Rewrite of my assumptions. Was: Mistakes (again)

  • Thread starter Zitterbewegung
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of a hybrid manifold that combines elements from string cosmology and brane cosmology. This manifold is a continuous map of all points on an AdS4 manifold and a Joyce manifold, which forms the background of everything that exists. The shape of the Joyce manifold affects the characteristics of the AdS4 manifold, and this is reflected in the behavior of point particles on the AdS4 space. The hybrid manifold must also reflect current physical observations, such as energy quantization. This is achieved by restricting the shapes that can exist on the manifold and considering the vibrations of strings at different energy levels. The Joyce manifold also prevents violations of the laws of physics by not allowing transformations that would greatly change the topology of
  • #1
[Moderator's note: no responsibility for the content. LM]

This is an attempt to define a bulk which corresponds to both a string
cosmological and brane cosmological formalism which disallows other
branes that exist outside this universe.

Our bulk is homogenous manifold similar to a Joyce manifold but this
then glued at every point to an AdS4 which forms a surface to the
manifold . This manifold forms the background of everything that
exists. This bulk exists

Definition of the Hybrid Manifold

We define our bulk as continuous map of all points on a AdS4 (which may
or may be periodic) manifold and the Joyce manifold.

We state that the observation of the propagation of point particles is
actually a reflection of the current shape of the Joyce manifold. On
our manifold when the Joyce manifold bends or is warped then the AdS4
manifold's characteristics change as a result of the continuous
mapping. In other words the AdS4 manifold shows the shape of the
underlying substructure of the Joyce manifold. The Joyce manifold is
bound to a certain set of shapes and transformations which must follow
the laws of physics in the AdS4.

But now we must extend the hybrid manifold to have properties that
reflect current physical observations. We must have a manifold that is
both restricted to a subset of shapes that can exist on the manifold.
Also we must deal with the fact that energy is quantized.

A quantization of energy using hybrid manifolds

As a string moves through the part of our manifold that consists of the
G2 manifold it bends the manifold slightly so that we can detect the
point particle on the AdS4 space. The surface of our new manifold is
glued and because of this it can reflect properties of its bending The
reason we can detect different messenger particles is because as a
string moves through our hybrid manifold it is bound at certain parts
of the hybrid manifold due to the structure of the manifold. There are
only a specific set of path's that the string can move through and that
determines how the surface is bent.

Another property is that due to quantization the vibrations of the
string follow an ascending or descending chain of vibrational patters
as the strings gain or lose energy. Therefore each string follows a set
of vibrations given a specific amount of energy that a string

Disallowing Violations of the Laws of Physics

Certain properties of physics can be disallowed by the Joyce Manifold
being unable to transform to that state ; because to do so would change
the topology of the space so greatly that the energy required would be

Gravity Representation

There are two ways to represent gravity using this hybrid space. One
way is to give it a formal messenger particle and have a given energy
value for it. Another method is to say that gravity is a result of the
specific shape of the Joyce manifold and requires no messenger particle
whatsoever. This representation will be chosen once we have direct
evidence for either outcome and may remain independent of the theory.
Physics news on
  • #2
PDF version of Idea

Here is a pdf of the idea with minor modifications.

[Moderator's note: the newsgroup does not endorse this document. LM]
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  • #3

I appreciate the effort to redefine and clarify your assumptions. However, it is important to note that these assumptions are still just hypotheses and would need to be tested and supported by evidence before being accepted as scientific fact.

That being said, your concept of a hybrid manifold composed of both an AdS4 and Joyce manifold is intriguing. It is interesting to consider the implications of this structure on the laws of physics and the behavior of particles within it. However, it is essential to test these ideas and gather empirical evidence to support them.

The idea of quantizing energy using this hybrid manifold is also intriguing, but again, it would need to be tested and supported by evidence. It is important to consider alternative explanations and gather data to support or refute these hypotheses.

In addition, it is essential to note that the representation of gravity as either a formal messenger particle or a result of the shape of the Joyce manifold is still a matter of debate and would require further research and evidence to determine which is the most accurate representation.

Overall, I appreciate your attempt to provide a more precise definition of your assumptions, but it is essential to continue to question and test these ideas in order to advance our understanding of the universe.

Related to Rewrite of my assumptions. Was: Mistakes (again)

1. What are the common mistakes that people make when rewriting their assumptions?

The most common mistake is not thoroughly analyzing and questioning their original assumptions. This can lead to simply replacing one flawed assumption with another. Another mistake is not considering alternative perspectives or gathering enough evidence to support the rewritten assumptions.

2. How do I know if my rewritten assumptions are accurate?

The accuracy of rewritten assumptions can be evaluated by seeking feedback from colleagues or experts in the field, conducting research or experiments to gather evidence, and regularly reviewing and updating the assumptions as needed.

3. Can I rewrite my assumptions multiple times?

Yes, it is often beneficial to revisit and revise assumptions as new information or perspectives arise. This allows for a more thorough and accurate understanding of a topic or situation.

4. Is there a specific method or process for rewriting assumptions?

There is no one-size-fits-all method for rewriting assumptions. However, some common steps include identifying and questioning the original assumptions, gathering evidence and alternative perspectives, and revising the assumptions based on the new information.

5. How can rewriting assumptions benefit my research or work?

Rewriting assumptions can lead to a deeper understanding of a topic or situation, as well as identify any potential biases or flaws in the original assumptions. It can also improve the accuracy and effectiveness of research or work by incorporating new information and perspectives.

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