RFID and Block Diagram Questions, help please

In summary: RFID use of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer data. The tags contain electronically stored information. Some tags are powered by and read at short ranges via magnetic fields, and then act as a passive transponder to emit microwaves or UHF radio waves. The tags which is attached to the item needing identification and the interrogator, or reader, which in some cases is used to both power the tag and read its data without contact.Anything is wrong that necessary to improve, or even delete? Furthermore anything is needed to add in this content? Thanks.
  • #1
Questions are shown on the pictures.

For the block diagram, I know
(1) error signal
(5) output
(7) feedback signal

What are the (2), (3), (4) and (6)?

Besides, how to answer the RFID questions?
Ans. 1. For example, mall card?
Ans. 2.
Ans. 3.
Ans. 4.
Ans. 5.
Please help!


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  • #2
hjkklm said:
Questions are shown on the pictures.

For the block diagram, I know
(1) error signal
(5) output
(7) feedback signal

What are the (2), (3), (4) and (6)?

Besides, how to answer the RFID questions?
Ans. 1. For example, mall card?
Ans. 2.
Ans. 3.
Ans. 4.
Ans. 5.
Please help!

You need to show a lot more effort than that before we can offer tutorial assistance. What websites have you been reading about RFID? Post links please. And then if you have specific questions about things being said in the links, ask us those specific questions about the info in the links.

This set of questions is easy if you just put a little effort into reading abour RFID systems first, instead of asking us to do your homework for you...
  • #3
I have solved some questions.
But here is a question which I cannot solve.
Anyone know any examples for an auto-identification system that example is needed beside RFID and bar code systems? It cannot find from the Google.
Please help, thanks a lot.
  • #4
hjkklm said:
I have solved some questions.
But here is a question which I cannot solve.
Anyone know any examples for an auto-identification system that example is needed beside RFID and bar code systems? It cannot find from the Google.
Please help, thanks a lot.

Could you please define "auto-identification system"? What does that mean? Can you post a link?
  • #5
berkeman said:
Could you please define "auto-identification system"? What does that mean? Can you post a link?

Link here http://www.iaarc.org/publications/fulltext/isarc2004-S19-07.pdf

Auto-ID (Automatic Identification) system is a proven technology of providing a more accurate, detailed, timely and advanced information for architectural operation.

It is also indicated barcodes, optical character recognition (OCR), radio frequency identification (RFID), magnetic stripe and voice recognition are used for Auto-ID.

But I don't know what are examples of RFID and Bar codes for the auto-identification system.
Automobile, auto-tolling, mall card, are these correct beside RFID and Bar codes?
  • #6
Another one question for the operation of RFID,
I think it and respond as following.

RFID use of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer data. The tags contain electronically stored information. Some tags are powered by and read at short ranges via magnetic fields, and then act as a passive transponder to emit microwaves or UHF radio waves. The tags which is attached to the item needing identification and the interrogator, or reader, which in some cases is used to both power the tag and read its data without contact.

For the above content of operation of RFID, anything is wrong that necessary to improve, or even delete? Furthermore anything is needed to add in this content? Thanks.

Related to RFID and Block Diagram Questions, help please

What is RFID?

RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. It is a technology that uses radio waves to automatically identify and track objects. RFID tags are small electronic devices that can be attached to or embedded in objects and can be read wirelessly by RFID readers.

How does RFID work?

RFID systems consist of three components: RFID tags, RFID readers, and a database. The tag contains a small microchip and an antenna that are used to store and transmit data. The reader emits a radio signal that activates the tag and receives the data it transmits. The data is then sent to a database for processing and storage.

What are the benefits of using RFID?

RFID technology offers numerous benefits, such as increased efficiency, improved inventory management, better supply chain visibility, and reduced human error. It also allows for real-time tracking and monitoring of objects, making it easier to locate and manage inventory.

What is a block diagram for RFID?

A block diagram for RFID shows the basic components of a typical RFID system and how they are connected. It includes the RFID tags, readers, and database, as well as any other components such as antennas and software. It helps to visualize the flow of data and how the different parts of the system work together.

What are the security concerns related to RFID?

Some common security concerns related to RFID include data privacy, unauthorized tracking, and data integrity. As RFID technology becomes more prevalent, it is important to ensure that proper security measures are in place to protect sensitive information and prevent potential misuse of the technology.

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