Revolutionary Changes in Programming: Past, Present and Future

In summary, the conversation discusses the latest developments in programming, such as smart pointers in C++ and updates to languages like Python. There is also mention of new languages like Elm, which has a time traveling debugger, and newer languages like Julia, which has features similar to object oriented programming. The conversation also touches on the use of JavaScript for server-side development and the popularity of JVM languages like Groovy, Scala, Clojure, and Jython. Additionally, the conversation mentions the Processing IDE and its potential for prototyping ideas, as well as the rewriting of the Stockfish chess engine in C++2011.
  • #1
I'm just a casual/academic programmer. The last major revolution in programming (that I know of) was object oriented programming. But some of the latest developments (in C++) that can actually be used by everyday programmers that I can think of are things like smart pointers which were only really implemented in 2014. Python gets updated every few months to a new version. Are these updates bringing new ideas/functionality to the languages that programmers can use or are they mostly just housekeeping? Are there any big "revolutions" in the works with the same kind of magnitude as the change to object oriented programming?
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  • #2
Another example: Google Tensorflow. It was recently released as a plugin for python. It is meant for machine learning, but it can actually be used to do numerical partial differential equations in parallel.
  • #3
Elm is an interesting programming language which is primarily functional. It has the time traveling debugger which is quite cool. There are several videos on YouTube by the creator Evan Czaplicki.

There's node.js where you can develop the server side of web apps in JavaScript so your web app can use one language for both client and server side which makes sharing data via json format seamless.

There's JVM languages like groovy, Scala, Clojure and jython that interoperate with Java and can use the many third party libraries. Groovy is like super Java whereas Scala fixes many Java architectural issues and Clojure and Jython are super lisp and Python that can work with Java libraries.

There's the processing IDE which makes writing Java fun. It has a lot of cool interactive Java graphics examples. It's also great for prototyping ideas too. See for more info.

There's Julia from MIT that seems on track to be a better MATLAB but with datatyping to speed calculations. It also takes a page from OO in that you can use different calling signatures on functions for polymorphic type calls i.e. The function does one thing when an art is an integer and another thing when it's a vector, see
  • #4

FAQ: Revolutionary Changes in Programming: Past, Present and Future

1. How have programming languages evolved over time?

Programming languages have evolved significantly since their inception in the early 20th century. From machine code to high-level languages, each new language brought with it increased efficiency and ease of use. Today, there are hundreds of different programming languages available, each with its own unique features and uses.

2. What were some of the key moments in the history of programming?

Some key moments in the history of programming include the creation of the first programming language, FORTRAN, in 1957, the development of object-oriented programming in the 1960s, and the rise of web-based languages like HTML and JavaScript in the 1990s. More recently, there has been a shift towards functional programming and the use of artificial intelligence in programming.

3. How have programming languages impacted society?

Programming languages have had a huge impact on society, shaping the way we communicate, work, and interact with technology. They have enabled the creation of complex software and applications, making our lives more convenient and efficient. Programming languages have also led to the rise of industries such as software development and data science.

4. What do you think the future holds for programming languages?

The future of programming languages is constantly evolving, but some trends that are likely to continue include the use of more specialized languages for specific tasks, increasing integration of AI and machine learning, and the continued development of web-based languages for creating interactive and dynamic websites.

5. How can someone stay updated on the latest changes and advancements in programming?

To stay updated on the latest changes and advancements in programming, one can follow industry blogs and news websites, attend conferences and workshops, and participate in online communities and forums. It is also important to continuously learn and experiment with new languages and technologies to stay current in the rapidly evolving field of programming.

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