency components from a signal. This can help in identifying patterns, anomalies, or other features that may be important for further analysis.

4. How is a reverse FFT of a ratio of two FFTs performed?

The reverse FFT of a ratio of two FFTs is performed by first calculating the FFTs of the two signals, then dividing one FFT by the other to obtain the ratio, and finally applying the inverse FFT to the resulting ratio to obtain the time domain representation.

5. What are the limitations of using a reverse FFT of a ratio of two FFTs?

One limitation of using a reverse FFT of a ratio of two FFTs is that it assumes the signals are linear and stationary, which may not always be the case in real-world scenarios. Additionally, the accuracy of the results can be affected by factors such as noise, sampling rate, and the number of data points.

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