Rigid bodies: generalized forces according to the Euler-Lagrange formalism

In summary, the dynamic equations of an aerial vehicle with 6 degrees of freedom (specifically a quadrotor) can be derived using two coordinate systems (Earth frame and body frame) and the Euler-Lagrange formalism. When writing the generalized force vector, the forces should be referred to the body frame and the torques to the Earth frame.
  • #1
I am trying to derive the dynamic equations of an aerial vehicle with 6 degrees of freedom (a quadrotor to be precise). I am using

- two coordinate systems: the Earth frame and the body frame;
- the Euler-Lagrange formalism: generalized coordinates {x,y,z,phi,theta,psi}, respectively, the position in the Earth frame and the Tait-Brian (or ZYX) angles;
- I am considering the vehicle a rigid body.

My doubt is: when I write the generalized force vector (forces acting on the center of gravity and torques referred to the center of gravity) do I need to refer them to the Earth frame or to the body frame? In previous works I found out that the forces must be referred to the Earth frame, while the torques must be referred to the body frame ... but it does not make sense to me.

Could you please tell me the general formula for generalized forces when dealing with rigid bodies?

Thank you for your help,
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The general formula for generalized forces when dealing with rigid bodies is the sum of the forces and moments applied to the body's center of mass, expressed in terms of the coordinates of the body frame. This means that the forces should be referred to the body frame, while the torques should be referred to the Earth frame.

FAQ: Rigid bodies: generalized forces according to the Euler-Lagrange formalism

1. What is the Euler-Lagrange formalism?

The Euler-Lagrange formalism is a mathematical framework used to describe the motion of a rigid body. It is based on the principle of least action, which states that the path taken by a system between two points in time is the one that minimizes the action (a measure of the system's energy) along that path.

2. What are generalized forces?

Generalized forces are forces that are applied to a system in a way that is independent of its specific geometry. In the context of rigid bodies, they are typically expressed as a function of position, velocity, and possibly other parameters such as time. These forces can be used to describe the overall motion of a rigid body in a more general way than traditional forces, such as gravity or friction.

3. How do generalized forces relate to the Euler-Lagrange formalism?

In the Euler-Lagrange formalism, generalized forces are used to describe the dynamics of a rigid body. They are incorporated into the Lagrangian, which is a function that summarizes the energy of the system and its constraints. By finding the minimum of the Lagrangian, the equations of motion for the rigid body can be derived.

4. What are some applications of the Euler-Lagrange formalism to rigid bodies?

The Euler-Lagrange formalism has many applications in physics and engineering. It is commonly used in the study of mechanical systems, such as robots or vehicles, to model their motion and predict their behavior. It is also used in the fields of astrophysics and celestial mechanics to study the motion of planets and other celestial bodies.

5. Are there any limitations to the Euler-Lagrange formalism for describing rigid bodies?

While the Euler-Lagrange formalism is a powerful tool for studying rigid bodies, it does have some limitations. It assumes that the system being studied is conservative, meaning that there are no external forces acting on it. Additionally, it can become complicated when dealing with non-rigid or deformable bodies. In these cases, other mathematical frameworks may be more suitable for describing the motion of the system.
