Reversible adiabatic expansion using Van der Waals' equation

In summary: Raymer solved this problem. He stated that when solving these types of problems, one should "look for a new constant."In summary, the homework equation states that:-the internal energy of a van der waals gas is given by U = CvT - A/V-the pressure and volume of the gas during a reversible adiabatic expansion can be written as(p + A/V2)(V-B)\gamma = const.-the parameter \gamma is found in terms of Cv and R.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A real gas obeys Van der Waals‟ equation, which for one mole of gas is

(p + A/V2)(V-B) = RT

and its internal energy is given by

U = CvT - A/V

where the molar heat capacity at constant volume, Cv , is independent of the
temperature and pressure. Show that the relation between the pressure p and
the volume V of the Van der Waals‟ gas during a reversible adiabatic
expansion can be written as

(p + A/V2)(V-B)[itex]\gamma[/itex] = const.

and find the expression for the parameter [itex]\gamma[/itex] in terms of Cv and R .

Homework Equations

(p + A/V2)(V-B) = RT
U = CvT - A/V
Q= U + W

The Attempt at a Solution

There is already a given solution and method for this equation. I worked through this much:

0 = U + W
0 = dU + PdV

dU = (dU/dT)dT - (dU/dV)dV = CvdT + (A/V2)dV

0 = CvdT + (P + A/V2)dV = CvdT + RT/(V-B)
∫R/(V-B) dV = -∫Cv(dT/T)
Rln(V-B) + Cvln(T) = const.
ln(V-B)R + ln(T)CV = const
ln[(V-B)R(T)CV] = const.
(V-B)R(T)CV = const.

I got stuck here and checked the method. My process was right, but according to it, the next line of work is:

(V-B)R(RT)CV = const.

I don't understand where this mystery R comes from. I've tried rearranging the ideal gas equation, and the first given equation to no avail. Could someone please explain how I get this R in the process?

Physics news on
  • #2
R is the universal molargas constant and is part of the definition of a van der walal gas, just as it is for an ideal gas.

I haven't worked this out completely, but I would:

let p1 = p + A/v2
v1 = v - B
then p1v1 = RT.
By your du = -dw and dT = (1/R)(p1dv1 + v1dp1) you can eliminate T, integrate by parts to get p1v1γ = constant.

I think.
  • #3
I was too thinking the same.

All I can think of, for a simple solution, is that you multiply both sides by R^Cv (which in itself is constant since Cv=1.5R when n=1)

This is valid since the right side remains constant = constant times R^Cv

The left side is now what we require.
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  • #4
Kweh-chan said:

(V-B)R(T)CV = const.

I got stuck here and checked the method. My process was right, but according to it, the next line of work is:

(V-B)R(RT)CV = const.

I don't understand where this mystery R comes from. I've tried rearranging the ideal gas equation, and the first given equation to no avail. Could someone please explain how I get this R in the process?


If you have

(V-B)R(T)CV = const.

and you multiply both sides of the equation by RCV, you get

(V-B)R(RT)CV = (const.)(RCV) = New constant

  • #5

I can help you understand where the R comes from in the next line of work. In the given equation, (p + A/V2)(V-B) = RT, R stands for the gas constant. It is a constant value that is specific to the gas being studied and is used to relate the pressure, volume, and temperature of the gas. In this case, R is being multiplied by T, which comes from the integration of dT. Therefore, it is included in the next line of work as (RT). I hope this helps clarify things for you.

FAQ: Reversible adiabatic expansion using Van der Waals' equation

1. What is reversible adiabatic expansion?

Reversible adiabatic expansion is a thermodynamic process in which a gas expands without any heat exchange with its surroundings. This means that the temperature of the gas remains constant throughout the expansion.

2. What is the Van der Waals' equation?

The Van der Waals' equation is a modified version of the ideal gas law that takes into account the non-ideal behavior of real gases. It includes two additional parameters, the size of the gas molecules and the intermolecular forces between them, to better describe the behavior of gases under high pressures and low temperatures.

3. How is Van der Waals' equation used in reversible adiabatic expansion?

In reversible adiabatic expansion, Van der Waals' equation is used to calculate the work done by the gas during the expansion. This equation takes into account the change in internal energy of the gas as well as the work done against the intermolecular forces during the expansion.

4. What is the significance of reversible adiabatic expansion using Van der Waals' equation?

Reversible adiabatic expansion using Van der Waals' equation allows for a more accurate description of real gas behavior, especially at high pressures and low temperatures. It is important in understanding and predicting the behavior of gases in various industrial and scientific applications.

5. What are some examples of reversible adiabatic expansion using Van der Waals' equation?

Reversible adiabatic expansion using Van der Waals' equation can be observed in various natural and man-made processes, such as the expansion of a gas in a cylinder, the expansion of air in a vacuum pump, and the expansion of gases in the atmosphere due to changes in altitude.
