Ring homomorphism from Z4 to Z8

  • Thread starter llstelle
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In summary: It's just xy.In summary, the first homomorphism is not a homomorphism, and the second homomorphism is one-to-one but not injective.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Exhibit two examples of a ring homomorphism [itex]\phi[/itex] from Z4 to Z8, one that is one-to-one and another that is not. For each case, find ker([itex]\phi[/itex]) and describe Z4/ker([itex]\phi[/itex])

2. The attempt at a solution
Let [itex]\phi : \mathbb{Z}_4 \longrightarrow \mathbb{Z}_8[/itex] be the identity mapping such that a = a mod 4 for [itex]a \in \mathbb{Z}_4[/itex] Clearly, this is a ring homomorphism since for any a,b in Z4,

[itex]\phi (a+b)=(a+b) mod 4=a mod 4+b mod 4=\phi(a)+\phi(b)[/itex]


[itex]\phi(ab)=ab mod 4=a mod 4 \cdot b mod 4 = \phi(a) \cdot \phi(b)[/itex]

This homomorphism is injective (or one-to-one) as every element in Z4 is carried to exactly one element in Z8, but not surjective as the range Z4 a proper subset of the codomain Z8.

The kernel of [itex]\phi[/itex] is defined as the elements of Z4 that are mapped by [itex]\phi[/itex] to the zero element in Z8, so ker [itex]\phi[/itex] is the trivial ring {0} and Z4/ker [itex]\phi[/itex] is the quotient ring formed by modding out the trivial ring.

Let us define another homomorphism [itex]\varphi : \mathbb{Z}_4 \longrightarrow \mathbb{Z}_8[/itex] by [itex]\varphi(a)=(8a)[/itex] mod 8 for [itex]a \in \mathbb{Z}_4[/itex]. Now,

[itex]\varphi(a+b)=(8a+8b) mod 8=8a mod 8+8b mod 8=\phi(a)+\phi(b)[/itex]


[itex]\varphi(ab)=(64ab) mod 8=0=0 \cdot 0=(8a mod 8)(8b mod 8)[/itex]

Observe that all of the elements in Z4 map to the zero element in Z8 so the kernel of [itex]\varphi[/itex] is simply the whole of Z4 and Z4/ker [itex]\varphi[/itex] is simply the trivial ring {0}.

My first homomorphism seems to be wrong... a mod 4 * b mod 4 can be, say 4, 6 or 9 while ab mod 4 cannot when a,b belong to the subset {2,3}. What should I do to rectify this? Also, I cannot think of a homomorphism between these two that isn't injective. Any suggestions? Thanks! :D
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  • #2
Firstly, what do you mean with ring homomorphism?? Specifically, must it preserve units?? Must [itex]\phi(1)=1[/itex]?? I guess not, but I'll ask anyway.

Anyway, your first homomorphism is wrong. It is not a homomorphism. Indeed, one one hand we have

[tex]\phi(2+2)= 2+2=4[/tex]

but also


So our function does not satisfy [itex]\phi(a+b)=\phi(a)+\phi(b)[/itex].

Now, as a hint to find a suitable homomorphism. What happens if I put [itex]\phi(1)=2[/itex]? Can I extent this to a homomorphism?
  • #3
Mmm, yes, we're dealing with ring homomorphisms without the [itex]\varphi(1)=1[/itex] condition. I thought of something similar to your hint, I'm guessing since a homomorphism should preserve [itex]\varphi(nx)=n(\varphi(x))[/itex], we have [itex]x \longmapsto ax[/itex] and by Lagrange's theorem, |a| divides both 4 and 8, so |a|=1,2 or 4 and a=0,2 or 4. So my [itex]x \longmapsto 0[/itex] homomorphism works and is one-to-one, but when I tried [itex]x \longmapsto 2x[/itex] and [itex]x \longmapsto 4x[/itex], I couldn't have [itex]\varphi(1 \cdot 1)=\varphi(1) \cdot \varphi(1)[/itex]. Could you give another nudge? Also, I'm entirely clueless as to how to have the homomorphism NOT be injective.
  • #4
Anyone? ):
  • #5
llstelle said:
So my [itex]x \longmapsto 0[/itex] homomorphism works and is one-to-one,
Why is it one-to-one? :confused:

Could you give another nudge?
Do you believe your work? If it's right, what can you conclude? Have you thought carefully enough about both your work and what it implies to be confident in that conclusion? (and if you're not confident, can you imagine ways to analyze the problem to gain confidence?)

If you really don't want to deal with that, mouse over the below to get another comment
The zero map is the only rng homomorphism. Are you sure the problem isn't asking about group homomorphisms, or module homomorphisms?

P.S. I think the best convention is to use "ring" to refer to the version where a ring has to have a multiplicative identity, and "rng" for the version where it does not. ("rng" is "ring" without "i")

Actually, that's not true. The best convention is, whenever there may be confusion, to explicitly state what convention you're using. :wink:
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  • #6
Hurkyl said:
Why is it one-to-one? :confused:

OH WAIT, I am an idiot! Ahhh.

Hurkyl said:
Do you believe your work? If it's right, what can you conclude? Have you thought carefully enough about both your work and what it implies to be confident in that conclusion? (and if you're not confident, can you imagine ways to analyze the problem to gain confidence?)

If you really don't want to deal with that, mouse over the below to get another comment
The zero map is the only rng homomorphism. Are you sure the problem isn't asking about group homomorphisms, or module homomorphisms?

As you two suggest, I think my professor is expecting a group homomorphism actually (without [itex]\varphi(1)=1[/itex] condition). She teaches off Gallian's text, which doesn't have the [itex]\varphi(1)=1[/itex] condition in the definition of a ring homomorphism... But I think I've exhausted the options as well, with [itex]\varphi(a)=0,2a,4a[/itex] being the only possibilities. I don't get why there could be two examples she's expecting... argh. And ohhh... rng and ring is an interesting convention!
  • #7
llstelle said:
As you two suggest, I think my professor is expecting a group homomorphism actually (without [itex]\varphi(1)=1[/itex] condition).
There's another difference -- a group homomorphism doesn't have a [itex]\varphi(xy)=\varphi(x)\varphi(y)[/itex] condition.
  • #8
Ahh, that's right. I'll point out the problem in her assignment. Thanks very much to both of you!

Related to Ring homomorphism from Z4 to Z8

1. What is a ring homomorphism from Z4 to Z8?

A ring homomorphism is a type of function that preserves the algebraic structure of two rings. In this case, it maps elements from the ring Z4 to elements in the ring Z8 in a way that maintains their addition, multiplication, and identity properties.

2. How is a ring homomorphism different from a regular function?

A ring homomorphism has additional properties that a regular function does not necessarily have. These properties include preserving the ring's multiplication and identity properties in addition to preserving addition. This means that the function must map the identity element of one ring to the identity element of the other ring.

3. Can a ring homomorphism from Z4 to Z8 be one-to-one?

No, a ring homomorphism from Z4 to Z8 cannot be one-to-one because Z4 has 4 elements while Z8 has 8 elements. This means that at least two elements from Z4 must map to the same element in Z8, violating the one-to-one property of a function.

4. What is an example of a ring homomorphism from Z4 to Z8?

An example of a ring homomorphism from Z4 to Z8 is the function f(x) = 2x. This function maps the elements 0, 1, 2, and 3 in Z4 to the elements 0, 2, 4, and 6 in Z8, respectively. It maintains the addition, multiplication, and identity properties of both rings.

5. How is the kernel of a ring homomorphism related to the quotient ring?

The kernel of a ring homomorphism is the set of elements in the first ring that map to the identity element in the second ring. In this case, the kernel would be the set {0, 2} in Z4. The quotient ring is then formed by dividing the first ring by the kernel. In this example, the quotient ring would be Z4/{0, 2} which is isomorphic to Z2.

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