Reversible(Carnot) Cycle Temperature Equilibrium Problem

In summary: Thank you for your patience!In summary, the engine withdraws heat from the high temperature reservoir and performs work, which rejects heat into the low-temperature reservoir. The 2 reservoirs have a constant heat capacity and the engine has an efficiency of 1 - qheat. The final common temperature is the temperature at which the 2 reservoirs have the same heat capacity.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A reversible hear engine, operating in a cycle, withdraws heat from a high temperature reservoir (temperature consequently decreases). It performs work w, and rejects heat into a low-temperature reservoir(temperature consequently increases).

The 2 reservoirs are initially at temperatures T1 and T2 and have constant heat capacities C1 and C2. Calculate the final temperature of the system and the Wmax from the engine.

Homework Equations

W = q2 - q1
Wmax = Qrev
ΔU = ΔH = 0
C = q/ΔT or dq/DT
q = nCpDT

(q2 - q1)/q2 = (t2 - t1)/t2

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm having a hard time understanding what I'm doing from a conceptual perspective and in terms of explanation.

q2 = 1 mole * C2 * (Tf-T2)
q1 = 1 mole * C1 * (Tf-T1)

w = q2 - q1
w = C2(Tf-T2) - [C1(Tf-T1)] **(The answer has the C2 term negative, Is it because heat from the reservoir is added to the heat engine?)

This process continues until T1=T2 @ T.

Efficiency = w/q2 = 1 - q1/q2.

dW/dq_2 = (q2 - q1) / q2 = (T2 - T1) / T2

dW = (T2 - T1) / dQ_2

**I get stuck here. Do we split this into 2 integrals (1 for dT1 and the other for dT2?) I have to find a way to relate the heat q2 to the temperatures of T1 and T2. (q2 = T - T2 and q2T1 = q1T2, am I on the right track?). Help would be much appreciated.
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  • #2
Work is just efficiency multiplied by qheat, by definition. You've even written the equation out already, why take it to differentials?
  • #3
This is a non-trivial problem if you want an exact answer.

You want to find the final common temperature of the two reservoirs. For an initial heat flow of dQh out of the hot reservoir, there is a corresponding temperature decrease of dTh = dQh/C1. There is a heat flow into the cold reservoir of dQc = dQh(Tc/Th) and a temperature increase of dTc = dQc/C2 = dQh(Tc/Th*C2).

The problem is that the heat flow, and consequential temperature change, changes with Tc/Th. That is quite a task to compute.

One could get a reasonable estimate by averaging the initial and final efficiencies (1-Tc/Th and 0) to get an average efficiency of (1-Tc/Th)/2.

Furthermore, it would be difficult to create a reversible cycle here. Heat would have to flow into the engine at a temperature that decreases with temperature of the hot reservoir, rather than isothermally. Similarly, it would have to flow out at a temperature that increases with the temperature of the cold reservoir. In doing so, you lose reversibility. So it is implicit in the question that the reservoirs have sufficient heat capacity that the heat flow in one cycle creates a very small change in temperature of the reservoirs.

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  • #4
Thanks for the help. It took me awhile to understand everything, but I was able to get the correct answers. The material is so dense that sometimes you forget some of the simplest steps.
  • #5


I would like to clarify a few things about the problem and your solution attempt. First, let's define some terms and concepts.

A reversible Carnot cycle is a theoretical thermodynamic cycle that operates between two heat reservoirs at different temperatures. In this cycle, the system goes through a series of reversible processes (i.e. processes that can be reversed without any loss of energy) to convert heat into work. This cycle is often used as a benchmark for the maximum efficiency that any heat engine can achieve.

Now, let's look at the problem. We have a reversible heat engine that operates in a cycle, withdrawing heat from a high-temperature reservoir (T1) and rejecting heat into a low-temperature reservoir (T2). The heat engine performs work (W) and the two reservoirs have constant heat capacities (C1 and C2).

To calculate the final temperature of the system (Tf) and the maximum work done by the engine (Wmax), we can use the following equations:

W = Q2 - Q1 (first law of thermodynamics)
Wmax = Qrev (maximum work done in a reversible process)
ΔU = ΔH = 0 (for a reversible process)
C = Q/ΔT or dQ/dT (heat capacity)
Q = nCpΔT (heat transfer)

Now, let's look at your solution attempt. You correctly calculated the heat transferred from each reservoir (q1 and q2) and the work done by the engine (w). However, you made a mistake in the sign of the C2 term in your calculation of w. The heat from the high-temperature reservoir is being added to the heat engine, so it should be positive. Thus, the correct equation for w is:

w = C2(Tf-T2) - C1(Tf-T1)

Next, you correctly identified that the process continues until T1 = T2 = Tf. This means that the temperature change (ΔT) in both reservoirs is the same, and we can simply write it as ΔT. Now, we can use the equations for heat capacity and heat transfer to relate the temperatures and heat transfers:

q2 = nC2ΔT
q1 = nC1ΔT

Substituting these into the equation for work, we get:

w = nΔT(C2 - C1)(Tf -

FAQ: Reversible(Carnot) Cycle Temperature Equilibrium Problem

1) What is the Carnot Cycle?

The Carnot Cycle is a theoretical thermodynamic cycle that describes the most efficient way to convert heat into work. It consists of four reversible processes: isothermal expansion, adiabatic expansion, isothermal compression, and adiabatic compression.

2) What is the purpose of the Carnot Cycle?

The Carnot Cycle serves as a model for understanding the limitations of real-world heat engines and the concept of maximum efficiency. It also helps in understanding the relationship between temperature and efficiency in thermodynamic systems.

3) How does the Carnot Cycle achieve maximum efficiency?

The Carnot Cycle achieves maximum efficiency by operating between two temperature reservoirs, a hot reservoir at a higher temperature and a cold reservoir at a lower temperature. During the isothermal expansion and compression processes, the heat is transferred at a constant temperature, and during the adiabatic processes, no heat is exchanged. This results in the maximum efficiency of the cycle.

4) What is the significance of the Carnot Cycle in thermodynamics?

The Carnot Cycle is significant in thermodynamics because it provides a theoretical upper limit for the efficiency of all heat engines, regardless of their design or working substance. It also demonstrates the reversibility of processes and the relationship between temperature and efficiency.

5) How is the Carnot Cycle related to the Second Law of Thermodynamics?

The Carnot Cycle is directly related to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which states that heat cannot spontaneously flow from a colder body to a hotter body. The Carnot Cycle illustrates this law by showing that for a heat engine to be reversible, the heat transfer must occur between two bodies at different temperatures, and the net work output must be zero.

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