Reynold's Number related to heat transfer coefficient

In summary, the Heat Transfer professor is looking for a correlation between Reynold's number and the local heat transfer coefficient. There is no equation that can be derived to do this, but a table of correlations can be found.
  • #1

I am in a Heat Transfer class at school and my professor has set an interesting challenge before me. It is not a homework problem or anything, just a side project he challenged us to look into relating to external flow.

The question is as follows:
In fluid (e.g air, water) flow over a flat plate, if all that is given is the local Reynolds number Rex at some distance from the edge of the plate, is it possible to calculate the local heat transfer coefficient h at that point?

Is there some form an equation for Reynold's number that can relate to the heat transfer coefficient h?

If I knew the thermal coefficient k I could use the Nusselt number equation and Reynolds number to solve for h, but all I know is the local Reynold's number.

Any suggestions/help? Where I can find the answer or how to derive some equation that will work? I'm actually kind of interested in this so it would be cool to actually figure out. Thanks!
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  • #2
yes there is a lot of correlations for the reynold number , you should have a table or a data sheet for all the correlations of Re for each case
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  • #3
So you aren't supposed to assume that you know the conductivity? I would have thought that you would just need to note that the Nusselt number can be correlated to Reynolds number. After all, you can find k for pretty much any fluid listed in a table somewhere.
  • #4
I can use the Nusselt number if I know the thermal conductivity, viscosity, and specific heat, since

Nu=f(Re,Pr) and Pr=cp*mu/k

And the relation for local cases (laminar flow) usually takes the form:

Nux = hx*x/k = C1*Rey*Prz

where C1, y, and z are constants determined by the magnitude of Prandtl number.

I suppose k, cp, and viscosity mu can be found from a table for most any fluid, but the way my professor asked the question makes it seem like there is a way to correlate a Reynold's number and the heat transfer coefficient without having to look up values.
  • #5
That wouldn't make any sense though since Reynolds number doesn't actually tell you anything about the heat transfer properties of a gas. If such correlations exist, they are purely empirical and will only work for the single gas for which they were meant. The way around that limitation is to use Nusselt, and that is still empirical.

Related to Reynold's Number related to heat transfer coefficient

1. What is Reynold's Number and how is it related to heat transfer coefficient?

Reynold's Number is a dimensionless quantity used to determine the type of flow (laminar or turbulent) of a fluid in a specific system. It is calculated by dividing the product of the fluid's density, velocity, and characteristic length by its viscosity. The heat transfer coefficient is a measure of how easily heat is transferred between two mediums. Reynold's Number is related to heat transfer coefficient because it helps determine the type of flow, which in turn affects the heat transfer coefficient.

2. How does Reynold's Number affect the heat transfer coefficient?

The value of Reynold's Number directly affects the heat transfer coefficient. In laminar flow, where Reynold's Number is low, the heat transfer coefficient is low as well. This means that heat transfer is slower and less efficient. In turbulent flow, where Reynold's Number is high, the heat transfer coefficient is also higher. This results in faster and more efficient heat transfer between the two mediums.

3. What are the units of Reynold's Number and heat transfer coefficient?

Reynold's Number is a dimensionless quantity and therefore does not have any units. It is simply a ratio of different physical properties. The heat transfer coefficient, on the other hand, has units of W/m²K (watts per square meter per Kelvin) in SI units and Btu/(hr*ft²*°F) (British thermal units per hour per square foot per degree Fahrenheit) in imperial units.

4. What is the significance of Reynold's Number in heat transfer calculations?

Reynold's Number is an important factor in heat transfer calculations because it helps determine the type of flow and in turn, affects the heat transfer coefficient. It also helps determine if the heat transfer process will be efficient or not. Knowing the value of Reynold's Number can also assist in predicting any changes in heat transfer performance due to changes in the fluid velocity, density, or viscosity.

5. How can Reynold's Number be used to optimize heat transfer in a system?

Reynold's Number can be used to optimize heat transfer in a system by adjusting the fluid flow rate. It is important to keep the Reynold's Number in the turbulent flow range for efficient heat transfer. If the Reynold's Number is too low, increasing the flow rate can transition the flow from laminar to turbulent, resulting in a higher heat transfer coefficient. However, it is also important to consider other factors such as pressure drop and cost when optimizing heat transfer using Reynold's Number.

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