Riemann curvature tensor derivation

In summary, the Riemann curvature tensor is a mathematical object that arises from the difference in acceleration between two geodesics that are parallel to each other. It is used to calculate certain properties of a curved space.
  • #1

when calculating the Riemann curvature tensor, you need to calculate the commutator of some vector field [tex] V [/tex], ie like this :-

[tex] [\bigtriangledown_a, \bigtriangledown_b] [/tex] = [tex] \bigtriangledown_a\bigtriangledown_b - \bigtriangledown_b\bigtriangledown_a [/tex] = [tex] V;_a_b - V;_b_a [/tex]

But why does this difference of antisymmtery give us the Riemman tensor?

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  • #2
weio said:

when calculating the Riemann curvature tensor, you need to calculate the commutator of some vector field [tex] V [/tex], ie like this :-

[tex] [\bigtriangledown_a, \bigtriangledown_b] [/tex] = [tex] \bigtriangledown_a\bigtriangledown_b - \bigtriangledown_b\bigtriangledown_a [/tex] = [tex] V;_a_b - V;_b_a [/tex]

But why does this difference of antisymmtery give us the Riemman tensor?


In addition to the commutator of the covariant derivatives, you need the commutator of the basis vectors too. Ignore torsion.

Think of your covariant derivative as a change along your basis. In a coordinate basis (defined by vanishing basis commutators) two different basis vectors span a plane. Think of a small quadrilateral spanned by the two basis vectors. When the vector V is carried around this quadrilateral your commutator of covariant derivatives gives the change in V. It's length can't change, but its direction does. So with R the full Riemann curvature:
[grada , gradb] V = R(.,V,a,b) . Riemann set up his geometry so it would look flat in the small. However, he was amazed that this difference resulting from taking a vector to nearby points could be described by an object (the full curvature tensor) that lived solely at the base point. This made him realize the importance of the curvature tensor and gave substance to his geometry.
  • #3

So far this is how I understand it, though I know I could be very wrong. If you have two geodesics parallel to each other, with tangents [tex] V [/tex] and [tex] V' [/tex] , in which the coordinate [tex] x^\alpha [/tex] point along both geodesics. There is some connecting vector [tex] w^\alpha [/tex] between them. Let the affine parameter on the geodesics be [tex] \lambda [/tex]

Riemman tensor calculates the acceleration between these two geodesics. so you calculate the acceleration at some point A, A' on each geodesic , and subtract them. this gives you an expression telling how the components of [tex] w^\alpha [/tex] change.

[tex] \frac{d^2w^\alpha} {d\lambda^2} = \frac{d^2x^\alpha} {d\lambda^2} | A' - \frac {d^2x^\alpha} {d\lambda^2} | A = - \Gamma^\alpha_0_0_\beta w^\beta [/tex]

After that you calculate the full 2nd covariant derivative along V, ie , you get something like
[tex] \bigtriangledown v \bigtriangledown v w^\alpha = (\Gamma^\alpha_\beta_0_0 - \Gamma^\alpha_0_0,\beta) w^\beta [/tex]
[tex] = R^a_0_0\beta w^\beta [/tex]
[tex] = R^a_u_v_\beta V^u V^v w^\beta [/tex]

That's where the tensor arises. so basically it's a difference in acceleration as geodesics don't maintain their separation in curved space.
  • #4
weio said:

So far this is how I understand it, though I know I could be very wrong. If you have two geodesics parallel to each other, with tangents [tex] V [/tex] and [tex] V' [/tex] , in which the coordinate [tex] x^\alpha [/tex] point along both geodesics. There is some connecting vector [tex] w^\alpha [/tex] between them. Let the affine parameter on the geodesics be [tex] \lambda [/tex]

Riemman tensor calculates the acceleration between these two geodesics. so you calculate the acceleration at some point A, A' on each geodesic , and subtract them. this gives you an expression telling how the components of [tex] w^\alpha [/tex] change.

[tex] \frac{d^2w^\alpha} {d\lambda^2} = \frac{d^2x^\alpha} {d\lambda^2} | A' - \frac {d^2x^\alpha} {d\lambda^2} | A = - \Gamma^\alpha_0_0_\beta w^\beta [/tex]

After that you calculate the full 2nd covariant derivative along V, ie , you get something like
[tex] \bigtriangledown v \bigtriangledown v w^\alpha = (\Gamma^\alpha_\beta_0_0 - \Gamma^\alpha_0_0,\beta) w^\beta [/tex]
[tex] = R^a_0_0\beta w^\beta [/tex]
[tex] = R^a_u_v_\beta V^u V^v w^\beta [/tex]

That's where the tensor arises. so basically it's a difference in acceleration as geodesics don't maintain their separation in curved space.

Yes it arises there and in many other places, including the one you asked about and that I told you about.
  • #5

I understand the derivation now. I found a simple one which fully explains it. for the curious, here is the link :- http://www.anasoft.co.uk/physics/gr/reimann/reimann.html

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FAQ: Riemann curvature tensor derivation

What is the Riemann curvature tensor?

The Riemann curvature tensor is a mathematical object used in differential geometry to describe the curvature of a manifold. It is a tensor field that encodes information about how a manifold bends and twists in different directions.

Why is the Riemann curvature tensor important?

The Riemann curvature tensor is important because it allows us to study the curvature of a manifold in a precise and concise way. It is a fundamental tool in both pure mathematics and applications such as general relativity.

How is the Riemann curvature tensor derived?

The Riemann curvature tensor is derived by considering how a vector field changes as it is parallel transported along different paths on a manifold. This leads to a set of equations known as the Ricci identities, which can then be manipulated to obtain the Riemann curvature tensor.

What does the Riemann curvature tensor tell us about a manifold?

The Riemann curvature tensor tells us about the intrinsic curvature of a manifold, which is independent of any embedding in a higher-dimensional space. It provides information about how the manifold curves and twists in different directions, and can be used to calculate quantities such as geodesic curvature and sectional curvature.

How is the Riemann curvature tensor used in general relativity?

In general relativity, the Riemann curvature tensor is used to describe the curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of mass and energy. It is a key component of Einstein's field equations, which relate the curvature of spacetime to the energy-momentum tensor describing the distribution of matter and energy.

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