Revolutionize Your Projects with 3D Ultrasonic Sonar on Arduino

In summary, the project is called "Virtual Touch Screen", uses ultrasonic distance sensors to measure distance, and has plans for a 3D Ultrasonic Radar.
  • #1
I'm working on arduino based project, that actually can perform 3 features:

1. Virtual Touch Screen, for remote control purposes big screen TV, projectors, public display, or for interactive games
2. 3D Ultrasonic Radar, small range - 3 m for now, but real time with update rate 50 fps;
3. Precise distance measurements , down do 12 micrometers.

FFT is the major part of software application running on arduino DUE (cortex-3 , ATMEL SAM3X8E), plus 4 very popular ultrasonic distance sensors HC-SR04. Extracting the phase of returning ultrasonic wave, great precision in distance measurements possible.

More details on the blog page:
and two demo video clips on youtube channel:

Opinions and suggestions are welcome.
Engineering news on
  • #2
MagicianT said:
I'm working on arduino based project, that actually can perform 3 features:

1. Virtual Touch Screen, for remote control purposes big screen TV, projectors, public display, or for interactive games
2. 3D Ultrasonic Radar, small range - 3 m for now, but real time with update rate 50 fps;
3. Precise distance measurements , down do 12 micrometers.

FFT is the major part of software application running on arduino DUE (cortex-3 , ATMEL SAM3X8E), plus 4 very popular ultrasonic distance sensors HC-SR04. Extracting the phase of returning ultrasonic wave, great precision in distance measurements possible.

More details on the blog page:
and two demo video clips on youtube channel:

Opinions and suggestions are welcome.

Sounds like an interesting project. BTW, I changed "Radar" to "Sonar" in your thread title. Radar uses radio waves, and Sonar uses sound (or ultrasound) waves. :smile:
  • #3
There's a lot of research on that subject. They use it for refueling of sodium cooled reactors because you can't see through sodium.
A friend did electronics work for Bechtel , making high powered drivers for the transducers.

A quick search turned up lots more applications than i could have imagined:

You're on to something there. Have fun !
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  • #4
Sounds like an interesting project. BTW, I changed "Radar" to "Sonar" in your thread title. Radar uses radio waves, and Sonar uses sound (or ultrasound) waves.
Agree, I missed this out. Same time sonar term sounds too specific, related to underwater localization. Tracking object in the air brings radar to mind
There's a lot of research on that subject.
True, but all of them industrial or military. I don't know any research on small, "hobbyist" scale, with a budget < 100$.
New video posted, radar, hmm, sonar relaying a data to android application.
  • #5

I find this project to be incredibly innovative and exciting. The use of 3D ultrasonic sonar on an Arduino platform has the potential to revolutionize many different industries and applications.

The three features that you have listed - virtual touch screen, 3D ultrasonic radar, and precise distance measurements - are all very impressive and useful. I can see how this technology could be applied in remote control, gaming, public displays, and many other areas.

The fact that you are using FFT to extract the phase of returning ultrasonic waves and achieve such precise distance measurements is particularly impressive. This level of precision has the potential to greatly improve the accuracy and reliability of various systems and devices.

I also appreciate the detailed information and demo videos that you have provided on your blog and YouTube channel. This not only showcases the capabilities of your project, but also allows for others to learn and potentially build upon your work.

Overall, I think your project has a lot of potential and I look forward to seeing how it develops and is utilized in the future. Keep up the great work!
  • #6

I am intrigued by the potential of using 3D ultrasonic sonar on Arduino to revolutionize projects. The three features you have described - virtual touch screen, 3D ultrasonic radar, and precise distance measurements - have great potential for various applications, ranging from remote control to interactive games.

I am particularly interested in the use of FFT as a major part of the software application running on the Arduino DUE. This, combined with the use of popular ultrasonic distance sensors, allows for great precision in distance measurements by extracting the phase of returning ultrasonic waves. This level of precision can be useful in various fields, such as robotics, navigation, and industrial automation.

I appreciate the details provided on your blog page and the demo videos on your YouTube channel. It would be interesting to see how this technology can be further developed and applied in different fields. I also welcome any opinions and suggestions on how to improve and expand the capabilities of this project. Overall, I believe that the use of 3D ultrasonic sonar on Arduino has great potential to revolutionize projects and I look forward to seeing its further development.

FAQ: Revolutionize Your Projects with 3D Ultrasonic Sonar on Arduino

1. What is 3D ultrasonic sonar and how does it work?

3D ultrasonic sonar is a technology that uses sound waves to detect and measure objects in a three-dimensional space. It works by emitting high frequency sound waves and then measuring the time it takes for the waves to bounce off objects and return to the source. By calculating the time and distance, the device can create a 3D representation of the surrounding objects.

2. How is 3D ultrasonic sonar being used in Arduino projects?

3D ultrasonic sonar is being used in Arduino projects to enhance the capabilities and accuracy of robotic systems. It allows for precise object detection and mapping, which is crucial for tasks such as obstacle avoidance and navigation. It can also be used in various measurement and monitoring applications.

3. What are the advantages of using 3D ultrasonic sonar over other sensors?

One of the main advantages of 3D ultrasonic sonar is its ability to create a 3D representation of the surrounding environment, which provides more detailed and accurate information compared to other sensors. It also has a longer range and is less affected by lighting conditions, making it suitable for outdoor use.

4. Can beginners use 3D ultrasonic sonar on Arduino?

Yes, beginners can use 3D ultrasonic sonar on Arduino with the right resources and guidance. There are many tutorials and guides available online that can help beginners understand the technology and how to incorporate it into their projects. It is also a great way for beginners to learn about coding and electronics.

5. Are there any limitations to using 3D ultrasonic sonar on Arduino?

Like any technology, there are limitations to using 3D ultrasonic sonar on Arduino. It has a limited range and may not be suitable for applications that require long-range detection. It is also affected by certain environmental factors such as noise and temperature. However, with proper calibration and placement, these limitations can be minimized.
