Rigid body kinematics problem: finding the velocity of the center of mass

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of finding an expression for the kinetic energy of a rigid body with one of its points pivoted to a moving point. The use of König's theorem and Euler angles to describe the motion of the body is mentioned, but there is a need for the velocity of the center of mass. The idea of calculating the kinetic energy in the system of the fixed point is also suggested. The discussion also touches on the possibility of the pivot axis moving and the need for a kinematic model to describe its motion.
  • #1
I have to deal with the problem of finding an expression for the kinetic energy of a rigid body. One of its point is pivoted to a point that moves arbitrarily. So in order to find an expression for the kinetic energy I use König's theorem, but I need the velocity of the center of mass. I use Euler angles to describe the motion of the fixed frame of reference attached to the principal axes of the body, with the origin of the system in the center of mass of the body.

I know how to find an expression for [itex]\vec\omega[/itex] in the fixed frame of reference, but what I lack is an expression for the velocity of the center of mass (let's say it's a distance [itex]l[/itex] from the pivot) in terms of the velocity of the pivot, the Euler angles and their derivativesThis should be a common problem but I have seen no reference to it in the Internet. So I would be thankful if someone suggests me a book/website/reference to these kinds of problems
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  • #2
Instead of calculating everything in the center of mass system, what about calculating this in the system of the fixed point? To calculate the kinetic energy, it is sufficient to have two values: The rotation around the fixed point, and one thing which I would call "internal rotation" (around an axis through the fixed point).
I would expect that both are independent of each other, and without external forces, both values stay the same. The third degree of freedom is irrelevant here, as it just defines the plane where the rotation happens.
  • #3
Maybe I didn't understand. For fixed point you intend the pivot? The problem is that it is not fixed, really, so I thought that all the expression for kinetic energy around a fixed point do not apply here
  • #4
Possibly I should get an expression of [itex]\vec v_{CM}[/itex] with its components in the inertial frame of reference basis that should be a sum of the relative velocity of the center of mass from the pivot and the velocity of the pivot
  • #5
Oh sorry, I misread your post, I thought the other part of the body could move freely. I would still use this pivot, I think.
  • #6
Perhaps you can describe your problem a bit more. Is the pivot axis fixed with respect to the rotating body, i.e. body frame? If so, do you have a kinematic model for how the pivot axis moves in your reference frame? What are your dependent and independent variables?

FAQ: Rigid body kinematics problem: finding the velocity of the center of mass

What is a rigid body?

A rigid body is an object that does not deform or change shape when subjected to external forces. It maintains its shape and size, and all of its points move in a fixed relationship to each other.

What is the center of mass?

The center of mass is a point in a rigid body where the mass of the body can be considered to be concentrated. It is the average location of all the mass in the body.

How do you find the velocity of the center of mass?

To find the velocity of the center of mass, you need to know the position and velocity of each individual particle in the rigid body. You can then use the equations for finding the center of mass and the velocity of the center of mass to calculate it.

What is the equation for finding the center of mass?

The equation for finding the center of mass is: xcm = (m1x1 + m2x2 + m3x3 + ... + mnxn) / (m1 + m2 + m3 + ... + mn), where xcm is the position of the center of mass, mi is the mass of each particle, and xi is the position of each particle.

What is the equation for finding the velocity of the center of mass?

The equation for finding the velocity of the center of mass is: vcm = (m1v1 + m2v2 + m3v3 + ... + mnmn) / (m1 + m2 + m3 + ... + mn), where vcm is the velocity of the center of mass, mi is the mass of each particle, and vi is the velocity of each particle.

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