Rewrite Cartesian in Cylindrical form

In summary: You also haven't given us a description or picture of the region in the xy plane, which means that your limits on ##\phi## are also incorrect. You need to do this to get the correct limits. And you shouldn't have any ##\rho## in the limits.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

Cartesian to Cylindrial

The Attempt at a Solution


What I was doing is that, I changed the limits of z, and the function.
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  • #2
you must be precise where ##\rho## varies. I give you an hint. Start from ##-\sqrt{4-x^2-y^2}\leq z\leq \sqrt{4-x^2-y^2}## and prove that ##0\leq \rho \leq 2##...
  • #3
So the whole volume is above and below the xy-plane... Can I divide the whole volume into 2 symmetric sub volume?

0≤ρ≤20≤ρ≤2 0\leq \rho \leq 2 as Φ is 0 where r = 0 :)
  • #4
Minor point, but your title (Rewrite Cartesian in Cylindrial form) and what you have in Relevant Equations, are incorrect. The problem asks you to transform the integral to spherical form, which is actually what you're doing. It might indicate that you don't have a clear understanding of the difference between cylindrical (not cylindrial, which I don't think is a word) coordinates and spherical coordinates.
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  • #5

Mark44 said:
Minor point, but your title (Rewrite Cartesian in Cylindrial form) and what you have in Relevant Equations, are incorrect. The problem asks you to transform the integral to spherical form, which is actually what you're doing. It might indicate that you don't have a clear understanding of the difference between cylindrical (not cylindrial, which I don't think is a word) coordinates and spherical coordinates.
Okay, so am I setting the limits correctly in my work? thanks
  • #6
nysnacc said:
Okay, so am I setting the limits correctly in my work? thanks
I don't think you are, but I haven't looked that closely at your work. Can you describe, in words, what the region of integration looks like?
  • #7
In xy plane, the shape is a half circle in +x then z is bounded between -√ to +√ (so above and below xy plane)

Then r = x^2 + y^2 and θ goes from 0 to π, Φ goes from 0 to π as the volume is above and below the plane
  • #8
nysnacc said:
In xy plane, the shape is a half circle in +x then z is bounded between -√ to +√ (so above and below xy plane)

Then r = x^2 + y^2 and θ goes from 0 to π, Φ goes from 0 to π as the volume is above and below the plane
But what is the shape of the three-dimensional object that is the region of integration? That's what I'd like you to tell me. A very important aspect of being able to transform iterated integrals from one form to another is being able to correctly describe the region of integration. Once you understand this, evaluating the integrals is more-or-less mechanical.
  • #9
A half sphere.
  • #10
You need to describe where the half sphere is located in the xyz coordinate system. You need to have the picture to get the limits correct. And, no, your limits in post #1 are not correct. For one thing, if the integration variable is ##d\rho##, there cannot be any ##\rho## in the limits. And there is at least one other error.
  • #11

By sketching, I come up with something like this:

θ: 0 to π
Φ: 0 to π
rho: 0 to 2 (the bound of the sphere)

And then I replace the function y^2 √ x^2+y^2+z^2 in terms of rho, θ and Φ
  • #12
p is rho

∫ ∫ ∫ (p sinΦ sinθ)2 (p) p2sinΦ dp dΦ dθ ! ! !
  • #13
You haven't given us a description or picture of where the half sphere is located in the xyz coordinate system, and as a consequence your limits on ##\theta## are incorrect.

Related to Rewrite Cartesian in Cylindrical form

1. How do you convert Cartesian coordinates to cylindrical coordinates?

To convert Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) to cylindrical coordinates (r, θ, z), use the following formulas:

r = √(x² + y²)

θ = arctan(y/x)

z = z

2. What are the advantages of using cylindrical coordinates over Cartesian coordinates?

Cylindrical coordinates are often more convenient to use when dealing with problems involving cylindrical objects, such as cylinders or cones. They also allow for easier visualization and interpretation of certain mathematical concepts and equations.

3. Can you provide an example of converting Cartesian coordinates to cylindrical coordinates?

Let's say we have a point with Cartesian coordinates (2, 4, 6). Using the formulas, we can find its cylindrical coordinates to be (√(2² + 4²), arctan(4/2), 6) = (√20, 63.43°, 6).

4. How do you convert cylindrical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates?

To convert cylindrical coordinates (r, θ, z) to Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z), use the following formulas:

x = r*cos(θ)

y = r*sin(θ)

z = z

5. Can you provide an example of converting cylindrical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates?

Let's say we have a point with cylindrical coordinates (5, 45°, 8). Using the formulas, we can find its Cartesian coordinates to be (5*cos(45°), 5*sin(45°), 8) = (3.53, 3.53, 8).

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